the student turnout | Page 2 |

the student turnout

Agreed. Where is the harm in filling in the empty seats of the Dome with free student tix. I think they should set an allotment for the public the way they do and on Saturday, just let it be a general admin for students based on availability.. Obviously I haven't thought about how to control this with walkups, but would really help to pack the Dome and give us a homefield advantage.
Just set the pricing in the booth as "No Charge With Student ID" and distribute remaining tix accordingly. I would only do this for Day of Game sales and still charge a nominal fee for students that want to get season's, student section tix, or other specific locations ahead of time. Or do it for the home opener only and remove that game from the cost of student season tickets.

This would prevent freebies passed out on campus from going unused and also ensure that an overflow of students wouldn't result in people not having seats (wouldn't that be a good problem to have). Plus once the general public became aware that students could be grabbing up all the walkups, advance sales may pick up.

The biggest issue to overcome is students getting there free tix and immediately scalping them for a fraction of the cost. Maybe just have the person in the booth stamp the freebies to inform the turnstile staff (and/or ushers, if necessary) to confirmthat a student is using them.
Guys should rewatch the game.I cringed when i saw the students shaking the keys.Dumbest dam thing i have ever seen.They should take all the students keys b4 entering the dome.
i think it needs to be said too i dont think i saw any students shaking car keys either

I'd like to take credit for this. I scream my head off every 3rd down that clapping and yelling makes more noise. Needless to say, I didn't make a lot of freshmen friends last night.
I don't think it was the freshmen shaking the keys.I think it was the upperclassmen, seeing how they were sitting in the lower sections.And there was plenty of key shaking going on.
i think it needs to be said too i dont think i saw any students shaking car keys either
Sadly it was seen on TV. It was disgusting and almost merited throwing my tube out the window.
I'd like to take credit for this. I scream my head off every 3rd down that clapping and yelling makes more noise. Needless to say, I didn't make a lot of freshmen friends last night.
Atta boy... show the youngsters the ropes and get them yelling!!
I don't think it was the freshmen shaking the keys.I think it was the upperclassmen, seeing how they were sitting in the lower sections.And there was plenty of key shaking going on.

All the freshmen were in the lower sections because they got there earliest. A lot of upperclassmen came late following extensive pre-gaming and were forced to the upper deck (I sat in 306). SU doesn't have any sort of policy to help out seniors get the preferred seats. It's all first come first serve.
All the freshmen were in the lower sections because they got there earliest. A lot of upperclassmen came late following extensive pre-gaming and were forced to the upper deck (I sat in 306). SU doesn't have any sort of policy to help out seniors get the preferred seats. It's all first come first serve.
OUCH!!!kudos to the freshman for getting there b4 the upperclassmen.but no kudos for shaking the dam keys.Upperclassmen should be ashamed for getting there after the freshmen.
OUCH!!!kudos to the freshman for getting there b4 the upperclassmen.but no kudos for shaking the dam keys.Upperclassmen should be ashamed for getting there after the freshmen.
Why? They were tailgating and partying. There is no need to be ashamed for that whatsoever. Why the hell would you want to sit in that dome any longer, when you could be out drinking and playing corn hole?
i see ur point Rocco.however the upper decks where the upperclassmen were emptied out way b4 the lower decks did. must take points off for that.
i see ur point Rocco.however the upper decks where the upperclassmen were emptied out way b4 the lower decks did. must take points off for that.

For a lot of upperclassmen, it felt like we had seen this movie a bunch of times (my roommates and I stayed all game and stayed in the upper deck as to not jinx anything). So many upperclassmen have no faith anymore as the home product has been typically terrible during our 4 years. That was the first legitimate win at home in a long time. Upperclassmen mostly left to watch the rest at Chuck's or DJ's. From what I heard, those places were out of control. And agreed Rocco, the younger kids don't have a place to do some good drinking and playing pong in their front yards before the game.
Why? They were tailgating and partying. There is no need to be ashamed for that whatsoever. Why the hell would you want to sit in that dome any longer, when you could be out drinking and playing corn hole?


First game all of the freshman are always there early. I got a seat closer to the back of the end zone than I would have liked, but I had a great time before the game. Oh yeah, I stayed the entire time.
All in all they still did a great job.Nice learning experience for everyone students and the community.Seems we ALL have to get back into the winning swing of things.
yeah I saw the keys on a 3rd town on tv...
Yes...There was key shaking. I think it is in part, at least, to the fact that third downs are sponsored by "KEY" Bank as a "KEY" play. When I was at SU I think I had 2 keys at most on my keychain...wasn't very effective shaking them.

Yes...There was key shaking. I think it is in part, at least, to the fact that third downs are sponsored by "KEY" Bank as a "KEY" play. When I was at SU I think I had 2 keys at most on my keychain...wasn't very effective shaking them.

LOL. Don't know if anyone remembers when trinkets were a big thing on keychains for the women back in the 80's.Now them might have been a little effective.Some of them keychains looked like they weighed a good 10 pounds.
For a lot of upperclassmen, it felt like we had seen this movie a bunch of times (my roommates and I stayed all game and stayed in the upper deck as to not jinx anything). So many upperclassmen have no faith anymore as the home product has been typically terrible during our 4 years. That was the first legitimate win at home in a long time. Upperclassmen mostly left to watch the rest at Chuck's or DJ's. From what I heard, those places were out of control. And agreed Rocco, the younger kids don't have a place to do some good drinking and playing pong in their front yards before the game.
Nails - in your opinion, how do you think the student section will be the rest of the year? The free tickets are huge, it is crazy they don't do that all the time. When they show the packed student section on TV, it actually looks like a great football school. When it is empty, it looks like we are a MAC atmosphere at best.

