The Walking Dead | Page 5 |

The Walking Dead

I think it was done to show that good vs. evil is always a matter of perspective.

Seeing them pull the women out of the car to be raped really changed how you saw them and made you understand that they were not evil incarnate but rather shaped by their experiences.

Agreed...but I still think it was a setup for something in the future.
Agreed...but I still think it was a setup for something in the future.
Honestly, I think it's a combination. It's showing how they became what they are, but I think it's also setting up a group that might be connected with the guys who were doing the raping and killing. For the comic readers, I'm talking about Negan and his group. The showrunner, Scott Gimple, said that the group that was doing the raping and killing might not be done yet and may be connected to a bigger, nasty group, and since it's been all but confirmed that Negan is going to show up sooner rather than later, my bet is that the guys who tormented the Terminus people were one of Negan's groups. Just my own guess, but it makes sense.
Tigers fan is a goner. Talking Dead paid homage to his brutal passing. I think Tyrese left him a bloody pulp, and that's why he kept Carol out of there. He didn't want her to see what he did to a LIVING person. I'm sure he's not proud of what he did, but he knows he had to do it to protect Judith...and anyone else. Remember, this is a guy that didn't want to kill walkers at the fences at one time. He is struggling to hang onto his own humanity but is slowly realizing that things that weren't OK before the apocalypse are necessary to survive in the present.
Are you sure that Talking Dead clip was in the "People Who Died" segment? They haven't swerved us there yet, but we saw Tigers Fan at the Bob-B-Q campsite.

Speculation is swirling about Bob on a couple of fronts:
1 - Was he bit when he got pulled under water in the food pantry? Would explain his tearful walk outside.

2 - If he was bit, what will eating him do to the ex-Terminus folks?

3 - Did he know Gareth from earlier? Bob said he was with a few groups in the past and Gareth seemed to know his name before it was offered up during the trough scene last week (although we didn't see Bob's half of the group arrive at Terminus). Could he have once (or still) worked as a herald to Terminus? It could put a new light on his "We can still fix this" plea to Gareth at the trough. Need to re-watch his actions on the way there. If he wasn't bit, he might have decided against helping the cannibals and felt guilty about what he nearly did to Sasha and the rest.
Are you sure that Talking Dead clip was in the "People Who Died" segment? They haven't swerved us there yet, but we saw Tigers Fan at the Bob-B-Q campsite.

Speculation is swirling about Bob on a couple of fronts:
1 - Was he bit when he got pulled under water in the food pantry? Would explain his tearful walk outside.

2 - If he was bit, what will eating him do to the ex-Terminus folks?

3 - Did he know Gareth from earlier? Bob said he was with a few groups in the past and Gareth seemed to know his name before it was offered up during the trough scene last week (although we didn't see Bob's half of the group arrive at Terminus). Could he have once (or still) worked as a herald to Terminus? It could put a new light on his "We can still fix this" plea to Gareth at the trough. Need to re-watch his actions on the way there. If he wasn't bit, he might have decided against helping the cannibals and felt guilty about what he nearly did to Sasha and the rest.

Interesting theory regarding Bob and his possible past. Also, I too thought that his fate was going to be that he was going to turn because he got bit.
Speculation is swirling about Bob on a couple of fronts:
1 - Was he bit when he got pulled under water in the food pantry? Would explain his tearful walk outside.

3 - Did he know Gareth from earlier? Bob said he was with a few groups in the past and Gareth seemed to know his name

After Bob got pulled under water and he's asked if he's alright I half wondered if he'd been bitten and was lying. When he was outside crying I thought for sure he 'must have been bit' so if he was bit and they're eating infected flesh that would be cool.

I was surprised when Gareth called him Bob. I figured maybe he knew his name from Terminus and I'd just missed it, but it was surprising and I wondered if he knew him. Interesting if they do know each other from their past - but why didn't it come out before as their prisoners. knowing bob would make eating his infected meat all the more fun/poetic revenge.

