This close game is on the coach. | Page 2 |

This close game is on the coach.

Every year it's the same bullsh&%. You all complain that he tries to win all the early games at the expense of developing depth and when he plays people that gets them valuable time, but risks losing an early game, you complain, too. News flash...we picked up a W and guys got meaningful minutes. Sorry you weren't sufficiently entertained by the margin of victory.

Why don't you sign up to be a cheerleader and a JB fluffer for before the games.
Remember when we thought this team was 9 deep... Yikes, barely 6 deep, and that's when Roberson decides he feels like playing.
Roberson clearly looked like he was sulking today. Not aggressive on the boards. Invisible really. Took several bad/awful shots he has no chance of making. Seemed to be saying, I'm pissed so I'm taking every shot I want -- i'm owed that.
The good news is that we now know for certain, who should be starting and where. Now, jb has to learn who to bring in off the bench. It's funny, normally we all hate that he only goes 7 deep. Now almost all of us feel that he is going too deep and for too long. The starting line up can play. We need Howard to hit some free throws at the end of games. But this bench??? They have to stay there.
Really. Northern Florida is the opponent by whom you judge who should be starting?
Why don't you shut your mouth unless you have something of value to say instead of making it personal. Internet wise guy.

Well, there was about as much value in what I said as you did.
Put John in with the starters and the lead probably doesn't dwindle. You put him in with Thompson and Roberson and our offense will stall every time. And don't get me wrong, I think Thompson will be very good here. Still, the lineup is good enough to maintain a lead vs. North Florida.
Every team seems to have that one guy that goes off on us and we never have an answer.
I didn't watch a minute of todays game, so I can not really comment on what transpired, but being a Florida Gulf Coast alum and someone that follows ASUN basketball, I can say that UNF is actually a decent team. They were stronger last season, but they can still absolutely shoot the blood out of it and they play hard. I didn't think this game would be an easy one for Cuse.

I feel that this team lost a lot of confidence in Brooklyn last week, and they are still trying to find themselves. We are depending a lot on freshmen and transfers, and getting these guys comfortable with the zone and on the same page is going to take some time.
Agree on TT. I said in an earlier thread that we need him to be ready for ACC but maybe he won't be until the end of January.
John doesn't fit what we tend to do. Taurean is the kind of freshman forward who historically comes along later in the year for us. I think we are starting to settle into our pattern.

John needs to use his speed, on defense by being disruptive and an energetic pesky presence. If he could just penetrate without over penetrating and dish off - forcing the opponents defense to collapse , he'd be an effective change of pace. He needs to find an effective role to help this team and get meaningful playing time.
John needs to use his speed on defense by being disruptive and an energetic pesky presence. If he could just penetrate without over penetrating and dish off - forcing the opponents defense to collapse , he'd be an effective change of pace. He needs to find an effective role to help this team and get meaningful playing time.

Agreed. He's much better than what he's shown. Doesn't mean he is going to play 30 minutes or whatever, but he really appears to be playing hesitant.
Agreed. He's much better than what he's shown. Doesn't mean he is going to play 30 minutes or whatever, but he really appears to be playing hesitant.
You were really high on gillon. Curious what he think he will provide moving forward
I didn't watch a minute of todays game, so I can not really comment on what transpired, but being a Florida Gulf Coast alum and someone that follows ASUN basketball, I can say that UNF is actually a decent team. They were stronger last season, but they can still absolutely shoot the blood out of it and they play hard. I didn't think this game would be an easy one for Cuse.

I feel that this team lost a lot of confidence in Brooklyn last week, and they are still trying to find themselves. We are depending a lot on freshmen and transfers, and getting these guys comfortable with the zone and on the same page is going to take some time.

I know you're looking for a positive in this, but that team is downright garbage. You don't don't have a 3-7 record and lose to California Santa Barbara by 23 and have a label of "decent team".
You were really high on gillon. Curious what he think he will provide moving forward

I am really surprised that he has struggled as much as he has. My ears DEFINITELY perked up in the late preseason before the games started, when he said that he was adjusting to running a structured offense, which he had never done before. Not good.

His handle is much better than he's shown. Ditto scoring. But if he isn't going to make anything happen, if he's going to play tentatively, and if he's not going to make things happen with the ball in his hands by using his penetration to set up teammates, then he doesn't deserve PT.

