The all-inclusive Rutgers dumpster fire thread... | Page 28 |

The all-inclusive Rutgers dumpster fire thread...

Of course people who wander arond the office wishing it were the good old days are problems.

But this was about someone knowing the answers and the new leader not bothering to even ask. Like Fridge and Flood.

Hving said that, lrt me comment on your other point.

Seems to me that this current generation of 30 year olds really are the most childish generation ever.

Raised by parents who tried to give them everything, coddled by an education system that worries most about self-esteem, and freed from any military service obligation.

A self-entitled and generally clueless generation. The worst ever.

That's Miami (OH) btw which makes it even funnier.
Sounds like a case of bitter old guy to me, seen it 10,000 times. " Walking around the office, talking about the good old days, and stating that these kids who are actually in their thirties don't know what is like in the good old days! They want to run the business with a laptop and an I Phone, etc etc. Shite gets old as does bitter old guy, well past their prime and walking around the joint like a GD hall monitor.

People in their 30's are not kids or girls
I remember reading somewhere an old guy telling a younger guy I know what is like to be your age but you don't know what is like to be my age. Great leaders are smart enough to be good listeners, recognize talent, and get wisdom regardless of where it comes from. Those who think they know everything are doomed to failure.
This post reeks of "Get off my lawn!"

Im pretty sure every generation has said that about the generation under them.

History will be the judge. But my opinion is that the Baby Boom Generation will be viewed as the "Worst Generation." As with the example above, referencing the 30 year olds, the Boomers were given everything. They have picked up where "The Greatest Generation" left off, and have essentially brought the country to the brink.
History will be the judge. But my opinion is that the Baby Boom Generation will be viewed as the "Worst Generation." As with the example above, referencing the 30 year olds, the Boomers were given everything. They have picked up where "The Greatest Generation" left off, and have essentially brought the country to the brink.
Guilty. :(
I remember reading somewhere an old guy telling a younger guy I know what is like to be your age but you don't know what is like to be my age. Great leaders are smart enough to be good listeners, recognize talent, and get wisdom regardless of where it comes from. Those who think they know everything are doomed to failure.

Great leaders do not broadly generalize those in their 30's as the worst generation. Especially those people he does not know. I am 35 years and extraordinarily proud of what I have accomplished in life thus far.

I have busted my a$$ off to get where I am in my professional life. I spend 75 nights a year away from my kids and wife in order to provide for them. No, I did not serve in the military - and Townie knows nothing of my respect for those in uniform. He also knows nothing of the sacrifices I have made to get me where I am today.

For him to make that statement is plain silly. He knows nothing about the husband I am, let alone what kind of father I am to my two children. In fact, judging by the condescending tone of the vast majority of his posts - he could use some of his own advice with regards to listening.
History will be the judge. But my opinion is that the Baby Boom Generation will be viewed as the "Worst Generation." As with the example above, referencing the 30 year olds, the Boomers were given everything. They have picked up where "The Greatest Generation" left off, and have essentially brought the country to the brink.

We Boomers were pampered some, primarily because our parents had grown up during the Depression.
But, we also lost 55,000 of our brothers and sisters in Vietnam. Until our political leaders decided that a war of choice was a good idea and that it could be waged with a small cadre of professional soldiers, no generation following the Boomers had sacrificed so much.
Great leaders do not broadly generalize those in their 30's as the worst generation. Especially those people he does not know. I am 35 years and extraordinarily proud of what I have accomplished in life thus far.

I have busted my a$$ off to get where I am in my professional life. I spend 75 nights a year away from my kids and wife in order to provide for them. No, I did not serve in the military - and Townie knows nothing of my respect for those in uniform. He also knows nothing of the sacrifices I have made to get me where I am today.

For him to make that statement is plain silly. He knows nothing about the husband I am, let alone what kind of father I am to my two children. In fact, judging by the condescending tone of the vast majority of his posts - he could use some of his own advice with regards to listening.

Not to offend, but consider, are you the one Townie was speaking of? I have met many wise people of all ages, and many more fools of all ages. Do you take action without input from others? Do you consider their counsel before making decisions that affect others? My guess is that you probably do. Talented people get ahead because they consider all options. Townie was speaking of fools, not all younger people.
Great leaders do not broadly generalize those in their 30's as the worst generation. Especially those people he does not know. I am 35 years and extraordinarily proud of what I have accomplished in life thus far.

I have busted my a$$ off to get where I am in my professional life. I spend 75 nights a year away from my kids and wife in order to provide for them. No, I did not serve in the military - and Townie knows nothing of my respect for those in uniform. He also knows nothing of the sacrifices I have made to get me where I am today.

For him to make that statement is plain silly. He knows nothing about the husband I am, let alone what kind of father I am to my two children. In fact, judging by the condescending tone of the vast majority of his posts - he could use some of his own advice with regards to listening.
I certainly did not mean that. I think it's wrong to generalize about anyone. I will tell you though when I first started working I was glad that I had some folks with more experience than me mentor me and help me through the rough spots. As I got older I was able to mentor some of the younger folks and help them like I was helped.