I believe at some point we'll get acquainted with the raping and pillaging group. You have to figure there'd be some real vicious raping and terrorizing groups in a collapsed world. More so than any we've seen to date. Negan's group is spot on for the comics.
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Seems like they did everything to make us think that Bob got bit, except show us the wound. Which makes me think it's either a red herring or they are saving the reveal until some of the cannibals either find the wound or start getting sick from eating him.

IIRC, the bites themselves don't directly kill or turn people, it's the various bacteria/etc. carried by the walkers. I also wonder if, a couple years into the apocalypse, whether people have built up an immunity to those infections by surviving in that environment and the ensuing death isn't as imminent.
Are you sure that Talking Dead clip was in the "People Who Died" segment? They haven't swerved us there yet, but we saw Tigers Fan at the Bob-B-Q campsite.

Speculation is swirling about Bob on a couple of fronts:
1 - Was he bit when he got pulled under water in the food pantry? Would explain his tearful walk outside.

2 - If he was bit, what will eating him do to the ex-Terminus folks?

3 - Did he know Gareth from earlier? Bob said he was with a few groups in the past and Gareth seemed to know his name before it was offered up during the trough scene last week (although we didn't see Bob's half of the group arrive at Terminus). Could he have once (or still) worked as a herald to Terminus? It could put a new light on his "We can still fix this" plea to Gareth at the trough. Need to re-watch his actions on the way there. If he wasn't bit, he might have decided against helping the cannibals and felt guilty about what he nearly did to Sasha and the rest.

I was SHOCKED to see Tigers Fan last night. HOLY SHITE!!! My son called me during Talking Dead and said "Why didn't they bid farewell to Bob's leg?". I freakin lost it! LOL!

He and I also discussed Bob's breakdown. I thought the same thing, that he got nicked by the submarine zombie. But why hadn't he started with the fever yet? The other thing I thought about was his alcoholism and everyone sucking down wine.

Your theory on Bob is also sound, but I don't think he was working for the Terminus people. He may have been one at one time, but I think if he was part of the other group that raped and pillaged, he would have been knocked off in an extra special way.

I think Gareth and his mates are going to rue the day they ate Bob's leg. And I think the priest is somehow tied to Terminus, or atleast knows about them and what happened there. Maybe he saved himself and sent the pillagers to Terminus?
Here's the Gareth/Bob scene. Listening to Gareth, I'm now all in on them having some sort of prior relationship with Bob.

After watching that clip...there is no doubt that there are all types of hints and innuendos that Bob and Gareth's group are at least familiar with each other...Still trying to figure out the role of the priest. Makes me think it would be too easy to assume he has been assisting the Terminus folks. Also, am wondering what is the deal about the knife marks around the church window and the words that were carved into the side of the church...Also, my guess is that Beth was kidnapped by the rape/pillage group. Also, another guess of mine is that the priest is connected to the rape/pillage group and not the Terminus group.
...Still trying to figure out the role of the priest. Makes me think it would be too easy to assume he has been assisting the Terminus folks. Also, am wondering what is the deal about the knife marks around the church window and the words that were carved into the side of the church...Also, my guess is that Beth was kidnapped by the rape/pillage group. Also, another guess of mine is that the priest is connected to the rape/pillage group and not the Terminus group.
I don't think the priest is connected to any group. It looks like he barricaded himself inside the church and hoarded all the canned foods that were collected. Knife marks and words were probably carved by people struggling to get inside before they were overrun. He said that he sins nearly every day - as in each time he eats any of the food that he could've shared with the people he let die.

Spoiler from preview clips for next week's episode: It looks like history might repeat itself as they show him hurriedly barricading a door. Or could it be a flashback of his original sin?

