This is the best I've felt about Marrone, ever |

This is the best I've felt about Marrone, ever


2023-24 Iggy Award Most 3 Pointers Made
Aug 26, 2011
Given my posting history, lack of Marrone hero worship and general lack of approval in the past on many of the decisions our staff has made with the football program, I'm probably one of the last people expected to rally the troops in Marrone's support. It's about to happen though. Here goes...

I wasn't supposed to be able to watch the game yesterday due to family commitments. Those commitments got pushed back to later in the day. I stopped watching the games last season because I got tired of seeing the "kill clock and play for later" offensive philosophy. But, with a new season and some cautious optimism I decided to tune in.

For the first time in over a decade I saw an actual college offense in Syracuse. And not just any college offense, but one that potentially looks really good, one that is suited to the Dome and to our talent level. I saw an offense that took control of the defense, and I saw an offense that performed at an extremely high level without 3 of its 5 best players (Pugh, Lemon, Stevens). I could not have asked for any more. I stated before the season that I had low expectations for wins and mostly wanted to see some progress on offense to be content. Yesterday was a difficult loss to stomach, but the positives far outweigh the negatives.

I have to hand it to Marrone and Hackett. I really did not believe that they would ever get it, but man, it sure looks to me like they figured it out. That offense is exactly what we need to be able to compete, and to be able to recruit. The Dome is conducive to playing fast and throwing the ball a lot. We played fast and threw the ball an absurd amount. We had an offense that was almost able to overcome all of their own mistakes, plus mistakes on defense, plus mistakes on specials. There isn't anybody in the Northeast running anything quite like what we saw yesterday. We've finally matched our unique stadium to a regionally unique offense. Recruits will see Marcus Sales haul in double figure passes and realize that could be them. They'll see Wales make a lot of catches out of the TE spot and realize that TEs that see the ball that much can't help but attract the attention of NFL scouts. They'll see that a team that plays that fast must have a capable line with guys in great shape, and any offense that moves the ball that well must have a solid line, and they can be a part of that solid line. They'll see that a team that plays that fast is going to need to cycle a lot of guys in to be successful (10 different players carried or caught a pass yesterday), so there's a lot of PT to be had and a lot of balls to go around. Quarterbacks will see that offense and envision themselves standing at the statistical peak of the conference, and dare I say, NCAA. Defensive players will see that offense and know that they're free to perform without having to carry a team.

In short, this new offense will pay enormous recruiting dividends. While people say that star rankings don't matter, the % of our classes made of three star recruits or better has improved each season under Marrone. I believe that trend will continue and will be heavily bolstered by our, wait for it, OFFENSIVE SYSTEM.

Yes, for the first time in forever we actually have an offensive identity not defined by vague things like "out tough" or "ball control." We are a no huddle, pass based offense. HELL YES. Let me run some numbers by you - 58, 62, 59, 66, 64, 74, 74, 60, 73, 79, 78, 67 for an average of 67.83. Does anybody know what that is? Those are the number of offensive plays we tallied per game last season, including OT periods. We ran 95 plays yesterday.

Let that sink in for a minute. 95 plays. 95! In regulation! That's Oregon territory my friends. We ran 27 more plays yesterday than we averaged last season. That is a 40% improvement. That is a balls out fantastic development. We even won in time of possession! We got off a crap ton of snaps and won TOP.

Two things really make me happy though. 1, the staff had excuses yesterday to not commit to this offense but they stuck with it. With their best OL, receiver and receiving TE out, the staff could have made the choice to try to grind it out again. People probably would have understood. Instead, they committed to what they're doing with the new offense, and lo and behold, it performed. Those three guys, we're going to get them back, and that's going to make the offense even better and even more dangerous. 2, the mentality changed. I know a lot of people were frustrated by the false start at the end of the first quarter. I can understand the frustration, but you're missing the big picture. The fact that we tried to get that play off indicates a major, much needed philosophical shift in our offense. We now value opportunities to make plays more than we value clock. Valuing clock didn't get us anywhere. Valuing opportunities to make plays will put points on the board.

I don't know what these developments mean for wins and losses this season. I see Go revised his prediction up. I may revise my prediction up as well, although it won't be as bold a thing to do because I only predicted 4 wins since I really did not believe our staff would adapt an honest to goodness kick ass college offense. I view the new developments on offense as being more big picture stuff that will pay off over time. Now is not the time to lose faith in the staff. I think there were some times last season where it might have been justified, but now of all times you should not be hopping off the bandwagon. We have a college team to route for now, not a team of players that happen to be in college that are trying to look like they're NFL. Let's support this and see it through.

That said, there are a couple of things that concern me going forward:

1. I don't think Smith or PTG are the answer going forward. I was disappointed that AAM and Morris didn't see the ball. I believe our best talent at running back is the youngest talent. Marrone has said in the past that if two players are pretty much tied performance wise, he'll play the younger one because their youth gives them a better chance to improve. Supposedly there wasn't much separation at RB this preseason. If that's true, let's see the young bucks.

2. We committed to this offense for one game. We need that commitment to last all season.

3. We finally have a punter that can blast the piss out of the ball. Fisher averaged 52 yards on his three punts. That tells me two things. One, we were punting from the right place on the field, and two, he can really boom it. Unfortunately, punt coverage was an absolute trainwreck. I saw people complaining about Fisher outkicking his coverage. That's nonsense. Fisher's kicks aren't the thing that need to change on the punting unit. Some people have mentioned that we may not have ideal personnel out there. Whatever it is, that badly needs to be fixed.