I also found that particularly in a new role there was always a learning curve, and it was important to know where the knowledge base resided. People were usually willing to help you as long as you use the right approach.

Anyway best of luck to you.
Less get off my lawn, more Rutgers bashing.

Rutgers STINKS!

Rutgers' momma dresses them funny!

Seriously, is Rutgers going to have a recruiting class? At the current rate, it looks pretty bad!
Rutgers STINKS!

Rutgers' momma dresses them funny!

Seriously, is Rutgers going to have a recruiting class? At the current rate, it looks pretty bad!
Amazing that this thread has grown to such proportions.

Even funnier that the subject matter is occurring when Rutgers is on the verge of rejoining the big table. Seriously, how can you mess that up?
Townie, great response, I would expect nothing less from grumpy old guy, point proven. It's human nature.

if you have any doubts- spend a week on a big construction job and deal with construction management - pampered morons who cant think without a committee of equally stupid fools - but they went to college so they are smart - dont ask them how to use a hammer or how to plug in a light and your safe

LOL, agree 100%. Why I got out of working for said "construction managers" Bunch of BS, all they do is pass blame and clutter
Not to offend, but consider, are you the one Townie was speaking of? I have met many wise people of all ages, and many more fools of all ages. Do you take action without input from others? Do you consider their counsel before making decisions that affect others? My guess is that you probably do. Talented people get ahead because they consider all options. Townie was speaking of fools, not all younger people.

Of course anyone who wants to learn anything is going to ask questions and listen. I would be a fool NOT TOO. With regards to the last point of your post, Townie most certainly was speaking about "younger people."

His direct quite reads as such:

"Seems to me that this current generation of 30 year olds really are the most childish generation ever.

Raised by parents who tried to give them everything, coddled by an education system that worries most about self-esteem, and freed from any military service obligation.

A self-entitled and generally clueless generation. The worst ever."
Of course anyone who wants to learn anything is going to ask questions and listen. I would be a fool NOT TOO. With regards to the last point of your post, Townie most certainly was speaking about "younger people."

His direct quite reads as such:

"Seems to me that this current generation of 30 year olds really are the most childish generation ever.

Raised by parents who tried to give them everything, coddled by an education system that worries most about self-esteem, and freed from any military service obligation.

A self-entitled and generally clueless generation. The worst ever."
Kinda hard to misinterpret that
I try to avoid stereo types and the like because each case is different but when I generalize anything about Rutgers it's very simple...they suck at all sports and will always be Rutgers.

That said, if anyone thinks the 30 year old group is soft it may be the way they were brought up and since they didn't bring themselves up, maybe some of this blame should be on the ones that empowered this perceived weakness? There's good, average and bad in many things and this age group is no different than any other generation when it comes to that. I've met boneheads from every age group.
Seems to me that this current generation of 30 year olds really are the most childish generation ever.

Raised by parents who tried to give them everything, coddled by an education system that worries most about self-esteem, and freed from any military service obligation.

A self-entitled and generally clueless generation. The worst ever.

Way to throw a blanket over every single person who is in their 30's. I will take offense to that comment, as did CIL.

I've worked hard enough, in my childish age, to make my way up the investment world. Went from grunt intern to partner over the last 10+ years. That paid off last year when I was able to launch my own investment advisory firm. Tossed everything I had built-up and threw it on the line. It was a ballsy move, but I wanted control and took the bull by the horns and did it. Fortunately, it has been more successful than I ever envisioned at this point.

I am currently raising my 15 month-old daughter with my beautiful wife who happens to be in the medical field. We were saturated with student loans and have finally begun climbing our way out of a deep hole of debt. I wasn't given a free ride on someone else's ticket, nor was my wife. My wife's father has been a mechanic in the Mohawk Valley for the last 40+ years. They had less than a pot to piss in growing up.

When I was 10, I once asked my father for $5 to head to the movies. He proceeded to say, "What have you done for me today? Go get a job if you want to enjoy those types of things." So that's exactly what I did, haven't stopped working for myself since. And I'm 100% OK with that, frankly, that's how it should be. Nothing in this life is handed to you.

Self-entitled? If doing the above is self-entitled, then I guess I am.

Coddled? I roofed houses, worked in a steel mill and bartended throughout college to make some money for books. Also, worked full-time when I was a senior in HS and always had summer/winter jobs in the younger years.

I have a few buddies who are active duty in the military and have been for the last 15 years. I myself happened to be very close to enlisting in the Marines right after graduation, but didn't for various reasons. I would love to see some sort of military service obligation. I think it would help a lot of kids get on the right track and teach them respect. I am a huge supporter of our military and the troops behind the scenes. They will never, ever get enough respect for what they've done for us and that is not right.

I'm not looking for praise from you or anybody, but comments like yours are ignorant and flat-out untrue. There are bad eggs in every generation (20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, etc). There are also great people in every generation. Just remember, at some point down the road, someone in my generation might be changing your diapers in a nursing home.

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