I'm not sure if I watched a different game last night or if you watched a different game last night but I think the OL gave DeVito as much time as he's had all season. Were they great? heck no but they were good enough. A lot of it was on Tommy. He held the ball and flat out refused to throw to open guys. He's not even seeing his check down Moe Neal who is literally standing right in front of him for easy 6, 7, 8 yard gains. What's he seeing??? I don't know what the issue in his head is but I think things are just happening to fast for him right now. He needs to start making better decisions. He's being talked to on the sideline and he's nodding up and down but things are not translating yet.
By the way 45 of those yards in the 4th came when DeVito man'd up and started running hard north and south. He needs to step up into the pocket and not run sideways, and he needs to start taking what the D gives him with his legs. His play early on was flat out bizarre.
The image below I took during the game last night. This was a 3rd and 7 in the 3rd Quarter. You could tell the first read was slant. Quick drop, let it rip. The receiver is WIDE open for the slant and nothing but green, DeVito eats the ball here and took a sack on the play. Why ? This was a microcosm of his play last night. The slant he got heat for in the endzone was 10x more covered than this ball is right here.
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