the PC and the play calling |

the PC and the play calling


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
interesting to hear the coach talk about the plays that seem to be the ones people here are so worked up about. Sounds like staff had thought the plays thru, got the coverage they expected and the calls were designed to work against the defensive calls expected.. the execution was poor, what else can they do ?

even the 4th down call is explained, shows much more thought than most of us here would have had the time to put into it.. I dont hear anyone complaining about rutgers not going for the win in almost the same situation in OT?

and when you watch the game again the Nassib INT's dont seem so bad.. one on fourth down , he had to throw somewhere.. one an unlucky bounce and one a designed blind play. two of them are more on the D making a play than a bad throw but people here who never played the game dont see those things..

rutgers QBs made 10-15 awful throws and decisions, Nassib makes 4-5 and the INTs weren't really part of that..
please. Don't try and spin this. Trying to block the punt was one of the stupidest decisions I have seen in a long time. Up 10 and they are kicking from their endzone. The bad decisions were many on Saturday. It didn't come down to an unlucky bounce here or there.

There is no positive spin. The coaches lost the game with terrible playcalling and decisions. Period.
even the coaches wish they had not gotten aggressive on the blocked punt.. that one play did not cost us the game or even any points so why are we worked on up on it so much?

same for the 4th down play. if we go and make it we still need to score the td..
Agreed, you are spinning this big time. Coaches deserve a lot of blame for this one.

Also, Nassib is regressing toward his own mean.

I'll be thrilled with a 6-6 record this year.
interesting to hear the coach talk about the plays that seem to be the ones people here are so worked up about. Sounds like staff had thought the plays thru, got the coverage they expected and the calls were designed to work against the defensive calls expected.. the execution was poor, what else can they do ?

even the 4th down call is explained, shows much more thought than most of us here would have had the time to put into it.. I dont hear anyone complaining about rutgers not going for the win in almost the same situation in OT?

and when you watch the game again the Nassib INT's dont seem so bad.. one on fourth down , he had to throw somewhere.. one an unlucky bounce and one a designed blind play. two of them are more on the D making a play than a bad throw but people here who never played the game dont see those things..

rutgers QBs made 10-15 awful throws and decisions, Nassib makes 4-5 and the INTs weren't really part of that..

RU was in a different situation. First it wasn't 4th and inches it was 4th and 1. Second they thought about going for it and may have if they had a TO left. Third a FG by RU guarantees a 2nd OT. A FG by SU did not guarantee a 2nd OT. We handed control to RU. College OT is a lot like MLB playoffs. The Yanks losing one game at home to Detroit really isn't a big deal. They can still easily win 2 of the last 3. The problem is that Detroit now has home field advantage in the series. That Yanks can win home field back by winning one in Detroit but there is no guarantee that the series gets back to NY. Kicking a FG gives the advantage to RU. If SU makes a stop then they win the advantage back but there is no guarantee that we even get a chance. RU only had to go 25 yards for the win, had just scored 10 points their last two drives, and had the best player on the field. Why put the ball in their court?
Agreed, you are spinning this big time. Coaches deserve a lot of blame for this one.

Also, Nassib is regressing toward his own mean.

I'll be thrilled with a 6-6 record this year.

watch the game again and make note of how many bad throws nassib made. the Ints were not bad throws or even bad decisions. this was not a Nunes implosion..

people get worked up over not going for it on 4th down, when we had failed several times already during the game, when a failure probably means a loss.. In reality the coaches probably made the correct decision as it led to rutgers kicking 2 Fgs giving us a chance to score a td and win which is what the 4th down play would have done except it would also have forced rutgers to score a TD and perhaps still tie the game..

the goal of OT is to stop the other team with a chance for your offense to win the game, thats how it played out and the Bailey fumble was more the reason we lost, than not trying a risky fourth down play.

the reality is the coaches are thinking this stuff through way faster than we do, if the players execute we win several times over..
watch the game again and make note of how many bad throws nassib made. the Ints were not bad throws or even bad decisions. this was not a Nunes implosion..

people get worked up over not going for it on 4th down, when we had failed several times already during the game, when a failure probably means a loss.. In reality the coaches probably made the correct decision as it led to rutgers kicking 2 Fgs giving us a chance to score a td and win which is what the 4th down play would have done except it would also have forced rutgers to score a TD and perhaps still tie the game..

the goal of OT is to stop the other team with a chance for your offense to win the game, thats how it played out and the Bailey fumble was more the reason we lost, than not trying a risky fourth down play.

the reality is the coaches are thinking this stuff through way faster than we do, if the players execute we win several times over..

