The Walking Dead | Page 4 |

The Walking Dead

One thing I need to re-watch the episode for:
When they were being herded through town, they approached the fenceline and turned when they saw a line of people hiding in the weeds. But did those people actively participate in moving them toward the preferred route or just stay somewhat hidden and watch? Gareth previously speculated that Rick got in unnoticed because somebody (I forget his name) was probably on patrol duty - implying that they don't have a team of guards stationed along the perimeter.

If the latter, it is a parallel to when Rick, Carl, etc. came up on the lone guy surrounded in the field and decided they couldn't help him. This could be another group arriving at Terminus that is performing a proper recon before entering - not like the quick peek that Rick conducted. Or they could be escapees preparing to mount an attack that could turn into a rescue next season.

Possible, but I feel like if Rick noticed them, the Terminus roof shooters would have also. I may be misremembering things but didn't they raise their hands up to the fence group first? That would definitely cause the Terminus forces to notice the fence group imo.
Tactically, they should have only sent in one or two people tops to check it out. But it is just TV, and I can give them a pass for the reason not wanting to split up in the zombie apocalypse would be a natural instinct, even more so given what they just went through.
the radio during the chase made it clear they were herding them to area A.
Tactically, they should have only sent in one or two people tops to check it out. But it is just TV, and I can give them a pass for the reason not wanting to split up in the zombie apocalypse would be a natural instinct, even more so given what they just went through.

tactically, Rick is a shitty leader through and through. He stumbles into mess up on mess and only escapes through the grace of the screenwriters (the defeat of the Claimers was ludicrous, for example)

why were there no rally points after the prison battle? They went to the trouble of loading and stocking a bug out bus, but they had no pre-arranged meeting points?
One thing I need to re-watch the episode for:
When they were being herded through town, they approached the fenceline and turned when they saw a line of people hiding in the weeds. But did those people actively participate in moving them toward the preferred route or just stay somewhat hidden and watch? Gareth previously speculated that Rick got in unnoticed because somebody (I forget his name) was probably on patrol duty - implying that they don't have a team of guards stationed along the perimeter.

If the latter, it is a parallel to when Rick, Carl, etc. came up on the lone guy surrounded in the field and decided they couldn't help him. This could be another group arriving at Terminus that is performing a proper recon before entering - not like the quick peek that Rick conducted. Or they could be escapees preparing to mount an attack that could turn into a rescue next season.
I thought that was another set of guards who were herding them toward their preferred destination

why do they have to eat survivors if the disease is already in everyone in some form and the brain seems to be the part that causes the issues. perhaps they can just eat the zombie hoards.

as CPT noted, you can't eat rancid meat. In the comics, cannibalism is how Dale met his end, and the Hunters did their best to maximize their kills, cutting off one piece at a time and trying to keep the victim alive as long as possible.

You have to suspend a lot of disbelief in zombie stories. In reality, the walking dead would be a walking smorgasbord for carrion-eating birds and animals. At a minimum, you would be able to spot groups of zombies at a distance by the large swarms of birds that would follow them wherever they went.
In case anyone is still unsure about whether this is a cannibal compound, Rick's final line about how they are going to feel stupid when they realize they're screwing with the wrong people is paraphrased (as in, -bombs removed) from the Hunters storyline.

So yes, it's 100% a cannibal plot.
I thought that was another set of guards who were herding them toward their preferred destination

as CPT noted, you can't eat rancid meat. In the comics, cannibalism is how Dale met his end, and the Hunters did their best to maximize their kills, cutting off one piece at a time and trying to keep the victim alive as long as possible.

You have to suspend a lot of disbelief in zombie stories. In reality, the walking dead would be a walking smorgasbord for carrion-eating birds and animals. At a minimum, you would be able to spot groups of zombies at a distance by the large swarms of birds that would follow them wherever they went.

According to Max Brooks Survival Guide, zombie flesh is immediately toxic to animals.