When Carol (I think) was flipping through the Bible, there was one sheet of paper inserted in there. I'd sure be interested to see what was written on it. Could just be a bookmark though, I guess.
I don't think the priest is connected to any group. It looks like he barricaded himself inside the church and hoarded all the canned foods that were collected. Knife marks and words were probably carved by people struggling to get inside before they were overrun. He said that he sins nearly every day - as in each time he eats any of the food that he could've shared with the people he let die.

Spoiler from preview clips for next week's episode: It looks like history might repeat itself as they show him hurriedly barricading a door. Or could it be a flashback of his original sin?

When Carol (I think) was flipping through the Bible, there was one sheet of paper inserted in there. I'd sure be interested to see what was written on it. Could just be a bookmark though, I guess.

my thoughts exactly. his crime is that he sacrificed everybody else (and people he knew) to save himself.
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So what was more awesome?

Zombies on fire or Waterlogged, saggy zombies?

As much as I liked the fire zombies those waterlogged ones really creeped me out they there basically melting flesh.
So what was more awesome?

Zombies on fire or Waterlogged, saggy zombies?

As much as I liked the fire zombies those waterlogged ones really creeped me out they there basically melting flesh.

More awesome: Fire zombies.
Creepier: Water zombies.
***ed up: Gareth eating part of Bob's leg in front of/while talking to him.
Here's the Gareth/Bob scene. Listening to Gareth, I'm now all in on them having some sort of prior relationship with Bob.

...Bob starts to come to. He is groggy and disoriented. His head hurts from the blow he took the night before. As he turns to focus his vision he sees that it is still dark...and that he is not alone...

Anthony Hopkins as "Gareth" (in creepy Lecter voice)

Gareth: "Hello Bob. So glad you could join us. I do apologize for the bump on your head, but we really were in a bit of a rush to get out of there. I'm sure you understand. We wouldn't want Riiiiiiiick to know we were out here, would we? He might try to burn us out of our little camp here as he did back in Terminus. That was rather rude of him, wouldn't you say? After all, he was our you are now, I'm afraid."

Bob: "Look, We can fix this. I can..."

Gareth: "ShaShhhShhhh. Save your strength now, Bob. You really had a rough night, and we have a long time to discuss how you can best help us. Well, a couple of days, anyway. We'll pay Riiiiiick a visit soon enough. Now then, you must be hungry. You see, we were hungry too, afterall we lost our home and supplies. Such a pity, you know, after all the work we put into building our...hum-ble diiiggs". (in a snarky, groovy tone). Mmmmm, smell that Bar-be-Que! It's too bad we don't have Hickory sauce. The local wood flavoring will simply have to do I'm afraid. You like wood flavoring, don't you Bob?"

Bob: "Please, you have to..."

Gareth: "Listen to that, Bob. The crackling timber. The sizzle sizzle of a good meal cooking. Reminds us of the old days, except I've found that farm raised beef was a bit overrated. I preferred the wild game. The thrill of the hunt. Staring into the eyes of my prey and wondering what they were thinking. Of course, we can never know what a simple cow is thinking at the moment of his slaughter, can we Bob? What he thinks as he sees the blade...? (pulls knife, pauses and walks out of Bob's view to cut a piece of meat).

(return to Bob with two slices of meat in hand) "Tell me, Bob, what are you thinking right now? (takes a bite of the meat) Mmmm, that's gooood! Might be better with a good marinade, but the natural flavor is really quite good. Here, I cut a piece for you. Have a taste and tell me what you think.

Bob: (turns head away, can almost see the cooking fire out of the corner of his eye)

Gareth: That's disappointing. You're missing out. Someone took reeeel good care of this one. Not gamey at all. Tell me Bob, were you married before all this? Did you have a...girl-friend? (snarky) Was she a good cook? I bet she was. My pallette never lies.

(Bob turns to look at Gareth with a look of horrid realization)

Gareth: (with blank stare and pouty smile) Now, Bob, I want you to know that bringing you here was nothing personal. I always liked you. In fact, I think I like you more now than I did before.

