THE DOME IS DEAD! | Page 2 |


***work in progress***

Sweet Dome Onondaga

Build It Up

Big cranes keep on lifting
Carry tin to hide that lid
Singing songs about Southerland
I will miss Arinze once again
And I think S.U.'s thin, yes

Well I heard Mister Town speak about her
Well I heard old Town put her down
Well I hope Townie will remember
An Orange Man don't need him around anyhow

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the seats are so cruel
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, my buns are turning blue

In Binghamton they ...
HA HA HA HA HA HA! I thought after the game today I would never laugh again, but apparently I was wrong. So funny!

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the seats are so cruel
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, my buns are turning blue

That lyric is legend. I doff my hat.
HA HA HA HA HA HA! I thought after the game today I would never laugh again, but apparently I was wrong. So funny!

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the seats are so cruel
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, my buns are turning blue

That lyric is legend. I doff my hat.
I prefer the 'Mister Town' verse myself, but the whole thing is fantastic.

Bye bye, old Dome, bye bye!

Anyone else want to try their hand? Limericks, haiku, song lyrics? We are a very creative bunch!

(EDIT: going to take the time to shorten the longer quotes, as I expect this will be kinda long as it is...anyone who I replied to can simply scroll to their their quoted post and skip the rest if they wish to, if they don't prefer to skip even that. For now, this ended up being my contribution. Like Jim Morrison sang, when the music's over, turn out the lights...a theme some on here have also directed at our fearless leader for awhile now)

EPIC!! When I first saw this title, I thought it was another thread about it being quiet there, and maybe you had arrived early. And even more epic is the fact you got many others to add to it! Good work, Triple B. While I've lamented the loss of magic, you still seem to have ample stores of it when the proper inspiration is present.

Some may noticed I have endeavored to use the multi quote, which if I had been familiar with the time I caught up on many pages of the legendary Taurean Thompson thread overnight whilst nobody else was posting in between them, would have saved me from a lot of abuse for the next however many days. But it did get me possibly the top compliment I've ever received on any incarnation of the board, being called "a very poor man's Hunter S Thompson" ;) I suspect some will dislike me employing the alternative method as well, as it may require a similar amount of scrolling despite being far less posts, if one wishes to cruise past it.

Anyhow, that was great. I only remember one parody I ever officially released the lyrics to on here(Blundered Presser, RIP Freddy and David)...but this reminded me of one I don't think I ever finished, "Buy Buy, By Keita!"(I seem to recall some of it addressing the various expenses of the cash cows), based on a Misfits/Metallica song, "Die Die Die, My Darling". You said some undeserved self-deprecating stuff about your Haiku or whatever(maybe in an attempt to deflect some of the deserved praise?)...but when you're doing you're own poetry, there are extra degrees of creativity involved that doing parodies of existing hit songs don't require.

That's not to knock anything in here, because some of the stuff were from originals that already got me pumped up over the years, and as humble as you are, additionally to the epic OP, you laid the foundation/tilled the soil/girded the loins(? I know you like that one lol) of whatever came/comes after this!! Heck, that's the first of 3 mentions of nether regions in this post, just a kind heads up to anyone who may be partaking of any food while perusing this.

This took awhile, so an additional heads up that I'm not going to proofread any more of it.

Great atmosphere when the fans turn out,
big mausoleum when they don't.

Is that how it's done?
I'm not sure, being I haven't written a Haiku or any fixed meter stuff in a very long time... like I mentioned to Triple B, I always found parodies a path of lesser resitance. Either way, I wanted to tip my cap not only for trying to follow something so epic, but also for being the first dissenter on here! (I'm being sincere with all I plan to say in here, and felt the need to put that disclaimer...being I don't know how some take my posts when I am wound up).

You're certainly no Everly Brother. ;)

He's no Funk Soul Brother either :) (from the 1998 Fatboy Slim hit)

It's just getting a new haircut. ;)

lol nice! You guys got me to Tee nearly the whole thread. I was trying to think of songs to parody and that made me think of ones from Viet Nam movies where folks were getting their hair buzzed off. I also thought of George Thoroughgood's "Get A Haircut And Get a Real Job" ;) Either way, a great metaphor which is the same process as writing these other works.

At least there won’t be another John Thompson type of moment. That STILL gives me irrational feelings of hate.

I'm going to lovingly tell you that you're feelings are not necessarily irrational, at least if you measure them relative to the ongoing hatred toward the Boneyard(UConn board, for anyone unfamiliar). JT, the man who represented an arch-rival, insulted our whole program and fanbase at a pretty emotional time. For better or worse, it was rather legendary. That was trolling before Al Gore even invented the internet.

Tremendous. No one should even attempt to top that. Nothing like sibling harmony.