Different universes I know...
obviously the rescuers are going to be Carol and Tyreese. Hopefully they're not as stupid to just walk in there without a few of days worth of recon.
Literally blown away with the Season 5 premiere. The trough scene was one of those 'are they actually going to do this?' moments. And then they did it. Holy ! Carol going all John Rambo on Terminus was a stroke of genius and just awesome to watch. Tyrese is slowly becoming more like the Tyrese of the comics. And the teaser at the end? MORGAN!! Did not see that one coming at all. This season is going to be a roller coaster. My son said 'wow, their group is huge now', to which I added, 'that means Kirkman has more people to pick off'. This season is going to be awesome.
Was the best season premier the series has had in quite awhile.
My DVR cut off before they revealed who that was at the end. Had to look it up. Shocked to see Morgan is still alive.
Literally blown away with the Season 5 premiere.
that word doesn't mean what you think it does ;)

I agree that this was their best season premiere ever . . . the show has gotten consistently better; glad I stuck with it after that awful 2nd season. Surprised that they destroyed Terminus so quickly, but I know we have seen the last of the Termanians.

one beef, though: willing suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Carol using the bottle rocket to ignite the propane tank was really far fetched. First, why would she carry a bottle rocket with her in the first place? You can only carry so much stuff, water & ammo would take precedence over such a superfluous item. Second, anyone who has ever shot bottle rockets knows that you cannot precisely aim them. It was far more likely to have banked right, left, up or down than to score a direct hit on the propane. True, it was better than the usual hollywood cliche of having the tank blow from a bullet hit, but they could have done better than that . . .
that word doesn't mean what you think it does ;)

I agree that this was their best season premiere ever . . . the show has gotten consistently better; glad I stuck with it after that awful 2nd season. Surprised that they destroyed Terminus so quickly, but I know we have seen the last of the Termanians.

one beef, though: willing suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Carol using the bottle rocket to ignite the propane tank was really far fetched. First, why would she carry a bottle rocket with her in the first place? You can only carry so much stuff, water & ammo would take precedence over such a superfluous item. Second, anyone who has ever shot bottle rockets knows that you cannot precisely aim them. It was far more likely to have banked right, left, up or down than to score a direct hit on the propane. True, it was better than the usual hollywood cliche of having the tank blow from a bullet hit, but they could have done better than that . . .

Carol packed her bag with some of the fireworks from that guy. I think she had a plan to use them one way or another at Terminus. Whether to create a distraction or what. Agreed though that she did have impeccable aim!
Carol packed her bag with some of the fireworks from that guy. I think she had a plan to use them one way or another at Terminus. Whether to create a distraction or what. Agreed though that she did have impeccable aim!

I saw her pack them, but it didn't make any sense for her to do so. You can only carry so much; fireworks are utterly superfluous unless you know in advance that you are going to need them for a specific purpose.
that word doesn't mean what you think it does ;)

I agree that this was their best season premiere ever . . . the show has gotten consistently better; glad I stuck with it after that awful 2nd season. Surprised that they destroyed Terminus so quickly, but I know we have seen the last of the Termanians.

one beef, though: willing suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Carol using the bottle rocket to ignite the propane tank was really far fetched. First, why would she carry a bottle rocket with her in the first place? You can only carry so much stuff, water & ammo would take precedence over such a superfluous item. Second, anyone who has ever shot bottle rockets knows that you cannot precisely aim them. It was far more likely to have banked right, left, up or down than to score a direct hit on the propane. True, it was better than the usual hollywood cliche of having the tank blow from a bullet hit, but they could have done better than that . . .

Even worse than the bottle rocket was the fact that she was totally covered in blood and gore to blend in with the zombies. Even to the point of her hair being blood caked. Only to show up later to meet the survivors looking like she just stepped out of the shower with her hair looking perfect.
I saw her pack them, but it didn't make any sense for her to do so. You can only carry so much; fireworks are utterly superfluous unless you know in advance that you are going to need them for a specific purpose.

That's what I'm saying - that she did pack them for a purpose. To somehow create a distraction or even use them as a weapon, like she did.
That's what I'm saying - that she did pack them for a purpose. To somehow create a distraction or even use them as a weapon, like she did.
a purpose is an actual plan, otherwise you carry something that you know you will need, like water or ammo.

that was not a purpose, that was the writers being lazy and hoping the fan base wouldn't care. which they didn't . . . it's just a quibble even on my part.
a purpose is an actual plan, otherwise you carry something that you know you will need, like water or ammo.

that was not a purpose, that was the writers being lazy and hoping the fan base wouldn't care. which they didn't . . . it's just a quibble even on my part.