(Bob, finally regaining his senses looks down to see his lower left leg gone from just above the knee)

Gareth: You really should try a slab, Bob. Most people never get this opportunity. And the taste is much better than you might think. It certainly is better than I thought. I only wish we could share this dish together with some (WAIT FOR IT) fava beans and a nice Chianti. That's alright, Bob. I'll understand if tonight doesn't work for you. Perhaps if you're still...available...when we find Rick, you might decide to join me then. I'd love to stay and chat more, but this is a dinner party, and I have other friends I must mingle with. We can talk more in the morning. Bacon for breakfast!
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Yeah, the fireworks I'm cool with, it makes sense that Terminus would use them to draw walkers away from the town/slaughterhouse.

Put me down for Bob getting bit underwater and no eating him won't matter. If everyone is infected the Termites have been eating tainted meat for a long time. What I do think it will do greatly accelerate Bob's death via fever.

I think mullet man is full of crap and Sgt. Abraham just needs a mission to keep himself going, so he doesn't allow himself to question it too much. The girl that hangs out with them looks like she thinks he's full of crap, but as long as the idea of it keeps Abraham going, she's not going to rock the boat.

This show hit a new emotional high point with Carol and Darryl's hug after they escaped from Terminus. Great acting all around.
Yeah, the fireworks I'm cool with, it makes sense that Terminus would use them to draw walkers away from the town/slaughterhouse.

Put me down for Bob getting bit underwater and no eating him won't matter. If everyone is infected the Termites have been eating tainted meat for a long time. What I do think it will do greatly accelerate Bob's death via fever.

I think mullet man is full of crap and Sgt. Abraham just needs a mission to keep himself going, so he doesn't allow himself to question it too much. The girl that hangs out with them looks like she thinks he's full of crap, but as long as the idea of it keeps Abraham going, she's not going to rock the boat.

This show hit a new emotional high point with Carol and Darryl's hug after they escaped from Terminus. Great acting all around.

C'mon. Mullet Man knows his germ warfare. ;)

As far as eating Bob goes, they would have no idea that he was bitten until they saw a wound. By that time, Bob could be getting worse. They might assume he is sick from an infected wound they inflicted, but in reality his body is breaking down and succumbing to the zombie infection. So they could in fact eat dying flesh and become sick from it without even knowing. They die from being sick. I don't think it gets that far, though. Something tells me they won't be eating anymore of Bob.
So what did everyone think of Episode 3? AWESOME! I thought for a minute that Gareth had outsmarted Rick again, and then said 'nope. Not this time'. Rick knew they were close and were watching. He was luring them out for an ambush of his own. I was so sick of Tigers Fan. He went from planning dinner to getting his just desserts.

Rick owned the Termites!
So what did everyone think of Episode 3? AWESOME! I thought for a minute that Gareth had outsmarted Rick again, and then said 'nope. Not this time'. Rick knew they were close and were watching. He was luring them out for an ambush of his own. I was so sick of Tigers Fan. He went from planning dinner to getting his just desserts.

Rick owned the Termites!

The last half hour was really well done. A lot of heart pumping moments. Really wondering what happened with Daryl and who is with him.
The long shot on the church sign was amazing.

And you just knew what was going to happen. You knew Gareth was playing them by dropping Bob off. When they entered the church with all the lights out and our gang holed up in the back room, you then knew that Rick was playing them...and the payoff...err, payback...was coming.
Possibly because the premier was so good, this season is becoming a disappointment. I think they resolved the Terminus situation too rapidly and now they are in a holding pattern. Hope they can retrieve things in the remaining 11 episodes, but they have to reunify the story lines quickly, IMO.
Possibly because the premier was so good, this season is becoming a disappointment. I think they resolved the Terminus situation too rapidly and now they are in a holding pattern. Hope they can retrieve things in the remaining 11 episodes, but they have to reunify the story lines quickly, IMO.

Slabtown was quite possibly the most boring episode of any season.

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