Thank you Ryan Nassib |

Thank you Ryan Nassib


Hall of Fame
Aug 21, 2011
for being a (overall) successful Qb to get the Syracuse program back on track to respectability and one day to renewed greatness. Seriously. Horrible game by him, yes but the body of work is what I look at. Emphasize "one day renewed greatness" because it's going to come down the road after his tenure is up. As CIL and I have (others too) always noted we need a multidimensional, multithreat Qb to get over the hump beyond being decent to being above average and even great. Someone who can create. And oh yeah hit open receivers with greater regularity.

Especially in a situation like today with the natural let down that will inevitably occur, you need a superstar player to carry your team both with his off and on the field skills. That just isn't happening (and won't due to limited skill set). I'll leave it up to the coaches to figure when his time is up but if it isn't until 2 more years (likely)we can expect more of this and just have to hunker down in our support for the frustrating and maddening Cuse. That's why last week was something to savor. There will be more of that down the road but, unfortunately, a lot of more of this.

Hang in gents/ladies Rome wasn't built in a day! Go Orange.
Nassib is a good qb and he still needs to improve his footwork under pressure along with staying in the pocket and hitting his receiver just before getting popped. His long ball still needs work as well but again overall he's a very good qb.
Ryan is an ok qb...I have more concern with the coaching from four perspectives:
1. Consistency...don't see it
2. Execution...did not see it in play execution and personal fouls
3. Inability to change play calling and game scheme...Ryan should not have stayed under center for most of game...he is better as a roll-out and shot gun qb
4. Emotion and getting team up...reminds me of JB...just doesnt get team up and ready with stoic demeanor...

So Rome wasn't built in a day...but regardless of players...coaching staff is the key and with the above 4 points...they failed the team today
Nassib is a good qb and he still needs to improve his footwork under pressure along with staying in the pocket and hitting his receiver just before getting popped. His long ball still needs work as well but again overall he's a very good qb.

If what you mentioned hasn't happened by now I can assure you it isn't gonna happen. Can't make Michael Jordan out of Doug Gottlieb...
If what you mentioned hasn't happened by now I can assure you it isn't gonna happen. Can't make Michael Jordan out of Doug Gottlieb...

I disagree with the hyperbole. Nassib has improved each year and it's a process. He's a smart kid and seems to be coachable and willing to learn, I think he will continue to work on these things and in my opinion will get better. He has improved his fumbling quite a bit and now it's time for him to keep improving in other areas. There are other areas he has improved in as well that many fans probably don't even know about.
Ryan , no more deep passes you havent connected since the pinstripe bowl, and havent even been close.

Very disappointed.
i give up. i think anyone that thinks this guy is the least bit good is on drugs. but he's our guy and the other guys must be really bad so whatever.

he improved his TD to INT ratio on the worst day ever. it might be time to start looking at something other than ints

WVU might suck

we need somebody new next year. we need somebody new this year but whatever
i give up. i think anyone that thinks this guy is the least bit good is on drugs. but he's our guy and the other guys must be really bad so whatever.

he improved his TD to INT ratio on the worst day ever. it might be time to start looking at something other than ints

WVU might suck

we need somebody new next year. we need somebody new this year but whatever

Why do you consider it ridiculous when people pump Nassib past where he really is, but then go to a much further extreme when it comes to how easy it should be to find someone who is good enough to replace him?
Why do you consider it ridiculous when people pump Nassib past where he really is, but then go to a much further extreme when it comes to how easy it should be to find someone who is good enough to replace him?
apparently it's not that easy. i didn't say whether it was or wasn't. we just need someone different. maybe it's hard to find someone different. they still need to do it
apparently it's not that easy. i didn't say whether it was or wasn't. we just need someone different. maybe it's hard to find someone different. they still need to do it

OK, gotcha. I have always been a fan of Nassib, but I too feel we are getting to the point where he can only help us so much more before we are tapped out. A game like today may never happen if he can hit just one bomb early in the game. Or he flashes his legs before desperation time. That said, he isn't slow, and he isn't a noodle-arm, so there is no reason it CAN'T happen, but you have to wonder what is going on in that kids head at this point.
Seems Ryan is so fearful of INTs that he won't risk potential throws past 10 yards. Someone's got to tell DM and Ryan it's an ok risk to get INTed on a 40 yard throw to the red zone because that's where you will be if you punt it anyway. No risk no reward!
I'll leave it up to the coaches to figure when his time is up but if it isn't until 2 more years (likely)we can expect more of this and just have to hunker down in our support for the frustrating and maddening Cuse.
Isn't the whole team an up and down performer? Do you think today is on Ryan anymore than anyone else?
grading it out today was a total suckfest for nassib. other than his lone dash for the first down he was super subpar. bet he wants the tape erased.
Marrone-ball means that every play has exaggerated meaning. In many a game it seems like a crucial dropped pass on third down, even as early as the first half, has had a dramatic negative effect. So when you factor in all of the opportunities Ryan left on the table today, it's easy to see why the score was what it was.
Nassib is the worst deep ball passer SU has ever had, he overthrows the ball every single time. He is still a good QB and I back him 100% but my god can he ever hit a wide open WR on a deep ball? Its embarrasing.

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