Storming the court | Page 5 |

Storming the court

Is it ok to storm the court?

  • We’re Syracuse. Such tomfoolery is beneath us as a program.

    Votes: 24 16.9%
  • It’s ok but only if we knock off a top five (or top one) program

    Votes: 78 54.9%

    Votes: 40 28.2%

  • Total voters
Love court storming , Players get injured almost never i, Because it’s fing Duke something might be done. screw that.
We've got too many dam rules. These kids. Couldn't go to school. Had to wear mask, they live online, some of the younger ones can barely look you in the eye let alone hold a conversation. For God's sake if the students feel enough joy to storm the court let them enjoy the moment.
I like this. Hell, let’s storm every timeout.

Send a different section every four minutes and have them perform to a song played by SSS.

Vote on this and the best section all gets a free plow by a car plowing cartel.

The dance competitions will become more popular than the games at certain schools.

People will get in better shape. Learn more dance moves. Sales of dance apparel will soar and boost the economy.

Can you imagine what CNY can do when 20% of the population can rumba? Or moon walk?

Storm the court. Change the world. Bring it Rutgers Al!

So you've been thinking about this for awhile now...
So you think it’s more likely that a random student decided to intentionally yell at and try to shoulder tackle a Duke player, than it was that a Duke player tried to shove a random student running near him as he tried to exit the court?

I’m going with the latter because Occam’s Razor.
You added the shoulder tackle out of nowhere.
Out of the literal thousands of court storming, how many times have players been hurt?

Can someone tell me what the obviously high % this is since it’s all the rage to talk about?
Probably damn small but it should be 0%. Anything else isn’t acceptable.
I mean all these arenas employ security you just need to have them do their jobs and tell the kids to wait. Not sure how that Wake one was a top 5 all time most violent court storms but it was over the top the first 40 or so kids were ridiculous sprinting like that at the opponents.

You can only get on the court that quickly if there are zero security guards doing there job and telling the kids to wait.
I was hesitating about posting to this thread until your post popped up. I had posted several years back on my experiences with court storming and I am going to repeat my story at this time. My wife and I after we retired worked about 10 years as ushers at what is now the PNC arena in Raleigh. One night we were working a NC St basketball game and they were playing either Duke or UNCheaters. As always NC St was huge underdogs versus this opponent. It was apparent with 10 minutes to go or so that a possible upset was brewing so the usher supervisor requested about 20 of us larger size ushers to leave our posts in the arena and join him near elevators on arena floor. We were there to assist the fully deployed security staff in controlling the crowd. The ushers were instructed to line up on each side of the aisle way to allow the players to exit the court between us since security expected the floor to be stormed. We lined up and were speaking to the fans as the game wound down with NC ST winning. We told them our intent was not to keep them from storming, only to allow the players to leave and they were fine with that. As the clock hit 0:00 it was like a bomb went off. The fans adjacent to us three or four deep were orderly but the 1000s behind them were heading in all directions to the court. They pushed, shoved and climbed over people. I was standing with my arms interlocked with the next usher on each side of me and all of a sudden it was like I was caught in a ocean wave. We all were lifted off the floor and just shoved back into the players bench area. I ended up on the floor far enough back to be safe from the crowd moving towards the main court. There was no stopping the court storming. I learned my lesson and never agreed to participate in any future crowd control activities where court stormings were involved.

Main reason for my post is your comment regarding "the security guards doing their job and telling the fans/students to wait". Sounds good on paper but it doesn't work.
I like this. Hell, let’s storm every timeout.

Send a different section every four minutes and have them perform to a song played by SSS.

Vote on this and the best section all gets a free plow by a car plowing cartel.

The dance competitions will become more popular than the games at certain schools.

People will get in better shape. Learn more dance moves. Sales of dance apparel will soar and boost the economy.

Can you imagine what CNY can do when 20% of the population can rumba? Or moon walk?

Storm the court. Change the world. Bring it Rutgers Al!
Eventually we will storm the tennis matches, storm the crew meets ( that should be extra fun ) storm cross country, storm everything !!!
storm cooking GIF by Disney Pixar
Probably damn small but it should be 0%. Anything else isn’t acceptable.

I mean this with all due respect - I’d love it to be zero. Or I’d love to be assured the college students (many not sober) would listen and at least delay court storming. Truly.

Saying it has to be zero isn’t reality.

I am not a security expert. But you can put all the fines in for court storming you want, once those kids are coming, that fine won’t help.

There should be a focus on getting players off the court vs stopping fans rushing in terms of security if I had to hazard a guess.

Put in the punitive rules and maybe it will help.

But to see these people on tv get the vapors over this and saying that it shouldn’t be allowed isn’t helpful.
For all those wanting change, appreciate that finally an elite white man from Duke made the sacrifice to make decision-makers realize that court storming is simply unacceptable, and if it endangers one privileged white man in higher education, the costs are simply too dang high.
For all those wanting change, appreciate that finally an elite white man from Duke made the sacrifice to make decision-makers realize that court storming is simply unacceptable, and if it endangers one privileged white man in higher education, the costs are simply too dang high.

2nd racially-tinged post in a week. You're on a roll!
For all those wanting change, appreciate that finally an elite white man from Duke made the sacrifice to make decision-makers realize that court storming is simply unacceptable, and if it endangers one privileged white man in higher education, the costs are simply too dang high.
For all those wanting change, appreciate that finally an elite white man from Duke made the sacrifice to make decision-makers realize that court storming is simply unacceptable, and if it endangers one privileged white man in higher education, the costs are simply too dang high.

My man OttoinGrotto woke up today in this here year of our lord two thousand and twenty four and this was his day:

Wake up
Have a coffee
Read about court storming debate
Watch John Wick 1
Watch John Wick 2
Watch John Wick 3
Watch John Wick 4
Write the above post

If he had somehow included Kadary and JGIII in that post this site may have self-combusted and regressed into an AOL group.
My man OttoinGrotto woke up today in this here year of our lord two thousand and twenty four and this was his day:

Wake up
Have a coffee
Read about court storming debate
Watch John Wick 1
Watch John Wick 2
Watch John Wick 3
Watch John Wick 4
Write the above post

If he had somehow included Kadary and JGIII in that post this site may have self-combusted and regressed into an AOL group.
I don't drink coffee.
For all those wanting change, appreciate that finally an elite white man from Duke made the sacrifice to make decision-makers realize that court storming is simply unacceptable, and if it endangers one privileged white man in higher education, the costs are simply too dang high.
Why you are not banned for life from this board escapes me.
I suppose I'll stay in my lane and go back to repeating board tropes.

Rumor has it Filipowski now has the dreaded potato knee.

Keep it here.
At least Filipowski didn't have to face the "thickburger" era.

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