The Spring Game as a fan-oriented event... | Page 2 |

The Spring Game as a fan-oriented event...

And please, can we stop with the crap about the season tickets being a great price? I mean I get it, $535.00 for 2 tickets ($205*2+$125 parking pass) is a decent deal but who ever keeps saying this is not looking at the product on the field vs. the upcoming schedule. When people compare these prices to prices of schools in ACC, Big Ten etc., they are forgetting who they are playing on that schedule. Not to mention, they likely don't have an AD moving the best games (that he promised would be a staple of the home schedules) to freaking NYC!

I would gladly play $700-1000 if my school got to play 5-6 BCS programs IN ITS OWN STADIUM on 5-6 different Saturdays.

Again, I understand the logistics of WVU and TCU leaving made it more difficult this year but that would've bought us 1 more home game and in the end it is on the administration to get it right schedule wise if they want a good turnout. You can blame the fans for a lot of things (myself included) but the scheduling is on the administration and the prices of season tickets is nothing to write home about based on this schedule.
There's no excuse for not starting at the designated time, and having a nice autograph session. If some casual fans from the city decided to show up at 12, only to find that they've missed a solid chunk of play, they'd be very turned off.

Also, what they should do is run 1rst vs 2nd teams. The 1rst team offense vs the 2nd team defense will allow for more big plays, and a more entertained crowd.

Then you'd get the 2nd team offense (with walk-ons starting on the OL) against the 1st team defense, and Kinder and Loeb would get killed.
How on Earth do you start an event early that is SOLELY for the benefit of the fans???

Games, movies, concerts... NOTHING starts early. My goodness, that's just terrible.

And OPA, I get what you're saying regarding it being a scrimmage. At the same time this program is in a horrendous funk at the moment when it comes to fan interest. I suppose there's not much you can do when the offense stinks/is banged up, but people are just looking for something, anything, to feel optimistic about. And not scoring a solitary offensive point ain't going to do that.
Also, what they should do is run 1rst vs 2nd teams. The 1rst team offense vs the 2nd team defense will allow for more big plays, and a more entertained crowd.

This stuff really isn't hard and it is disappointing to see everything so disorganized. Why have the O all be in blue and the D all in white? It was hard to keep track of which team was which and who was on what team. Which is why the score board had it 7-2 at one point. One team should have been white and the other team blue. If a player was to play on both teams (did that happen?) then give them an orange jersey.

As to splitting the teams IMO the best thing would be to have the OC be one HC and the DC be the other. Give the OC the 2nd team O and the 1st team D. Give the DC the 1st team O and the 2nd team D. This IMO would make for the most exciting game as each should be able to coach up the 2nd units since it is the area of their expertise. Also this means 1st teamers are going against 1st teamers so you get a true feel of how good the team will actually be.

Honestly I thought yesterday was a big waste and I don't know if I will come back to another Spring game. So much can and will change between mid April and the ED scrimmage in mid August. The player's abilities will change, the roster will change, the depth chart will change, even the play calling will somewhat change. So what is the point?
And please, can we stop with the crap about the season tickets being a great price? I mean I get it, $535.00 for 2 tickets ($205*2+$125 parking pass) is a decent deal but who ever keeps saying this is not looking at the product on the field vs. the upcoming schedule. When people compare these prices to prices of schools in ACC, Big Ten etc., they are forgetting who they are playing on that schedule. Not to mention, they likely don't have an AD moving the best games (that he promised would be a staple of the home schedules) to freaking NYC!

I would gladly play $700-1000 if my school got to play 5-6 BCS programs IN ITS OWN STADIUM on 5-6 different Saturdays.

Again, I understand the logistics of WVU and TCU leaving made it more difficult this year but that would've bought us 1 more home game and in the end it is on the administration to get it right schedule wise if they want a good turnout. You can blame the fans for a lot of things (myself included) but the scheduling is on the administration and the prices of season tickets is nothing to write home about based on this schedule.

That's all well and good, but people have been bitching about the price of season tickets for as long as I can remember. Back in the late 90s I was paying $135/season ticket when we were playing Miami, VaTech, BC, WVU and good OOC opponents, and people complained. I paid almost that for one ticket to Fenway last week. People in CNY have zero perspective on sports pricing.
This stuff really isn't hard and it is disappointing to see everything so disorganized. Why have the O all be in blue and the D all in white? It was hard to keep track of which team was which and who was on what team. Which is why the score board had it 7-2 at one point. One team should have been white and the other team blue. If a player was to play on both teams (did that happen?) then give them an orange jersey.

Even the scoreboard operators were confused, and credited a TD to Moore's team by mistake.

