Should Dungey play | Page 2 |

Should Dungey play

Nominee for worst thread of the day, in a day when there are some ripe ones.

This is the type of hysterical horse stuff that never ends on these boards.

Any more this year? Risking another head injury v. getting playing experience in a lost season. Maybe its better to give a back up playing time in case he's needed next season.

Yeah, and the O-line played pretty good today, too. Maybe we should give them a rest as well.:eek::eat popcorn::eek:
The one thing coyle should look at in terms of this coaching staff is how the players play. If they give up and roll over time for a change. if this team fights for every down like they have been then they are playing and the staff deserves the credit for it. This team is very young and they simply don't have the senior leadership to stay in close games. Shutting down anyone is simply the dumbest thing I have ever heard. This is football and it's a contact sport. You could see dungey on the sidelines the entire time saying I'm fine I'm ready to go back. If there was even the slightest thought of a concussion after the tests he would not have been cleared. As shafer always says you fight the good fight.

It's no longer about the won-loss record for this team. It's about watching them grow up. And they can't do that from the sidelines.

Hang on. Why hasn't anyone tried this? He would be impossible to bring down.

Not sure how you get the ball in or out of the bubble, but, I mean, he'd be impossible to stop.
"Dungey breaks through the line and he could go all the way...oh, but here comes Laser hot on his tail!"

Football players play football

Flutie played 4 full years and was able to stay upright.
Any more this year? Risking another head injury v. getting playing experience in a lost season. Maybe its better to give a back up playing time in case he's needed next season.

This is a question (see the ? mark) that some very few nearly extinct others have raised, not a conclusion. OMG.
What a stupid post!
If dungey get's cleared he should play. I was fine with him being in the game late on Saturday.
The one thing coyle should look at in terms of this coaching staff is how the players play. If they give up and roll over time for a change. if this team fights for every down like they have been then they are playing and the staff deserves the credit for it. This team is very young and they simply don't have the senior leadership to stay in close games. Shutting down anyone is simply the dumbest thing I have ever heard. This is football and it's a contact sport. You could see dungey on the sidelines the entire time saying I'm fine I'm ready to go back. If there was even the slightest thought of a concussion after the tests he would not have been cleared. As shafer always says you fight the good fight.
I hear you, but there are common sense exceptions. When a player has repeated concussions and/or head trauma. After all, avoiding yet another trauma for a week or two while giving the brain some time to heal seems to be common sense. Aren't we beyond the "rub some dirt on it" mentality?
I hear you, but there are common sense exceptions. When a player has repeated concussions and/or head trauma. After all, avoiding yet another trauma for a week or two while giving the brain some time to heal seems to be common sense. Aren't we beyond the "rub some dirt on it" mentality?
I don't know much about shafer but the guy seems to love his players and looks after them like family. how do we know he has had any concussions. Has any of us examined him, has dungey called any of us up and said man that last concussion sucked. How are we so sure this kid is one blow alway from never playing again. I think we should give the athletic department, doctors, and coaching staff a little credit. Maybe just maybe their advanced knowledge of the situation will give them more insight on if he can or can't play.
I hear you, but there are common sense exceptions. When a player has repeated concussions and/or head trauma. After all, avoiding yet another trauma for a week or two while giving the brain some time to heal seems to be common sense. Aren't we beyond the "rub some dirt on it" mentality?
I think if it is in the player's best interest to sit, the doctors would not clear him. Am I naive to trust the doctors in this case?
I don't know much about shafer but the guy seems to love his players and looks after them like family. how do we know he has had any concussions. Has any of us examined him, has dungey called any of us up and said man that last concussion sucked. How are we so sure this kid is one blow alway from never playing again. I think we should give the athletic department, doctors, and coaching staff a little credit. Maybe just maybe their advanced knowledge of the situation will give them more insight on if he can or can't play.
As I said previously, to me it is the repeated head trauma over a short period of time that bothers me. Whether or not technically a concussion is not the issue. If it is my kid he sits for at least a week or two. I have a more sobering view regarding medical protocol, which is really just learning about the effects of head trauma. They do the best they have with the information they have, but that information is constantly evolving and changing protocols.
Literally the only thing a coach can do is listen to the medical staff. It's not 1995, head injuries are taken very seriously. He'd be sitting if MEDICAL DOCTORS deemed it necessary.
Of course he should play. He didn't get a concussion today.
he should not play the rest of the year---broken, battered and beaten. he has been on his own. he will not last.
As I said previously, to me it is the repeated head trauma over a short period of time that bothers me. Whether or not technically a concussion is not the issue. If it is my kid he sits for at least a week or two. I have a more sobering view regarding medical protocol, which is really just learning about the effects of head trauma. They do the best they have with the information they have, but that information is constantly evolving and changing protocols.
I'm not totally disagreeing with you. The one thing is the repeated head trauma statement. They are playing football. A contact sport that every player on that team is going to get hit in the head. Take boxing for example, you can't expect to be a boxer and have a perfect nose or never get hit in the head. These kids get smacked in the head, go helmet to helmet, fall to the ground hitting your head. If head contact wasn't involved they would be playing golf. Football is a game that head contact can't be stopped.
I'm not totally disagreeing with you. The one thing is the repeated head trauma statement. They are playing football. A contact sport that every player on that team is going to get hit in the head. Take boxing for example, you can't expect to be a boxer and have a perfect nose or never get hit in the head. These kids get smacked in the head, go helmet to helmet, fall to the ground hitting your head. If head contact wasn't involved they would be playing golf. Football is a game that head contact can't be stopped.

