How many surveys have the done in the last 20 yrs like this , its been a decent amount.. Maybe the new regime actually has some method to the questions. That would be great. I do know that several times in the past the surveys were done in a vacuum because they were told to reach out and get information but the people who sent out the surveys really had no idea how to ask the questions in ways to get good results..
The type of questions to me points to someone knows people are complaining about things and they want to get an idea how wide spread the complaints really are.
Case in pt.. Wifi sucks.. We all know it. So now they have a survey that has some data points where they reached out to X STH and got responses from Y and Z number said WIFI is a hot ticket item. is this new ground breaking info they got from this set of soft questions?
If you really wanted to know details about several of these key things hire 10-20 kids, tell them what info you want to ask about and send them out to the 7 games and talk with people who are tailgating.. Those are the STH for the most part that are passionate. Those are the ones using parking all the time.. Then send them up to skytop or a couple lots are are probably more used by the people are are one-offs. because those people are never gonna be in this survey. the rest of us are paying for parking. $5k done.. SU has marketing in their business courses dont they? This is the stuff they have learn how to do..
Start the survey off with a quick selection asking if you would want to take a more detailed survey later about some set of issues.. Then hit people up with these general questions.. Now you have to sets of data points for each question.