Last year, SU handed out a roster card listing the players by "team". This year it was just 1 roster, which hadn't been updated since April 5. This Santos walk-on #43 didn't even get his name in print. :(

Ohio State manages to pull off a LAX / FB doubleheader every Spring, and they even charge $15 for admission. They only had 81,112 people show up.
Anyone who claims to have no faith in Marrone because he doesn't act like a crazed hooligan on the sideline should forfeit the right to have an opinion on these matters.

There are some conceivable reasons to be down on the program; the coach's outward sideline demeanor is not one of them.
Just to clarify my original post - the spring game should be more fan-friendly, but I still enjoy the chance to watch it. I was at the Rochester srcimmage and I will be at the home games (Syracuse home games) in the fall.
I also think there should have been more press access to the team this spring, but I don't think HCDM is paranoid or needs to throw high-fives around on the sideline.
The Orangemen are my team and that's why I care.
I agree starting the 'game' early was not a good move but if you have ever been to a practice or read about a practice, you really should know that everything starts early at practice in the DM era. If they say it starts at 10 AM and we want to see it all, you better get there at 9:30 AM. Remember this for next time because I don't think it is going to change.

This seems crazy. They hold an event who's entire existence is to be a showcase for the fanbase, and they publicize a definitive start time... Then start early?!

It's insanity.

I defend the AD against a lot of the silly complaints people have, but that was inexcusable.
First of all I never said I wouldn't renew my tickets as a result of this spring game. My point of association with this spring game is due to the fact that this spring game is put on to....attract season ticket holders. At the next spring game, notice the ticket signs in each section and you'll see what I mean.

This event has two purposes. For most of us on this message board it is a chance to evaluate this team. However, for the vast majority of fans, it is an opportunity for the university to sell a product and encourage fan support by purchasing season tickets. It makes there job more difficult, when your family shows up at noon looking for a good product, but the 1st quarter is almost half over. It also makes the job more difficult when 500 less fans show up to this event. This may be because of last years record but more than that it is because of closed practices, no fan support by the administration and then a lackluster event by the administration as seen yesterday. Maybe it is time for a new marketing plan instead of TGD's wife running it.

For the record, even though I am giving up my season tickets, I plan to be at many of the games. My reason for giving them up this year (and I will repurchase next year regardless of record) is because 2 Friday night games and a game in NYC make it difficult to attend due to work schedules etc. From purely a monetary standpoint, it doesn't make since for me to purchase season tickets for two actual home games in Northwestern and Louisville. I know the truth hurts and I am not blaming the university entirely because of this schedule but it is what it is. They've made too many mistakes with this schedule in the past and it is finally catching up with them.

Question for those that may know...I know Lael was in charge of marketing and when she was, she did a terrible job as she wasn't qualified to do it at all (though she was largely in charge in name only as she handled all the partnership stuff and Daryl had a big say in the overall marketing plan and strategy).

But in looking at the athletics department staff directory, there's someone else now listed as Director of Marketing - Marc Donabella. Is Marc in charge of this now? I assume Daryl is still the one dictating strategy and someone else like Marc is just overseeing the marketing department, but just thought it was interesting given the family dynamics at play...
Exactly, taking what people say and put a spin on it and then come out against a phony made up premise!

People aren't renewing for those small reasons. Pile all those small reasons up on top of others and the losing year after year and you feel like SU football just kicks ya in the nuts time after time after time after time with all of this petty BS and after a while you just throw your hands up and say, "I QUIT"

You quit but still post here on a regular basis, so you are still interested in Syracuse football, will read and post about mundane details in March and April about the team but won't spedn $400-$500 for season tickets or whatever it is for decent seats. Strange... sounds like you are one of the pony ride guys
You quit but still post here on a regular basis, so you are still interested in Syracuse football, will read and post about mundane details in March and April about the team but won't spedn $400-$500 for season tickets or whatever it is for decent seats. Strange... sounds like you are one of the pony ride guys
Just because I stopped buying season tickets with this upcoming season doesn't mean I am not a fan. Doesn't mean I won't still go to the occasional game. I will go to probably 2 or 3 games this year.

They have lost me as a season ticket holder. Not as a fan. I didn't know the ONLY people who can post here are season ticket holders. I guess having season tickets for 20+ years and in my family for 30+ years doesn't count.
From purely a monetary standpoint, it doesn't make since for me to purchase season tickets for two actual home games in Northwestern and Louisville. I know the truth hurts and I am not blaming the university entirely because of this schedule but it is what it is. They've made too many mistakes with this schedule in the past and it is finally catching up with them.

