I expected a little more BANG in the episode considering that the show was coming off hiatus. This sequence flowed much better in the comics, but I still love the series and what they are doing. I'm trying to guess who is going to be offed by the end of the season because **SPOILER** this sequence in the comics ended in a blood letting. **SPOILED**
We know the Governor is crazy, but now we have to deal with Crazy Rick too. This world is full of crazy. Where the hell is Dale when you need him?!
I'm also worried about Merle's clap because he's been without his meds for an awful long time. The women of the Apocalypse need to be careful. There are more ways than one to be infected in this world. My guess is that we'll see Darryl and Merle on their own for the next three episodes as Darryl searches for his inner strength and exorcises his demons.
And could Michonne be a lesbian?! Merle seems to rattle her with that comment. WOW would that be interesting!
Darryl's one-liners are classic. Calls Michonne "...the last Samurai...". He's by far my favorite character, even if he doesn't like to bathe or do laundry. I wonder if he smells like squirrel?
I hope there is some intense action next week. From the looks of it, Crazy Rick goes on walkabout outside the fence to kill more helpless walkers in a fit of rage. Tyreese and his people are probably locked in the prison showers hiding from Rick. Glen, who obviously is no longer on board with Rick, sees Michonne as an asset and wants to Delta Force Woodbury with her. Not sure that's going to work. I hope Sane Rick returns soon and finally joins up with Tyreese, just as the comic gods intended. Maybe Carl will have to shoot Crazy Rick in the foot to get him to wake up?
I'm just babbling now. I liked the episode, but thought it really lacked something. I wanted to be excited about at least one thing looking forward to next week but was left with a rock in my trick or treat bag. Rick has checked out, Glen has gone rogue, Michonne is neutered, the Governor acts like The Terminator and dresses like 1984 Kyle Reese. Next week needs to be big.
I do like the parallel they are implying with the Carol and Darryl and the abusive relationships they have each endured. Could it be that Carol is actually the stronger of the two? Will Darryl let Merle treat him like a red-headed stepchild again? I don't think so, and I am soooooo looking forward to that payback ass kicking. You just know it's coming.