The #4 play of the day on Sportscenter was the WF RB hurdling over Shamarko in front of the student section. They also showed the Bailey long TD run, and the students were bananas.
Nails - in your opinion, how do you think the student section will be the rest of the year? The free tickets are huge, it is crazy they don't do that all the time. When they show the packed student section on TV, it actually looks like a great football school. When it is empty, it looks like we are a MAC atmosphere at best.

The #4 play of the day on Sportscenter was the WF RB hurdling over Shamarko in front of the student section. They also showed the Bailey long TD run, and the students were bananas.

It's a tough thing to gauge. I know my roommates and I will be there. I don't think it'll be nearly as crazy as it was last night unless last night convinces freshmen to purchase seats for the rest of the year. What I really hope is that we can get a solid student turnout for the Big East games and create an atmosphere similar to last night. I think Friday nights are going to be awesome though as many people don't have Friday classes and have even longer to tailgate. I think last night just proves the need to re-establish the product by giving students a free taste. I know giving away free tickets de-values the product in the administrations eyes and would make it difficult to ever charge again in the future, but it's hard to deny that having a student turnout like last night changes the atmosphere of the building. Perhaps an entire free season for upperclassmen, especially those who were season ticket holders during the dark years. I'm curious how many student season tickets have been sold, though. I'm naturally pessimistic for the student turnout, but we shall see.
Never seen anything like it, they spilled over to the other side of the band, which the past few years had been the away section for the Louisvilles of the world who travel by the dozen. But the Wake Forest dozen was moved back where i remember away sections in the 90s.

Then the overflow into the upper deck corner was great too, 3 separate sections of students.

Outside of said students, we have a major league attendance problem. There are so many empty seats in that place. I told my friends that since Gross said we'd be over 40k there was no way he was going to let a number lower than that be announced. I said he'll go with something between 40 and 41, as he did.

Those of us who stayed really had that place rocking. It was so loud in there, and only 20k doing it. Just imagine...
i think it needs to be said too i dont think i saw any students shaking car keys either
Sad, but actually there were definitely quite a few. Saw it in some pics as well as random 3 frosh who were up in 302 doing it. :bang:
Sad, but actually there were definitely quite a few. Saw it in some pics as well as random 3 frosh who were up in 302 doing it. :bang:
darn it so i guess there is still a dying breed
It's a tough thing to gauge. I know my roommates and I will be there. I don't think it'll be nearly as crazy as it was last night unless last night convinces freshmen to purchase seats for the rest of the year. What I really hope is that we can get a solid student turnout for the Big East games and create an atmosphere similar to last night. I think Friday nights are going to be awesome though as many people don't have Friday classes and have even longer to tailgate. I think last night just proves the need to re-establish the product by giving students a free taste. I know giving away free tickets de-values the product in the administrations eyes and would make it difficult to ever charge again in the future, but it's hard to deny that having a student turnout like last night changes the atmosphere of the building. Perhaps an entire free season for upperclassmen, especially those who were season ticket holders during the dark years. I'm curious how many student season tickets have been sold, though. I'm naturally pessimistic for the student turnout, but we shall see.
I agree regarding the view through the administration's eyes. On the other hand, if they don't give them out for free, they are pretty much guaranteed to be empty seats anyways. By letting 5k students in the game for free, it will only make it that much more exciting for the other fans in the Dome, and it will look way better on TV. If people watching at home on TV see that kind of excitement, I think it would certainly spur more interest to actually attend the games versus watching on TV. Just my simple 2 cents.
I had a similar situation at the previous college I was working at. I was working in Student Activities and we have a large concert every year as part of our spring fest. We had brought in bands like Gym Class Heroes and Eve 6. Tickets for students were only 10 dollars but so many students complained that they didn't want to pay 10 dollars to see artists like GCH and Eve 6. What I ended up doing was proposing a 15 dollar increase to every students Student Activities Fee, and have that 15 dollars go straight into a concert budget account. We then let every student come to our yearly concert for free and ended up bringing in CLO. It was great. We had the largest concert ever at our school, still made money off of outside tickets, concessions, and such. It was a win-win. I know it would be harder to do this at Syracuse and for a Division-1 athletic contest, but it really got people excited about the event. It would be a great attendance boosting tool for SU Football.
On TV it looked great especially since the TV crew made the attempt to pan over the student section which they don't always do for the BB games. It was nice when they started panning and the student section was filled and all orange and they kept panning and panning and panning and I was thinking to myself, "holy there are a lot of students there for the game - AWESOME"
Three cheers to the students. Best turnout I've ever seen for a football game in 20 years. Now they just need to learn that a game doesn't end at halftime.

I was in the same section as you and was "entertained" watching drunk freshmen roll down the stairs.
Um yeah kudos for showing up...That said, 2/3 of that "great" student base left by the time the fourth quarter started. They along with these other pathetic fans, may as well not come at all. Why even bother coming to a game, if you don't stay to see who wins. Just to say you were there??? I made it a point to "talk" to the people leaving in my section 119. I can't wait to "talk" with them again this saturday, if they show at all. We have won, 9 of the last 14 games, one of them A BOWL WIN OVER A b12 TEAM.
How in Christ's creation do you leave in the thrid quarter down only two scores. Just a piss poor fan base. I feel bad for HCDM. This is going to be a struggle to build a consistent winnner, with the fan base so negative.
ok there I got it off my chest!!!!
darn it so i guess there is still a dying breed
At least the students don't dress up. Girls in heels and guys in ties is the durn strangest thing I've ever seen at a college football game. It's a southern thing.

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