Boxing oddly enough is not comparable as studies have shown punches to create mostly facial rather than head trauma. More importantly, the issue is severe head trauma not mere helmet to helmet contact.

If your son gets knocked out two or three times in a few weeks you just say, "well, that's football"?
Exactly the type of response I'd expect. Fortunately for us, he's tougher than the majority of this board.
Lets hope hes smarter than some of the opinions expressed on the board!
Random thought...

Assume we get Hunt back next year. Can we shut down Dungey for next year and just let him re-coup and get stronger, and then have him return in 2 years? I am not sure if sitting out a year would help with the concussions at all.

Literally the only thing a coach can do is listen to the medical staff. It's not 1995, head injuries are taken very seriously. He'd be sitting if MEDICAL DOCTORS deemed it necessary.
If he is my kid, I would have something to say about it. Medicine is evolving in this area and diagnosis is still an art form. I would err on the cautious side. The OP question was this week not the remainder of the year. Sitting for a week (or two) is not an unreasonable response - especially for a parent.
You guys must be around different doctors than I have been in contact with.

For these guys, there is no black and white. They think in and talk in statistical terms about probability and increased and decreased risk. Some concussions are easily diagnosed but some give off weaker or mixed signals. Repeated concussions are statistically connected with all sorts of bad stuff later in life like early-onset Alzheimer's and Parkinsons. That doesn't mean they understand why this happens, they just know it does statistically.

And I don't know what "cleared to play" actually means. It certainly doesn't mean there's no risk. It means the risk is not beyond a certain limit.

There's been a lot of conversation lately about the danger of eating meat, especially smoked meats like bacon. The research shows that people who eat a lot of bacon, etc increase their chances of colorectal cancer from about 5% to about 6%. The Press --- starved for this kind of bad news --- reported this as a 20% increase in the probability of getting the disease (without mentioning the 5% number)

Dungey and his family have to decide how much increased risk they are willing to take. I'd be a little concerned about HCSS, who is fighting for his job, making that decision. There's a lot of pressure on him to keep this very valuable part of the SU team on the field. So his level of acceptable risk might be different from ED's parents.

One of my good friends died after a several year bout with early Alzheimers. I wouldn't recommend it as a way of going out. At the end of the road the family is wrecked emotionally and financially and the patient has no idea who any of these people are.
If he is my kid, I would have something to say about it. Medicine is evolving in this area and diagnosis is still an art form. I would err on the cautious side. The OP question was this week not the remainder of the year. Sitting for a week (or two) is not an unreasonable response - especially for a parent.
Doesn't change the fact that the medical staff makes that call, and, are trained to do so.
Well, I am saying not if he is my kid. I would simply tell Shafer he is not playing.
So you're more trained than a doctor? It's a good thing you don't have a son playing college football. The amount of stuff that happens in practice and on the field is staggering. I see hits everyday that make me wonder how I ever held up for 17 seasons. That's the game, and if a doctor thinks you're good to go, you go.
Well, I am saying not if he is my kid. I would simply tell Shafer he is not playing.
That's all well and good. Hell, my wife refuses to ever let my son play football because of the head injuries, so I'll almost certainly never have this sort of personal decision.

But again - the people whose kid this IS, will absolutely want him on the field whenever he's cleared.

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