WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY???? Taking away the feed to be able to watch a SCRIMMAGE on TV. Are you serious. What benefit does this do anyone? Cancel the exposure to recruits, to fans that aren't willing to travel a hour and a half each way to watch a scrimmage of an hour, to the fan that just doesn't want to take their young kids to a Friday night scrimmage but still allow their kids to be connected with the team.
EVERY WEEK this University takes a step backwards in some way or form. Before anyone jumps on me and starts to defend the University or say I'm a fair weathered fan know this. I had season tickets for 35 years straight. Missed 3 THREE games in 35 years. I bleed orange but the persons running this program keep %#$&*% the actual fans and then they wonder why their fan base keeps leaving in droves. This isn't just a football thing either, basketball attendance was down again this year. It was TWO YEARS ago the University was to announce the game plan for the upgraded or new Dome. Glad they can meet their own deadline. This was just for an announcement. Now I'm hearing all they may be doing is putting on a new roof "similar" to the one we have (so cost effective) and widening the concourse. WHY WIDEN THE CONCOURSE FOR AN EMPTY FACILITY???
Pack it up Syracuse. Always crying money, never investing it back tot he sport/s itself or the fans who support it. Goodnight!