SU turned down TJ Neal? Morris visits in December.. | Page 2 |

SU turned down TJ Neal? Morris visits in December..

And Mike Williams had offers from Pittsburgh and Wisconsin; early offers at that.

The board will be in meltdown mode if we've honestly turned away Neal and Walls for committments from someone like Crossan or any other no offer kid.

With the way Whitehurst has been I'd tell him he needs to give a full committment and stop taking visits or else we pull his ship. Of course the downside to that gamble is getting none of them. The staff would be wise to still bring these kids in on official visits (Neal/Walls) if they're interested in visiting. If kids are turned away and Whitehurst pulls a switcharoo we're screwed. (also hope all the kids in the fold are qualified)

Lets just hope we're not turning away blue chippers for kids 'under the radar'.

The staff has a pretty good track record with holding onto recruits...
I am all for taking flyers on some "under the radar" type guys but we are in no way strong enough in the talent department to be turning away players like Neal. IMO this could turn out to be a monster of a mistake. I don't think our program as it stands right now is in any position to turn away players like Neal.
I am all for taking flyers on some "under the radar" type guys but we are in no way strong enough in the talent department to be turning away players like Neal. IMO this could turn out to be a monster of a mistake. I don't think our program as it stands right now is in any position to turn away players like Neal.

I'll accept it if Jarron Jones and/or David Perkins has given a silent verbal. If not I'll be disappointed.

The staff obviously has a good reason for turning them away though, and this is if it's true.
Just wondering if anyone else would like to tell us why this is a bad idea since no one knows their method behind this. Can i get an Amen?
I don't think it is that simple..I doubt Marrone would want to bump someone after they have committed and potentially ruin any relationships with any high school coaching staff. These two linebackers committed without visiting and have stayed committed. I don't blame a kid for taking visits when most likely Marrone has encouraged them to do so to ensure they know they are making the right decision for themselves.. Remember they are in contact with these kids and their coaches regularly...We also don't know who else may have committed...;)

...and before anyone brings up Gareef Glashen...that was a little different... within a few weeks before signing day and Shady was involved...

Glashen decommitted though to take his visits. He wasn't like Whitehurst and just taking his visits to take them.
Lets just see how this plays. There has be a good reason, however we may never know it... :noidea: Bring home a great class coach!
Orange Fizz (@OrangeFizz)
11/10/11 11:07 PM
David Perkins' Head Coach to the Fizz: Syracuse to the ACC could be a deciding factor for Boom. Much more coming on Perkins tomorrow
Orange Fizz (@OrangeFizz)
11/10/11 11:07 PM
David Perkins' Head Coach to the Fizz: Syracuse to the ACC could be a deciding factor for Boom. Much more coming on Perkins tomorrow

Make it happen, Marrone!

The star gazers will be s'ing-tfu if Marrone get's 2 4 stars back to back.
WOW. Intteresting. Let's see what tomorrow brings (besides a win)
Orange Fizz (@OrangeFizz)
11/10/11 11:07 PM
David Perkins' Head Coach to the Fizz: Syracuse to the ACC could be a deciding factor for Boom. Much more coming on Perkins tomorrow

That would be pretty freaking amazing. And the opportunity for a prospect like Perkins to come in and earn immediate playing time would be right there for the taking.

Closing out this class with Thompson, Perkins, and someone like Morgan would be an unbelievable way to cap off what is shaping up as a really strong class, despite what the recruiting critics have to say.
Beating UMichigan for a kid from Michigan, an NYC kid with an Alabama offer, and a kid from South Bend with a UND offer would be very very encouraging for this staff, considering the detractors on this board.
That would be pretty freaking amazing. And the opportunity for a prospect like Perkins to come in and earn immediate playing time would be right there for the taking.

Closing out this class with Thompson, Perkins, and someone like Morgan would be an unbelievable way to cap off what is shaping up as a really strong class, despite what the recruiting critics have to say.

Scout already has us ranked 54 which isn't half bad considering the rank most of our recruits as 2 stars. If both Perkins and Morgan commit it will be bumped possibly into the low 40's, high 30's. If some recruits get bumped, that should be, like Washington-3, Knapp-4, Morgan-4, Palmer-3, Ford-3, and possibly McFarlane-4 then we'll be in great shape as far as recruiting.

Of course, this all hinges on Perkins and Morgan committing. I also refuse to rule out Jarron Jones. :D
Saying no to Neal makes a lot of sense if we got a silent from Perkins...
I think morgan started as a 4-star in the 20s as a S. Some poor camp showing really cooled him down, but he's put up some great #s so far at Erasmus.
I think morgan started as a 4-star in the 20s as a S. Some poor camp showing really cooled him down, but he's put up some great #s so far at Erasmus.

One bad camp and he's been downgraded to 3 stars and is ranked in the 90's at Safety?
One bad camp and he's been downgraded to 3 stars and is ranked in the 90's at Safety?
a few bad camps, unfortunately. Sounds like his biggest missteps were at "The Opening" camp in july. He was really inconsistent, and I think that was the sentiment throughout the summer. Big early offers based on athleticism and upside, but didn't show enough vs. the big boys. Still is a 4.49 guy, and has been playing above the competition in HS. Overall, he would be a very good get with some good coaching.

Edit: So much hype as a sophomore, check this article out
I think this whole idea of competition amongst the last scholarship spots to be an extremely encouraging sign. Period
It will be nice seeing SU go after highly respected athletes with good offers and not going after some kid that has a tennis scholarship from Lemoyne to fill the slot. I really do feel recruiting is going to continue to improve but I'll still be worried when it comes to signing day and the schools that pay good money lose a kid or two and swoop in to offer an SU kid or up their previous offer.
I'm no star gazer by any means but when kids are getting offers from michigan, florida and the like there has to be something there. I trust Marrones evaluation skills big time in the recruiting game.
Here's a scary proposition. Perkins commits but doesn't qualify as has been discussed as a possibility. We should try to grab Neal as well... Let's just be as greedy as we can be.

Or another pessimistic possibility, Perkins commits but we can't hold him for the next three months... Ah my indegestion is going nuts!
So the #15 MLB in the nation according to scout wants to come to cuse and we tell him no???
Im sick of people downplaying the star system when we all know d**n well its because we havent been getting high recruiting classes lately. Yea you can get diamonds in the rough and underrated guys as 2 stars, but just like an NFL team can get lucky with some UDFA's turned into stars (Arian Foster), its no way to build a competitive team.

We just saw Louisville who had a pretty nice class last year dominate us with those young guys so please lets stop acting like stars dont mean anything because they do.

We better have something big lined up because if we are turning away high 3 stars because were full of 2 stars, then thats a problem.

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