Indeed you are correct about how good it was. Not to nitpick, but rather sincerely say that nothing thereafter is necessarily trying to top it, even though I am guessing you may not have meant it literally. This thread can be seen like a garden, where each of us is sowing the seeds of love(for the Dome, and entertainment, and whatever else).

Wait!!! Don't tell me the pee troughs are going.

I was never a pay side member back when it was more than a joke...not one of the in crowd, lol... So I'm asking sincerely: Do the vast majority really enjoy these things? Nobody's body takes issue with so many wangs in close proximity and creates performance anxiety or whatever it's called? I'm asking sincerely, because it isn't always easy to tell online. We've got people with pee troughs as their avatar, and UpperDecks as their title. It seems this place was more loose back in the day. :) (I wasn't even familiar with UpperDecks other than baseball and had to look it up, similar to Chicago Sun Roofs sometime afterward.

Regardless of the size, an empty arena with low fan turnout is a cavern. When it happens here our attendance is only a dream for most programs. :)

ACC College Basketball Attendance and Ticket Sales Data From 2018-19 - Stadium

Ive seen a lot written/heard a lot spoken about CNY over the years, but it's residents are truly a hardy/hearty lot, especially when it comes to this team. Like I mentioned to TrueBlue25 earlier, to pull nearly 30k with the records of both teams today is testiment to that. Some top political candidates of either establishment party have had to cancel large events because they couldn't get people to come for good weather. Many of us learned the love and were hooked at a yound age even if our hard working families were only casual fans.

I have the complete limerick if anyone wants it via DM

Well, I already guessed what one of the words was. ;) I'm not sure if we'd be able to get the rest in a hangman style guessing, so if you're serious, I won't mind publically asking. I hope I don't regret it, lol.

i think in the post presser we'll hear DJ Jazzy Jim rapping nostalgic...

the roof! the roof! the roof has been fired !
we don't need mike waters let the mamajamma burn !
burn mother jammer burn !

(Say 'keep on rockin' it' (keep on rockin' it)


Man, I can't believe this didn't have a TON of likes. I guess maybe not many here are familiar with the song(the original, well the version I was familiar with anyhow) was already an EPIC hit on it's own, heavily laden with humor...and this added more on top of it. I know music is subjective like other art, but I am expressing great love for this parody.

I didn't think of songs with "roof" in the title when trying to think of a song to parody...and Mike Waters was an EPIC icing on the cake!!!(to paraphrase a line I of Peter North's I was once subjected to hearing repeated).

Well, as it says under her avatar, she's a girl! ;)

Orange79! When I first read this while clicking the quotes, you cheered me up. You may have noticed I made a bit of an error in how I saw a post a little before I came into this thread, and now I feel a bit less self-conscious to see someone other than the mere mortals do it as well. I believe the poster had quoted Pfister1 and his follow up version. :) Wait, was that the member who said they saw Brady sitting down to pee? ;)

***work in progress***

Sweet Dome Onondaga

Build It Up

Big cranes keep on lifting
Carry tin to hide that lid
Singing songs about Southerland
I will miss Arinze once again
And I think S.U.'s thin, yes

Well I heard Mister Town speak about her
Well I heard old Town put her down
Well I hope Townie will remember
An Orange Man don't need him around anyhow

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the seats are so cruel
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, my buns are turning blue

In Binghamton they ...

At times I may use the word EPIC a little too loosely, but I don't think it would be here. A triumphant and happy, whilst defiant, anthem!! I actually had thought of one with with word "home" in the title, Motley Crue's "Home Sweet Home", but I prefer yours for multiple reasons(including Crue's being a more mellow piano piece). You even found a way to weave a legendary board member into the experience, which I don't think I would have been confident enough to do. As someone who enjoys writing these, I'm tipping my cap in all sincerety.

And at least on this one I know I am not overvaluing my reaction, being the OP already gave it kudos. With 3 great parodies in addition to a number of original poems, I actually am a bit intimidated to try one...and Ive spent so much time writing this post that I've not had much time to think about one yet. Looking on the bright side of a downside of the hind quarters(and not the last one in this thread), folks get some free body art with one of the team's 2 colors. If they could get someone to do some body painting with orange on the other cheek, they would be set.


Love it.

Indeed. Kind of the opposite of when I generally think of "deep" on here. The would be summed up by the line from some 80s movie I remember a friend going on about. Somehing like "Get out the hip boots, 'cuz the is getting deep". I think it was in a Richard Pryor movie, but it's been so long the source and the exact line haven't come to me yet. I'd be grateful if anyone could remember it for me.

I’m currently on my 13th Tully’s Tender so I should probably schedule a funeral for my bathroom tomorrow morning.

