Syracuse University cancels contract with sports marketer IMG (PS) | Page 3 |

Syracuse University cancels contract with sports marketer IMG (PS)

Well my asking price must have been too high, because I just received an e-mail notifying me I did not make the pool of finalists for the position. Oh well, knew it was a long shot anyway.
Well, that sucks. Maybe it was the Broheim thing... ;)
I know not for profits in New York need to report the top (3-4?) salaried staff in the organization. Whether there is something above and beyond that, I don't know.

It's actually the IRS that requires non profits to report on their tax return (Form 990) the top 5 highest paid employees along with the compensation of officers, directors and key employees. Compensation is reported using the previous calendar year. The 990 also requires non profits to report their top 5 highest paid independent contractors.
HtownOrange said:
I wonder how much of this is due to the AD paying for full scholarships at the full SU price. If it was close under the the GROB/Marrone Big East years, I have to think that with the new ACC money, Syracuse should be in good shape. Just an opinion, would love to see real numbers. Also, did Cantor and does Syverud follow the Shaw policy that the AD had to contribute to the academic side? (I was never clear on that issue but it adds a new dimension to the equations) Re: DoE numbers, the reality is they are just a basic means of comparison, nothing more. Unless we let TexasCPA and a few others analyze everything and put monies in the same categories across the board, we will never have a true picture. It is fun to compare and debate, though.

It is my understanding that the AD does not account for scholarships and they go against the school enrolled in. Could be wrong but that's what I was told. I don't know of any athletic money going to the academic side.
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SUFan44 said:
It's not a net negative if you take everything into account. Which is why I scoff at all of these reports and studies. Do a poll of every incoming student (not just athletes) asking why they came to Syracuse University. I am betting there are some (not a lot, but some) that say having quality men's basketball was a factor in their choosing to attend Syracuse. There have been numerous studies done saying there is always an uptick of applications when a team wins a national title, or a smaller school makes the NCAA Tournament for the first time. Also, a sport like rowing, women's hockey, women's soccer, men's soccer - how many kids are getting full rides? Not many. A lot of them are paying, either through loans or out of pocket to come to the University. And wouldn't have gone to SU without those teams being in existence or being recruited to play there. This is not even taking into account the number of times Syracuse University's campus is being broadcast on national TV (ESPN, ABC, etc.) for football, basketball, lacrosse... The exposure and brand marketing related to this is enormous and I am sure someone in the marketing field could calculate how much the University is gaining in relative marketing money by having one basketball game the magnitude of Syracuse-Duke on ESPN, and hyped up for days before. Could the AD be more fiscally responsible? I am on record as saying there's too much fat at the top and too many roosters in the coup. Not to mention a few non-revenue sport HC's that are making way over market value. But when you say the athletic department is a "net negative" in some years, that's not taking a look at the entire picture.

The net negative words weren't mine. They were Marcoccia's. And accounting books don't take into account other possible benefits that can't be quantified.
It's actually the IRS that requires non profits to report on their tax return (Form 990) the top 5 highest paid employees along with the compensation of officers, directors and key employees. Compensation is reported using the previous calendar year. The 990 also requires non profits to report their top 5 highest paid independent contractors.
Thanks. My only experience is the info resides (also I guess) with the Charities Division in the NYS AG's office as on a couple of occasions I went to their office to review some forms in order to dig up some dirt. :D
It is my understanding that the AD does not account for scholarships and they go against the school enrolled in. Could be wrong but that's what I was told. I don't know of any athletic money going to the academic side.
Thanks. That would change the math seriously against the AD.
Syracuse says 'nothing will change' regarding fan experience after likely split from IMG (PS: Carlson)

Matt Park, the voice of Syracuse football and basketball, is technically an employee of IMG and not the university.

Giansante declined to comment on Park but, when asked specifically about Park's future, he repeated that the fan experience would not change.

Park declined an interview request but passed along a statement via text message.

"It's been a privilege to serve Syracuse University athletics and IMG for more than a decade," Park said. "I certainly hope that will continue. I'm preparing for the football season as if it will."
Syracuse says 'nothing will change' regarding fan experience after likely split from IMG (PS: Carlson)

Matt Park, the voice of Syracuse football and basketball, is technically an employee of IMG and not the university.

Giansante declined to comment on Park but, when asked specifically about Park's future, he repeated that the fan experience would not change.

Park declined an interview request but passed along a statement via text message.