I agree that Nassib threw the ball a lot better than his stats say. He really didn't make poor throw out there. However two of those INTs were bad decisions.
which two ? the throw back was a blind throw, he couldnt even see the DE nor had time to look. the slant was a a good throw perhaps inches from a td and the other was a 4th down throw.. should he have eaten it, he couldnt run for it so he had to throw it somewhere and the guy who made the play came from out of position to make a really good play.. if thats a 2-3rd down throw than its a bad throw but 30 secs to go he has to do something.
which two ? the throw back was a blind throw, he couldnt even see the DE nor had time to look. the slant was a a good throw perhaps inches from a td and the other was a 4th down throw.. should he have eaten it, he couldnt run for it so he had to throw it somewhere and the guy who made the play came from out of position to make a really good play.. if thats a 2-3rd down throw than its a bad throw but 30 secs to go he has to do something.

The 4th down he wasn't under heavy pressure. Even if he was he should have seen the LB who was waiting for him to throw it to Provo who was far from open. BTW a sack is better than an INT. Bad decision.

There is no such thing as a blind throw. That is silly. It was a throw back screen. It wasn't open, throw it away.
coaching was poor really poor the fourth down call was horrible. Bad angle on the kick last two missed or blocked even if we make it rutgers is going to tie. Basically DM played for a tie at best horrible call no two ways about it.
coaching was poor really poor the fourth down call was horrible. Bad angle on the kick last two missed or blocked even if we make it rutgers is going to tie. Basically DM played for a tie at best horrible call no two ways about it.

Marrone put points on the board. The pressure is now on Rutgers to tie.

Seriously, if you have the ball first in OT, how can you possibly play to tie.
interesting to hear the coach talk about the plays that seem to be the ones people here are so worked up about. Sounds like staff had thought the plays thru, got the coverage they expected and the calls were designed to work against the defensive calls expected.. the execution was poor, what else can they do ?

even the 4th down call is explained, shows much more thought than most of us here would have had the time to put into it.. I dont hear anyone complaining about rutgers not going for the win in almost the same situation in OT?

and when you watch the game again the Nassib INT's dont seem so bad.. one on fourth down , he had to throw somewhere.. one an unlucky bounce and one a designed blind play. two of them are more on the D making a play than a bad throw but people here who never played the game dont see those things..

rutgers QBs made 10-15 awful throws and decisions, Nassib makes 4-5 and the INTs weren't really part of that..

This is some good stuff. What would you expect the staff to say? Well, we made a bunch of terrible playcalls because we didn't think anything through, so we weren't surprised they didn't work.

Why didn't we complain about Rutgers not going for it? When did we ever complain about what an opponent does? I was terrified that Schiano was going to stuff that decision right back in Marrone's face and go for it. And you know he thought about it, but backed off. If you're him, why not, he knows his kick isn't getting blocked and he knows how many mistakes our offense is making. The advantages of winning the toss.

Nassib's screen INT was ridiculously bad. The last one was just as bad. It's the kind of mistake freshmen make to not spot the MLB sitting right next to your TE who would have real estate to run.

Who's comparing Rutgers QBs to ours? I think we all agreed that Rutgers QBs were terrible, the starter was even pulled. But our QB didn't have a good day compared to how HE normally plays. Below 50 %, 0 TD, 3 INT. Compare that to early games, not to a terrible QB named Chas Dodd who couldn't start for any other 1A teams except maybe UConn.

This whole thing is a reach, even for you.
Mistakes were made by a lot of coaches and players, why do people have to try to focus on one thing when there are many to choose from? There were also some things I liked that we did like play aggressive and hard on d. I'm just not into the blame game, learn from your mistakes and move on.