Anyone who cared stopped caring when they saw how awesome the zombies (and parts) looked being blown through the air. Not to mention the awesomeness that was zombies on fire eating people.
Well, she did shoot the tank first to get some gas leaking into the air, which gives her a much bigger area to aim for. The unlikeliehood of a first shot hit with a bottle rocket remains though.

Another quibble I've seen is when the Terminus firing line walks by our escaped group and Rick jumps on the trailing guy. That straggler was walking and shooting just like the rest, meaning that he would've been firing right into his partners.

So, did Tyrese kill the Tigers fan? Last we saw, he opted not to stab him and kept punching him while yelling "I won't!". He later told Carol that he did to keep her from going into the cabin. Which I just realized also makes no sense - they have a big group about to hit the road, why not go through it again to see if there are any useful supplies?
Well, she did shoot the tank first to get some gas leaking into the air, which gives her a much bigger area to aim for. The unlikeliehood of a first shot hit with a bottle rocket remains though.

Another quibble I've seen is when the Terminus firing line walks by our escaped group and Rick jumps on the trailing guy. That straggler was walking and shooting just like the rest, meaning that he would've been firing right into his partners.

So, did Tyrese kill the Tigers fan? Last we saw, he opted not to stab him and kept punching him while yelling "I won't!". He later told Carol that he did to keep her from going into the cabin. Which I just realized also makes no sense - they have a big group about to hit the road, why not go through it again to see if there are any useful supplies?

Tigers fan is a goner. Talking Dead paid homage to his brutal passing. I think Tyrese left him a bloody pulp, and that's why he kept Carol out of there. He didn't want her to see what he did to a LIVING person. I'm sure he's not proud of what he did, but he knows he had to do it to protect Judith...and anyone else. Remember, this is a guy that didn't want to kill walkers at the fences at one time. He is struggling to hang onto his own humanity but is slowly realizing that things that weren't OK before the apocalypse are necessary to survive in the present.
In regards to Carol grabbing some fireworks. She saw that Tigers guy was going to use them to distract Zs from Terminus (I think he even said so), so she might have grabbed some thinking she might need to use them the same way, as a distraction. Then when she got the fence and saw what was happening, her plan changed and saw the propane tank and used the firework on that...

Rick is turning into a *** it, butcher vs cattle, type...which should make for a much better show. The only thing that kep him from going back to ensure the Terminus people were all dead was seeing Judith, otherwise he would have rained hell on those cannibals. Although, makes me wonder why show why the Terminus people became what they are/were? I don't think we are done with the Terminus folks...
In regards to Carol grabbing some fireworks. She saw that Tigers guy was going to use them to distract Zs from Terminus (I think he even said so), so she might have grabbed some thinking she might need to use them the same way, as a distraction. Then when she got the fence and saw what was happening, her plan changed and saw the propane tank and used the firework on that...

Rick is turning into a *** it, butcher vs cattle, type...which should make for a much better show. The only thing that kep him from going back to ensure the Terminus people were all dead was seeing Judith, otherwise he would have rained hell on those cannibals. Although, makes me wonder why show why the Terminus people became what they are/were? I don't think we are done with the Terminus folks...

We aren't done with the Terminus folks. Gareth was shown in previews as hooking back up with the group and someone, I assume Rick, giving the the proverbial "you're in my house now, bitch" speech. So Gareth will be back for sure.
that word doesn't mean what you think it does ;)

I agree that this was their best season premiere ever . . . the show has gotten consistently better; glad I stuck with it after that awful 2nd season. Surprised that they destroyed Terminus so quickly, but I know we have seen the last of the Termanians.

one beef, though: willing suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Carol using the bottle rocket to ignite the propane tank was really far fetched. First, why would she carry a bottle rocket with her in the first place? You can only carry so much stuff, water & ammo would take precedence over such a superfluous item. Second, anyone who has ever shot bottle rockets knows that you cannot precisely aim them. It was far more likely to have banked right, left, up or down than to score a direct hit on the propane. True, it was better than the usual hollywood cliche of having the tank blow from a bullet hit, but they could have done better than that . . .
Disagree that it was the best opener they've done - the series premiere is still far and away the best episode they've done - but this was an excellent episode.
Although, makes me wonder why show why the Terminus people became what they are/were? I don't think we are done with the Terminus folks...

I think it was done to show that good vs. evil is always a matter of perspective.

Seeing them pull the women out of the car to be raped really changed how you saw them and made you understand that they were not evil incarnate but rather shaped by their experiences.

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