As promised in the prior(no pun intended, would have been cooler vocally lol) reply: Something else besides Tully's could be tender if this is going to require multiple visits like one could infer from your post. Hopefully youve got something soft like Charmin or maybe some wipees on hand. ;)

And to once again come to the aid of someone I historically have not liked(I truly do at times enjoy being a voice for those without one), Tom Brady, the above is an illustratration that all men pee sitting down at times, though drinking copious amounts in a single night during college taught me the direction can vary at times.
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Was going to say the same thing. Not a huge fan of Williams but glad to see he had more class than JT1
Also--Roy knows he'll be visiting the new and improved Dome next season. No sense fooling with karma.
Sweet Dome Onondaga continued-

In Binghamton they love the Recycler boo hoo hoo
Yeah, brings bored rappers to S.U.
Now Jim Fallon does not bother me
Does Tom Brady bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where most fans seem so mute
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, can't wait 'til we host Duke, here I come, Onondaga

Oneida Shores has got the Swampers
And they've been known to smoke a bong or two
Lord, they should not do so much
They pick it up when not sniffing glue
Now how bout you?

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the beer choice is 'bout two
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, they gouge for Labatt Blue

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the a.c.'s overdue, and some hummus, too
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, Dior's coming here real soon, yeah yeh
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When you people update a bathroom and re shingle your roof, do you give your house a funeral too?
When it's done it will be more like a gut than an update. This isn't new fabric. It's a removal and reconstruction with hundreds of tons of steel. Interior will undergo massive changes as well. Stay tuned.
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Sweet Dome Onondaga continued-

In Binghamton they love the Recycler boo hoo hoo
Yeah, brings bored rappers to S.U.
Now Jim Fallon does not bother me
Does Tom Brady bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where most fans seem so mute
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, can't wait 'til we host Duke, here I come, Onondaga

Oneida Shores has got the Swampers
And they've been known to smoke a bong or two
Lord, they should not do so much
They pick it up when not sniffing glue
Now how bout you?

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the beer choice is 'bout two
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, they gouge for Labatt Blue

Sweet Dome Onondaga
Where the a.c.'s overdue, and some hummus, too
Sweet Dome Onondaga
Lord, Dior's coming here real soon, yeah yeh
Masterful! Cleverness in every line. I especially like the last stanza above. “Where the a.c’s overdue,” Lord, that‘s true!

Okay, now I have a question. What is the top of the Dome going to look like? At the game on Sunday some people were saying it was going to be clear. I didn’t think so.
At least there won’t be another John Thompson type of moment. That STILL gives me irrational feelings of hate.
Everything you said is true and I feel the same way - but let's remember this set off one of the few super intense rivalries that isn't geographically based.
Masterful! Cleverness in every line. I especially like the last stanza above. “Where the a.c’s overdue,” Lord, that‘s true!

Okay, now I have a question. What is the top of the Dome going to look like? At the game on Sunday some people were saying it was going to be clear. I didn’t think so.

The roof apparently will be soft, though supported permanently instead of with forced air, with some of the material being a little more translucent to let in more natural light. They cut back on that idea, somewhat, because they don't want Sidibe suddenly being blinded doing a jump ball, like a Yankee outfielder searching for a fly ball at the wrong time of day. They will also use some LED lights to control dimness.

Don't know if they've altered this idea since... Copyright
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I cannot wait to see how beautiful the new dome is going to look with that beautiful roof and new scoreboard and whatever else they going to do, oh my gosh you should get better players
The roof apparently will be soft, though supported permanently instead of with forced air, with some of the material being a little more translucent to let in more natural light. They cut back on that idea, somewhat, because they don't want Sidibe suddenly being blinded doing a jump ball, like a Yankee outfielder searching for a fly ball at the wrong time of day. They will also use some LED lights to control dimness.

Don't know if they've altered this idea since... Copyright Syracuse.comView attachment 177458
I believe this is an old, obsolete and very badly done illustration.

Sala has been quoted saying the original plan was to make the center part of the new roof transparenot enough so you could see blue sky looking through it.

They eventually realized that would cause problems broadcasting games in the afternoon, so the material for the center part of the roof was changed to be less translucent. That part of the roof is supposed to be only slightly more translucent that the roof we have today. Maybe 36% vs 33%?

I am very disappointed with the lack of materials promoting the new look of the dome. The SUAD should be marketing the heck out of this and we have essentially nothing.

We need a computer simulation of a drone flying over and around the crown truss. This should be the center piece of a commercial promoting the 2020 football season and season tickets. It should end with a look at what the dome will look like from the inside, including a good look at the roof and the center hung scoreboard.

Let’s do some marketing to retain existing season ticket holders who haven’t renewed yet. Let’s try and get some new season ticket holders. If the reason this hasn’t been done yet is because the SUAD wants to surprise the fans when the new look of the dome is revealed at the Colgate game, that makes little sense to me. We have something that is exciting and is capable of generating fan interest. It already had. Look at the crane thread. Let’s leverage that to the fullest extent possible. ASAP.

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