the student turnout |

the student turnout


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..
Three cheers to the students. Best turnout I've ever seen for a football game in 20 years. Now they just need to learn that a game doesn't end at halftime.

I was in the same section as you and was "entertained" watching drunk freshmen roll down the stairs.
The students were there cheering an hour before the game. We just need to get them on the right schedule.
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..
Just using the words "student" and "upperdeck" in the same sentence is a good thing.
Students were awesome.

Thankful that so many gave us a good half before getting to the important things, like getting laid, intoxicated, being young. Not even being sarcastic. Can't fault anyone for that.

The ones that stuck around, Gawd love ya
Great Job by the student section... largest contingent I've seen in years. However, over half the student section didn't realize football is a game that lasts for 4 quarters (and potentially OT). For those that left, we'll chalk it up as a mental error and give you a pass (just don't make the same mistake again). For those that stayed... You are simply AWESOME! But, you already knew that... because you're awesome
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..

Best student turn-out I've EVER seen at the Dome. Never seen students go on the visitors side of the band like that. They really did an amazing job. Too bad half of them left (same pct as the rest of the crowd). I certainly don't fault anybody for leaving this one as we've seen that story over and over and over the last 10 years. Thats what makes it so much sweeter for those of us who always stay until the bitter end.

And the 25k who were there at the end? You rocked that joint.
Great showing by the students and I loved seeing them all decked out in Orange. I hope they can do this for every game this year.
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..

Very happy to hear the reports on a solid student turnout. And, yes, I would like to have had them stay til the end, too.

But do keep that we are not (yet) a school that most students go to because of our football program. I remember well both as a fraternity party planner and a bartender that there is VERY little that stands in the way of students wanting to go all out on Thursday nights. That includes football games.

Students aren't going to change, so for me, I'd like to focus my disappointment at the athletic department. Maybe some creativity and, heaven forbid, spending some money to attract students to come and stay til the end could help with these issues.
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..
I believe a big part of that turnout is because all the frosh class got free tickets for this game, as they have been getting for the home opener for some time now. Let's hope a lot of those kids realize what they missed and give the team another chance next week and beyond.
i think it needs to be said too i dont think i saw any students shaking car keys either
The first 3rd down on Defense, I started clenching my teeth hoping that I didn't hear any rattling keys. Thankfully, there wasn't any!!!
Three cheers to the students. Best turnout I've ever seen for a football game in 20 years. Now they just need to learn that a game doesn't end at halftime.

I was in the same section as you and was "entertained" watching drunk freshmen roll down the stairs.

Good post. But it wasn't the best student turnout in 20 years. It was the best student turnout in the Dome's history. It was crazy.
Great showing by the students and I loved seeing them all decked out in Orange. I hope they can do this for every game this year.
Yea, there were numerous TV shots of the student section, and it was great to see a sea of orange. Kudos to the students.
As I understand it, all Freshman received free tickets, which IMO was a great way to boost attendance, instill school spirit/identity, and maybe create some future fans.
a lot of those fans that we lost (students) before the end of the game are going to leave regardless of how the score is. I know when I was in college I'd hear ppl talking bout what time they are leaving so they can go home, shower/change and head out. The pull of the bars, parties, sex, etc is too strong. Especially in college many live like this is the last weekend you'll ever be able to do this. And I completely understand that.

On the otherhand, since we came back the way we did... the 'pull' may be delayed next time. This may even benefit the attendance #'s for future games. the casual fan that may have just came for the opener, left, and missed the comeback and will come for future games b/c they don't want to miss something like that again. It goes back to a post I made a while back that the casual fan wants to be at "an event" and last night is something that could be talked about. If they left, then they miss out on it... and will be back again b/c they don't want to miss out in the future.

Go cuse
They should give out free tickets to the students for every game. A great student section makes a huge difference in the Dome atmosphere...
To the students that post on here that did a lot of heavy lifting organizing the student support back when going to the games was a joke for the kids on campus - thank you, I think we saw that effort begin to pay off last night. Be proud!
They should give out free tickets to the students for every game. A great student section makes a huge difference in the Dome atmosphere...
Agreed. Where is the harm in filling in the empty seats of the Dome with free student tix. I think they should set an allotment for the public the way they do and on Saturday, just let it be a general admin for students based on availability.. Obviously I haven't thought about how to control this with walkups, but would really help to pack the Dome and give us a homefield advantage.
Baby steps are in order. First get them to the games. Then get them to stay for the whole game.
first time in forever to see a student turnout that solid.. They just kept rolling in.. the ones who sat in the upperdeck behind me we all toasted and really seemed to care little about the game.. Sad to see 75% of them leave so early though..

Nice of them to show up so well, too bad they didn't stay. So I give them a C.
We were meeting people outside gate A just before the game when we saw a girl being wheeled out into an ambulance. She was completely lights out. The girl following her out didn't look worried or frantic-- she looked really pissed off. Face paint and cute little outfit gone to waste.

The student section was short two members. Rookies.
Most of the sideline sections were still pretty full at the end. It was the endzone sections, which are never full, that emptied out pretty well. It wasn't great, but even by the end of the game when we did the Alma Mater again we had more fans then we've usually had at any point for the last few years.

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