"It's been a privilege to serve Syracuse University athletics and IMG for more than a decade," Park said. "I certainly hope that will continue. I'm preparing for the football season as if it will."

I'm holding out a tiny bit of hope that the "fan experience" will in fact change for the better. Perhaps we could go back to having less in-game crap and actually enjoying the game experience?

Probably not, but this could give SU a little more wiggle room
It is my understanding that the AD does not account for scholarships and they go against the school enrolled in. Could be wrong but that's what I was told. I don't know of any athletic money going to the academic side.
This is along the lines of the "allocations" I was referring to. I chose the easiest one, but would assume that room and board would also be treated in the same fashion. This could be why one analyst would say the AD is losing money, whereas a report filed with the DOE would say otherwise.
Good news for Syracuse.

Considering what IMG etc pay for these kind of rights...I've always wondered just how hard it would be to bring it all in house, and how much more could be made. Now that $100M athletic budgets are getting fairly much to hire a few well paid marketing employees to handle monetizing all these rights on your own and cut out the middle man.

I know just signing the rights to one of these firms is the easy money...but I wonder if for a resourceful school or athletic director, how much more money is out there if you did it directly.
SU better not do it in-house. After the disaster that was the uniform unveiling, doing it in-house is a scary thought. Hire pros and tell Mrs. Gross and her staff to stay out of the way.
maybe this was the only way to give S.S. and his staff a big boost in pay to keep them here and IMG balked at coming up with more money
Good news for Syracuse.

Considering what IMG etc pay for these kind of rights...I've always wondered just how hard it would be to bring it all in house, and how much more could be made. Now that $100M athletic budgets are getting fairly much to hire a few well paid marketing employees to handle monetizing all these rights on your own and cut out the middle man.

I know just signing the rights to one of these firms is the easy money...but I wonder if for a resourceful school or athletic director, how much more money is out there if you did it directly.

Lou_C - I think this is one post where you are totally wrong and off base. University employees, just like government employees, have no idea what it takes or even understand what the following term even means - sales. Sports marketing companies are in existence for a reason - sales - and exactly why FSU uses IMG as it's sales and sports marketing partner - they get the job done. SU is fooling itself if it thinks it can do any better.

After reading the press reports and what I know on the inside - SUAD and SU Admin is really at fault. Who in their right mind signs a 20-3o year agreement for marketing rights - simply stupid. Same for giving away naming rights of the Dome forever to Carrier.

SUAD is really one of the most mismanaged businesses in existence - cronyism, favoritism and stupidism is the norm. If there is a problem, hire someone to fix it but god forbid if you hold anyone accountable. I actually have faith in the new Chancellor to fix most of it - one can only hope - but his mantra is accountability and cost cutting. Lots of departments, even outside of SUAD, are feeling it.

Finally I think the good doctor is great as a front man so I support him in that way but he really needed all along was a really strong second in command to run an efficient SUAD behind the scenes. I think that the good doctor time here is limited - you heard this from me first - less than 1 year from now we will have a new AD. Why - his way of doing things is contra to the new Chancellor's way of doing things. Nuff said.
maybe this was the only way to give S.S. and his staff a big boost in pay to keep them here and IMG balked at coming up with more money

Love Coach Shafer and staff - think they're going to do a great job. But a 7-6 record doesn't put you in line for a raise. Sorry.
Lou_C - I think this is one post where you are totally wrong and off base. University employees, just like government employees, have no idea what it takes or even understand what the following term even means - sales. Sports marketing companies are in existence for a reason - sales - and exactly why FSU uses IMG as it's sales and sports marketing partner - they get the job done. SU is fooling itself if it thinks it can do any better.

After reading the press reports and what I know on the inside - SUAD and SU Admin is really at fault. Who in their right mind signs a 20-3o year agreement for marketing rights - simply stupid. Same for giving away naming rights of the Dome forever to Carrier.

SUAD is really one of the most mismanaged businesses in existence - cronyism, favoritism and stupidism is the norm. If there is a problem, hire someone to fix it but god forbid if you hold anyone accountable. I actually have faith in the new Chancellor to fix most of it - one can only hope - but his mantra is accountability and cost cutting. Lots of departments, even outside of SUAD, are feeling it.