He's the third [and only other] guard on this team. He needs to straighten the hell out, even if his future is just as a reserve.

On an unrelated note, the same logic applies to Chukwu and Roberson, IMO. If you aren't going to make positive contributions--see ya. That's the benefit of having other options [which we often don't have in the lineup]. Give Thompson an audition as the big man reserve spelling two positions, roll with Coleman as the starter, and Lydon sees an increasing amount of time in the middle as the season moves forward.
I know you're looking for a positive in this, but that team is downright garbage. You don't don't have a 3-7 record and lose to California Santa Barbara by 23 and have a label of "decent team".
I'm not looking for anything in this except for offering my opinion on what I see with my own two eyes, and witnessed in person by watching UNF absolutely tear through the regular season of the ASUN last year before getting upset by FGCU in the conference tournament .

But hey, we're all entitled to our own opinions, and I gain absolutely nothing by trying to talk people like you off of the ledge. I think there are problems with this team that need to be fixed, but I also trust our coach that has won close to 1000 games can fix it.
Agreed. He's much better than what he's shown. Doesn't mean he is going to play 30 minutes or whatever, but he really appears to be playing hesitant.

He would help himself by concentrating on defense first - be THAT kind of guard who usually drives us nuts by being a gnat on defense,using speed and tenacity on that end of the court to counter his height liability in the zone. Offense and confidence would come if he helps create turnovers.
Every year it's the same bullsh&%. You all complain that he tries to win all the early games at the expense of developing depth and when he plays people that gets them valuable time, but risks losing an early game, you complain, too. News flash...we picked up a W and guys got meaningful minutes. Sorry you weren't sufficiently entertained by the margin of victory.

Hold on. There IS talent on the bench minus Chukwu so we have more to offer than in previous years and clearly JB is still tweaking lineups. The margin of victory is an issue though. Potential red flag. Some of those horrid offensive teams like the Rak senior year team and even the Ennis team struggled with these types of opponents. We know how that went. Nothing wrong with still being concerned. I would bet only our orange-colored goggled chaps on here aren't.
Hold on. There IS talent on the bench minus Chukwu so we have more to offer than in previous years and clearly JB is still tweaking lineups. The margin of victory is an issue though. Potential red flag. Some of those horrid offensive teams like the Rak senior year team and even the Ennis team struggled with these types of opponents. We know how that went. Nothing wrong with still being concerned. I would bet only our orange-colored goggled chaps on here aren't.

I'll be concerned when March rolls around and we either aren't in the dance or are still struggling and seaching. Until then, it's all part of the journey.
Agreed. He's much better than what he's shown. Doesn't mean he is going to play 30 minutes or whatever, but he really appears to be playing hesitant.

To me, it looks like Gillon is very uncomfortable with his role here. When I spoke to him a few days after he signed, he seemed to have a chip on his shoulder when I asked him about his expectations. He seemed very adamant that he expected to start. I think he's a little down and maybe not exactly thrilled that JB has been barking at him after mistakes. To me, that's impacting his play.
Not leaving this thread until its the dumpster fire mine last week turned into.
He would help himself by concentrating on defense first - be THAT kind of guard who usually drives us nuts by being a gnat on defense,using speed and tenacity on that end of the court to counter his height liability in the zone. Offense and confidence would come if he helps create turnovers.

He's never had a reputation for his defense. That's the thing. He's an offense-first guard. Looking at his film, he looked more like a score-first guard. Early on, like in our exhibitions, he was an assist machine, so :noidea:.
they can still absolutely shoot the blood out of it and they play hard. I didn't think this game would be an easy one for Cuse.
No excuses for our performance but I think a team like this is a matchup problem for us. They closed the gap by hitting deep threes and being quick to the ball, among ither things. It is often difficult to guard someone smaller especially once they get their shot to fall. And they had that one guy who was 6'10" all-conference who looked pretty good and the guard who was hitting threes and crazy runners.

Even when we force a team like this into bad shots, the rebound goes out far. We suck at getting these type of rebounds. Boeheim has already said the guards need to help rebound. They are not good at it yet.

We fail to capitalize on our size advantage. Well, DC has offensively (lately). But our bigs are not doing enough damage inside. Boeheim has begged the guards to get them the ball more. And on the rare occasion they get it in good position, DC is only one converting.

Reminded me of a Marquette game. Can we get out on the hot hand please?!

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