This is a good post and you're certainly entitled to your opinion. What I will say, however, is you need to get used to the idea of Friday night games. I mean, realistically it's a better slot than the afternoon on Saturday from a TV perspective. And, if we've learned anything from conference realignment it's this -- TV drives everything, good, bad or indifferent. Hate it if you want but at this point it's actually a pretty desirable TV slot since mid-afternoon games are almost always lost among much higher profile games.
This seems crazy. They hold an event who's entire existence is to be a showcase for the fanbase, and they publicize a definitive start time... Then start early?!

It's insanity.

I defend the AD against a lot of the silly complaints people have, but that was inexcusable.

I agree completely on this. Seriously, the only reason you would start everything early is to prove some kind of point that I can't even fathom. If you want to start at 10, start at 10 on the dot. Anyone who's late is punished, etc. But starting everything early is such a bizarre thing to do, obviously in this scenario in particular.

And, for the record, I struggle to get my a$$ and my three kids anywhere on time so I'd probably miss the scrimmage entirely.
How many spring games were actually interesting to watch. the ND game was terrible. the uconn game was an SU clone. unless you have a team full of impact players you will almost always struggle to score. I dont recall the games with mcnabb being much better.. its a pratice not a game.. a chance to see players up close and see who might be showing skill.

and you cant play a real game, they can only practice for a set amount of time by rule, so when you include warmups a running clock is pretty much all that works.

now as for making more enjoyable for the fans.. no doubt they could do a better job, control the atmosphere better, but if you enjoy Lax it was a pretty good deal twofer.
I'll grant you that the scrimmage started without notice and a bit early.

But, are you really serious that you expect Marrone to tailor the event in order to be exciting for fans? Or to make it real contest?

I recall that the "fun and games for the fans" thing was tried during Robinson's last spring, complete with contests and two DJs hosting the thing - we walked out it was so bad.

You go these events to watch player development - to see young guys get on the field - to see if players are bigger, stronger, faster than they were the year before - to get a feel for what the coaches are trying to develope in terms of scheme.

I drove four hours to the game and I thought it was well worth it.

This is a fine perspective and I can see the logic in it. But the one part that's not true, IMO, is that the athletics department/coaching staff shouldn't at least try to make this a fun event. 'Well, we tried once and it backfired so, forget it. let's pack it in and not even give people the correct starting time or an updated roster." that's really defeatist.
You're right. There are many who will complain about everything.

I am more and more convinced that the only real solution now is winning.

When the team wins - and wins consistently - the nayayers who gave up their tix will be back - it happened in the early 1980s when Coach Mac was drawing less than 30,000 to the games and then started winning consistently.

So, we'll just have to be patient.

In the meantime we will hear about processing fees and boring spring games and bad tailgating, our offensive system and Marrone's sideline demeanor.

For me it gets tough to read after awhile.

I agree that winning is huge. I think there are other things that can matter and i"m not sure how anyone would lump offensive system in with things as innocuous as the spring game and processing fees or as subjective as sideline demeanor.
these games still have to be better than the ones under p when they had that made up scoring system (was it the kyle fetterly system or named after someone else)? regardless, you got random points for sacks, tackles for losses.

i remember watching one of those up near the person who was actually keeping the score and i swear they just made up the score randomly.
This seems crazy. They hold an event who's entire existence is to be a showcase for the fanbase, and they publicize a definitive start time... Then start early?!

It's insanity.

I defend the AD against a lot of the silly complaints people have, but that was inexcusable.

Yeah, this is how I feel. Maybe it's a small thing in the grand scheme but really? You're expecting 4 figures in fans to attend (and have invited more) so you start your hour long event 15 minutes early? Really no excuse. Don't get it.
Yeah, this is how I feel. Maybe it's a small thing in the grand scheme but really? You're expecting 4 figures in fans to attend (and have invited more) so you start your hour long event 15 minutes early? Really no excuse. Don't get it.

And, not to start a whole new debate, but while starting 15 minutes early is certainly a small thing in the grand scheme, let's not act like there aren't a bunch of small things that are starting to add up in the grand scheme.
Back in the late 90s I was paying $135/season ticket when we were playing Miami, VaTech, BC, WVU and good OOC opponents, and people complained. I paid almost that for one ticket to Fenway last week.

$135 Wow, that's only $10 per Yankee homerun :)
Ohio State manages to pull off a LAX / FB doubleheader every Spring, and they even charge $15 for admission. They only had 81,112 people show up.
Speaking of OSU, I loved their idea of inviting fans onto the field to distract their kicker:

I think they let everyone group around for an Oklahoma-type drill also.
Speaking of OSU, I loved their idea of inviting fans onto the field to distract their kicker:

I think they let everyone group around for an Oklahoma-type drill also.
Wouldn't that get a bit crowded with 81,000 fans on the field? Fan-friendly is one thing, just plain crazy is another.

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