Finally I think the good doctor is great as a front man so I support him in that way but he really needed all along was a really strong second in command to run an efficient SUAD behind the scenes. I think that the good doctor time here is limited - you heard this from me first - less than 1 year from now we will have a new AD. Why - his way of doing things is contra to the new Chancellor's way of doing things. Nuff said.

Wrong...the payside knew about the doctor for a long time now;)
chakka3421 said:
I think that the good doctor time here is limited - you heard this from me first - less than 1 year from now we will have a new AD. Why - his way of doing things is contra to the new Chancellor's way of doing things. Nuff said.

Maybe 4th.
Lou_C - I think this is one post where you are totally wrong and off base. University employees, just like government employees, have no idea what it takes or even understand what the following term even means - sales. Sports marketing companies are in existence for a reason - sales - and exactly why FSU uses IMG as it's sales and sports marketing partner - they get the job done. SU is fooling itself if it thinks it can do any better.

After reading the press reports and what I know on the inside - SUAD and SU Admin is really at fault. Who in their right mind signs a 20-3o year agreement for marketing rights - simply stupid. Same for giving away naming rights of the Dome forever to Carrier.

SUAD is really one of the most mismanaged businesses in existence - cronyism, favoritism and stupidism is the norm. If there is a problem, hire someone to fix it but god forbid if you hold anyone accountable. I actually have faith in the new Chancellor to fix most of it - one can only hope - but his mantra is accountability and cost cutting. Lots of departments, even outside of SUAD, are feeling it.

Finally I think the good doctor is great as a front man so I support him in that way but he really needed all along was a really strong second in command to run an efficient SUAD behind the scenes. I think that the good doctor time here is limited - you heard this from me first - less than 1 year from now we will have a new AD. Why - his way of doing things is contra to the new Chancellor's way of doing things. Nuff said.

No, I don't disagree with that. Definitely not suggesting that Syracuse should take it in house, or any ACC school for that matter. I was thinking more of when a program that's a "machine" like Ohio State, Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, ND, etc might be willing to go out an hire the type of staff it would take to make it work. These schools are already bringing in big time CEOs to run their departments...seems like you could see it eventually.
SU better not do it in-house. After the disaster that was the uniform unveiling, doing it in-house is a scary thought. Hire pros and tell Mrs. Gross and her staff to stay out of the way.

Seriously i just winced in agony at even seeing that suggested. This group can't figure out ticket structure pricing, or fundraising, how in the world are they going to do this in house?
can someone tell me what IMG actually does for us? i know it's something useful but it's murky to outsiders
Millhouse said:
can someone tell me what IMG actually does for us? i know it's something useful but it's murky to outsiders
From the P-S:

"IMG, together with a company it merged with, ISP, had been marketing SU sports since 1999. IMG sold everything from signage at the dome to the Time Warner logo on football coach Scott Shafer's headset. It also had been paying the lion's share of salaries for SU's top coaches and a share of the salary of SU's athletic director, Darryl Gross.

"SU has not said how much IMG paid the university. IMG's payment to SU had been a guaranteed amount, with a percentage of revenue shared once a threshold is met, Joe Giansante, SU's executive senior associate athletic director, said last fall. But IMG is paying West Virginia University at least $7 million a year to market its sports programs, according to published reports.

"IMG handled all of SU's marketing for football, men's and women's basketball and the coaches' radio show for those sports, as well as running men's lacrosse play-by-play radio and SU game programs. IMG handled all of SU sports' Internet rights, event marketing and game promotional rights, video rights, publication rights and all facilities signage rights."
Todd Gack said:
From the P-S: "IMG, together with a company it merged with, ISP, had been marketing SU sports since 1999. IMG sold everything from signage at the dome to the Time Warner logo on football coach Scott Shafer's headset. It also had been paying the lion's share of salaries for SU's top coaches and a share of the salary of SU's athletic director, Darryl Gross. "SU has not said how much IMG paid the university. IMG's payment to SU had been a guaranteed amount, with a percentage of revenue shared once a threshold is met, Joe Giansante, SU's executive senior associate athletic director, said last fall. But IMG is paying West Virginia University at least $7 million a year to market its sports programs, according to published reports. "IMG handled all of SU's marketing for football, men's and women's basketball and the coaches' radio show for those sports, as well as running men's lacrosse play-by-play radio and SU game programs. IMG handled all of SU sports' Internet rights, event marketing and game promotional rights, video rights, publication rights and all facilities signage rights."

So basically all that stuff that hasn't been that great that we've been complaining about :).

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