The freshman qb was not terrible. He did make mistakes and we didn't take advantage but he made some nice plays as well and avoided some sacks that with Dodd back there SU may have had. I think the crowd, yes god forbid, could have been louder as well to rattle this kid. We at times were but I noticed too many people in the stands being a tad nervous/quiet and we really need to make the dome a place from hell for opposing qb's, especially a true frosh. And, before before somebody goes all hyperbole on me, I'm not saying it's the crowds fault SU lost I just think it could have been louder, a lot louder.
^^when you have an uneventful game offensively its tough to blame the crowd for being quiet and not into the game. It's tough for people to be loud for the sake of being loud. Give them something to be loud about. The crowd was fine Saturday. Best crowd in years actually.

And the "blame game" is how you learn from mistakes. If you choose to ignore WHO made the mistakes and just paint-brush the whole team as coming up short that is silly. Let's zero in on who screwed up and fix those areas. Unfortunately head coach is one of those areas so hopefully he looks at his performance this week and makes some self-corrections. I think he will, but it is worth mentioning how bad of a game he coached Saturday. There is specific blame to be passed and fingers to be pointed!!
You have it differently than I do. I expect the crowd to do the one thing they can control and that is to show up and be loud. This sets the tone and "waiting" for things to happen before you make noise is redundant, something good has already happened so to me that's basically being a frontrunner. I suppose folding your arms and complaining about the players or coaches is a better way of helping the team? Complain about something you can't control while showing up full force and screaming like hell are things you can control to help the team?

I call it excepting responsibility but semantics aside I agree that you can't be in denial and things have to be fixed by both the players and staff, it's a team game and it was a team loss. I by no means have wrote to "brush" anything aside. When you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them.
Marrone put points on the board. The pressure is now on Rutgers to tie.

Seriously, if you have the ball first in OT, how can you possibly play to tie.

How is there pressure on RU when they can lose 10 yards and still kick a FG? The pressure is on the SU D. Not RU.
I looked at it as having confidence in the D to stop them from scoring a TD.
Also, Nassib is regressing toward his own mean.


What are you talking about? The kid had one bad game after completing 70% of his passes and a 9:1 TD/int ratio through the first four games. and now he's "regressing toward his own mean?" Give me a break.
I'm not saying it's the crowds fault SU lost I just think it could have been louder, a lot louder.

Personally, after screaming for 40+ minutes, i had lost my voice. It gets very difficult to maintain the noise level, when The defense was on the field all day long.

The Dome should provide noise makers.
Personally, after screaming for 40+ minutes, i had lost my voice. It gets very difficult to maintain the noise level, when The defense was on the field all day long.

The Dome should provide noise makers.

I lose mine as well and having so many home games makes me sound like the Godfather. Maybe taking shifts depending on where the ball is might help!
Two of the INTs were very bad passes. The "blind" pass was thrown flat right to the DL. The 4th down pass was a very poor decision. He would have been better off taking a chance deep or throwing into the ground than throwing it where he did. With just 20 seconds on the clock, the only way we give RU a chance to win in regulation is to make the throw he did. I honestly thought they were going to win right there with a FG after the INT.

I bet if you asked him, he would probably say all 3 were bad passes, even though the one on the goal line was bad luck as it hit the WR in the hands and it popped up. But, if he had put a little more touch on it or led the WR a little bit more, it likely wouldn't have resulted in a pick.

The situations when the INTs were thrown just magnified the mistakes, however. 1st and goal at the 5, just maintain ball control and get some points and the game is over. The first INT, right after a big play on D that forced a TO, seemed to deflate the D and fire up RU's D. Ball control in that situation, where we're already in FG position, and we get points there and win the game. I already talked about the last INT on the 4th down (I thought we should have been punting in that situation anyway).
I lose mine as well and having so many home games makes me sound like the Godfather. Maybe taking shifts depending on where the ball is might help!
We should hire one of those Heavy Metal singing coaches to come to tailgates and give lessons on how to warm up the pipes and bring it.
Nassib has had one bad game. Seen a lot of quarterbacks have a bad game or two. This team has scored and moved the ball better than it has in many years. Last week was a cluster of errors. The proper flag on the punt, dropped passes and potential interceptions all contributed to this loss as much as any of Nassibe's mistakes. Lets not forget that our last three opponents have been playing well. He remains our best weapon.

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