I still think it is in the program's best interests to play every home game at Metlife. The added travel would suck for the team. The loss of a significant home field advantage would suck. However in terms of $, exposure, and recruiting it would be significantly better.
To be a successful program you need $. There is a lot more money to be made playing at Metlife. The game day revenue would be greater. And more importantly the FB donations would likely go up by quite a bit being that alumni will be more involved with the program.
Exposure playing there is self explanatory. Recruiting in NJ, Eastern PA, and NYC/LI would be a lot easier. If you are a kid in NJ would you rather play at Metlife against the ACC or in Piscataway against CUSA? You can "stay home" to play FB by going to school 3.5 hours away. Not to mention the increased $ will allow us to buy nicer things for recruits as well.
In terms of fanbase I think we could easily average as much at MetLife as we can at the Dome. If we are a Top 15 type of team we would average 48k in the Dome but could get even more than that at MetLife. Huge bandwagon factor in NJ. While we are mediocre, I certainly think we could average 40k playing 6 home games a year with the move to the ACC. I think we could get 20-25k SU fans every game. It is only 6 games a year and tailgating makes up for just being mediocre. I think we could easily steal 10k fans from Rutgers. A lot of people who get season tickets for Rutgers don't really care about Rutgers. They go to tailgate and watch FB. Well if your choices are season tickets for RU in Piscataway or for SU in MetLife where do you think they go? Especially since we play real teams every week. Then you have the road teams who will all bring a lot more people than they currently do. NYC area vs CNY area is a huge difference.
Having less of the crowd actually care about SU will suck. It takes away from the home field advantage. But all the other positives certainly outweigh the negatives. Plus we can then replace the Doem with academic buildings and add an awesome BBall arena on South. It really is in the school's bets interest to play all of our games at MetLife.