the buddy question from citrus tv | Page 5 |

the buddy question from citrus tv

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we don't know it was "schmuck". somebody has speculated that. i thought it was some else.
if someone has audio i'd love to hear it.
So there you go, the press is the enemy. Bubble-headed bleach blond comes on at 5
Actually my first response said I come down on the side of the press in these things. I just don’t feel bad for the kid, that’s all. The real world is far tougher than how Boeheim treated me or any other kid. He’s been an ass to the local press lots too.

Boeheim said earlier this year in a story that it’s been harder to coach Buddy than he expected. And he wouldn’t do it again. As a dad, I get that. And in a tournament game it’s probably tougher. Should he answer the questions the same way? Yes. Will he though? Doubtful. Buddy’s his son. Some of you would be ripping on him if he was too tough on Buddy and saying he’s a terrible dad instead.
Nah. Boeheim famously passionately defended McNamara.

He attacked when they were bothering Flynn with NBA questions.


He’s gotten defensive and gone to bat for his guys in numerous situations.

I don’t know if some of you guys just forget. Or if you’re being dishonest because you can’t wait to play the “favors his son” card.
This. Times 10. He’s gone to bat for kids way more than most people realize. He’s loyal and it’s sometimes been to his detriment. Even the players who hated him as a player appreciate the loyality after the fact.

Except maybe Craig Forth. I’d be curious how Craig feels now given some exchanges at practice back in the day.
as i said above . everybody is warm and fuzzy when ESPN seeks out juli b and asks about her son playing for dad. but JB can barely bring himself to mention the kid's name on camera. hmmm.
why does he have to ask where the question came from ? didn't do that to any of the other reporters. does he answer differently if the kid is from another news outlet ? he's definitely jeklyll and hyde with national media versus the local guys. only time he ever was somewhat respectful was after his accident. and that lasted all of one game.

He didn’t do that because everyone else identified themselves which is normal. Except maybe Donna who he knows obviously. Even Carlson identified himself and who he worked for.
as i said above . everybody is warm and fuzzy when ESPN seeks out juli b and asks about her son playing for dad. but JB can barely bring himself to mention the kid's name on camera. hmmm.

Lol. You’re always looking for something.

How did Jim’s clothes fit in this presser? Up to your standards?
sorry bees. " i should have known that..."

( i keed) does it matter ?
If it wasn't his son, his response would be:

"He played terribly, and has struggled much of the season, aside from a few good games. But, I don't have anybody else to play, so that's why he's played so much. I just don't have any better options."

JB defense league

This. Times 10. He’s gone to bat for kids way more than most people realize. He’s loyal and it’s sometimes been to his detriment. Even the players who hated him as a player appreciate the loyality after the fact.

Except maybe Craig Forth. I’d be curious how Craig feels now given some exchanges at practice back in the day.

JB once said Rony Seikely was an idiot and always has been(this was when Rony was in the NBA and criticized JB) and they patched things up so maybe he and Forth are ok now.
I think he was peeved at the firs question when I think they asked Tyus if he was coming back and then that question just set him off.

I’m in agreement with Newhouser. IIRC JB went off in a press conference several years ago after a player was asked about leaving Syracuse right after SU lost in the tournament.

The first question of Thursday’s PC was from the Citrus TV kid and he asked TB about his future plans.

His final question could have been about anything and I think the PC would have ended the same way.
I’m in agreement with Newhouser. IIRC JB went off in a press conference several years ago after a player was asked about leaving Syracuse right after SU lost in the tournament.

The first question of Thursday’s PC was from the Citrus TV kid and he asked TB about his future plans.

His final question could have been about anything and I think the PC would have ended the same way.
Whether the “reporter” is 20 or 60, doesn’t matter. This is the “big time” and it’s for adults, not kids learning the ropes. That’s what high school sports are for.

That’s Effin stupid! SU is a school and is training these kids to be professionals. Part of the reason Newhouse is great is because it sits alongside a major Division 1 Athletics program giving Newhouse students a real environment in which to learn their trade.

JB does this to the local press and the student media all the time. He’s a freakin bully towards them, so much so that they are afraid to ask decent questions much of the time.

If he really thinks the student reporters are behaving unprofessionally in their questioning maybe he could act like the college administrator that he is and (i) simply give the kid a BS answer and move on, (ii) address the questioner in the hallway after the mics are turned off, (iii) talk to the Dean of Newhouse about the “terrible” job SU is doing training the student journalists that it’s sending out to these press conferences. For Fs sake.
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Always thought it flowed from a very deep-seated insecurity.

Has every reason to be confident in his accomplishments and at least civil to questioners, yet he can't get there.

Not a great look for a representative of a university in 2019.
Doesn’t the reporter represent the university as well?
This Newhouse grad disagrees totally. The story of the game was far, far, removed from the "gotcha" question that the Citrus TV kid chose to ask.It was clearly intended to get JB annoyed at having to defend his son after a disappointing season-ending loss.Battle had every opportunity to cement his legacy as a John Wallace-type savior lifting 'Cuse to an NCAA victory...with his two last missed shots late,he didn't. Frank Howard after a dismal start had put up two big scoring efforts (18 and 28 pts.) to set up a big senior PG effort in the NCAA tournament...he didn't. Chukwu was lost and Sidi and Marek were poor rebounders against Bayor. Missing a starter at altitude was another storyline as the tie score with 10 minutes to go put us in position to win,but it looks like our shot abandoned us...a sure sign of fatigue, Plenty of story lines to pursue other than "will you blame your freshman 6th man kid publicly for not exceling as a starter". Classless gotch-crap journalism.This team never jelled,never played the zone well.
Geez, so many agenda-filled posts, so little time. There’s actually one mamaluke who stated that this was a “terrible” year. Really? The same guy some of you can’t wait to bury makes the NCAAT w/ 10 wins in the toughest conference, and it’s a terrible year. Wow.
The total lack of perspective would be amusing if it wasn’t so pathetically tragic. It’ll be interesting when the new HC some of you are clamoring for struggles to a losing record, or misses the postseason for a few years. That’s when some folks’ definition of a “terrible” year will be in proper focus. At least one can hope so.
In any case, anyone who’s “SHOCKED...SHOCKED, i tell ya’”, by JB’s response is just being disingenuous. Not saying its right by any means, just wondering why all the angst? It is, as it has been for 40+ years now. All the vapors being expressed are frankly, tired and redundant. He’s who he with it.
It’s as if no one remembers how we went from Pasqualoni to GRob.
Doesn’t the reporter represent the university as well?

Kid asked a very legit question. If the question revolved around any other player nobody would have batted an eye. Not a good look for JB but entirely predictable.
Oh come on! Just bring in a coach who will play pressure man to man and we’re all set! Nobody will hit 3’s against us!

Some years the zone works for us and some years it doesn't. This year I thought it was generally atrocious. It was interesting to watch UW's zone against USU. Way more active and athletic.
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