4. Our personnel and coverage on the last drive were extremely questionable. That was the wrong time to get conservative. A new QB in the 4th quarter that has to score a TD in a very loud venue? To me that feels like the right time to be creatively aggressive.

5. For a coach that's big on discipline and accountability, we don't really play disciplined and accountable. That needs to improve. Some of it will - the false starts and stuff don't really bother me. That's a consequence of what we're doing on offense now. I can live that. Some of the other stuff though... I don't understand why certain things aren't sinking in, 4 years into it. They hurt us on a regular basis. We should be able to fix that stuff, but we've been saying that for a long time now.

6. Glad to see they're letting Nassib run. I think he ran too much to be all that effective. Let's hope for a happy medium between last year where he wouldn't run at all and yesterday when he carried it more than anyone (really, he did. 12 carries for Nassib to 10 for Smith).

Anyway fellow Orange people, I am on the road to conversion. We've been an abused fan base for a long time. I can understand why some would feel that yesterday's loss was just another merciless punch to the gut. That's not what I'm taking away from yesterday though. I'm taking away the growth in our staff, new offensive identity, and hope for the future, not just in game performance but also for what our offense should mean to recruits. This is the time to believe.
4. Our personnel and coverage on the last drive were extremely questionable. That was the wrong time to get conservative. A new QB in the 4th quarter that has to score a TD in a very loud venue? To me that feels like the right time to be creatively aggressive.

5. For a coach that's big on discipline and accountability, we don't really play disciplined and accountable. That needs to improve. Some of it will - the false starts and stuff don't really bother me. That's a consequence of what we're doing on offense now. I can live that. Some of the other stuff though... I don't understand why certain things aren't sinking in, 4 years into it. They hurt us on a regular basis. We should be able to fix that stuff, but we've been saying that for a long time now.

Completely agree on these 2 points.
Great post.

I liked what I saw from PTG yesterday. I thought he ran hard, and snuck through some small holes.

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I look at it this way. I watch college football and SU football to be entertained. Sure I wish we could win every game, but it's a big plus if the team plays exciting football. Nobody pays me for our W-L record.

My major complaint about GRob and his teams, aside from the W-L record, was how boring those games were to watch.

I think Marrone has gradually made watching the team more interesting. yesterday was a major step towards making game watching more entertaining. Now let's hope he can move in the direction of more wins and less losses.
Good post.
Sure, there were penalties and mistakes, but overall a lot of good things to build upon.
When Pugh, Lemon and Stevens are back, and later some help from Rayman, Morris, Flemming, Morgan and possibly McFarlane -- this team looks more and more legitimate. Should have a chance to get better week after week.
Coaches certainly did some work to transform the offense, moving away from Marrone's basic sets.
also, I like that nassib is running the ball... that being said he is a below average runner. id rather just see him run if the play breaks down and he sees an opening.

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Nice post ... I agree.

Turf doesn't suit our backs. To be most effective on turf you need to be the fastest guy on the field. Our running backs are not that. The last couple years our guys ran better on grass, they are more strong power runners as opposed to guys who will just flat out run you.

Wide receivers have it made in the dome, they can use their speed, run well defined routes and don't have to worry about sun, wind or shadows.

For the same reasons it should be a great place for a throwing QB and kickers as well. We need to get back to playing to these strengths so we can recruit the best players at these skill positions.
Nice post ... I agree.

Turf doesn't suit our backs. To be most effective on turf you need to be the fastest guy on the field. Or running backs are not that. The last couple years are guys ran better on grass, they are more strong power runners as opposed to guy who will just flat out run you.

Wide receivers have it made in the dome, they can use their speed, run well defined routes and don't have to worry about sun, wind or shadows.

For the same reasons it should be a great place for a throwing QB and kickers as well. We need to get back to playing to these strengths so we can recruit the best players at these skill positions.
Well said. I've never understood how we've struggled at times to get good punters and kickers. The Dome alone should guarantee that we have solid guys there.
It's about time you came around.
It's about time you came around.
That's fair.

Let's hope that I've at least been consistent. All along what I've begged for is an offensive identity, and bemoaned our strategy to white knuckle everything. I've hated our excessive use of TEs and fullbacks, and hopes of controlling the ball by playing at a slow tempo and slamming a running back into the line. As an alternative I've advocated for a faster tempo with more of a spread set and 3 wide base, and a mentality and urgency to go for the score now and not wait until later. That's what I saw other programs doing, and succeeding with.

Well, what did you see yesterday? Doesn't that sound a lot like the things I've been asking for? The initial results were promising. Here's hoping those carry through the season.

I'm not expecting anyone to give me credit for the numerous times I've outlined what I thought would work and seeing that come to fruition yesterday, or believe that my posts actually influenced the staff. I do hope however that yesterday gave the crowd that believes that our expectations for offense are unduly influenced by video games something to think about, and helps people to realize that offense in college actually is a different animal and something we should be enjoying instead of downplaying.
Well said. I've never understood how we've struggled at times to get good punters and kickers. The Dome alone should guarantee that we have solid guys there.

Me neither ... for 20 years after the dome opened we were Kicker U. How can you not recruit an all star kicker with the success our place kickers have had in the dome and on to long careers in the NFL? It should matter less to a kicker if your a winning team or not, they'll get their kicks regardless.
My only issue with your post is that you are assuming Marrone is finally "getting it". I think he has always gotten it but finally has the depth and talent to run it.

My only issue with your post is that you are assuming Marrone is finally "getting it". I think he has always gotten it but finally has the depth and talent to run it.
The only reason why I disagree is because we have made some uberconservative decisions in the past. I do think they have changed mindset, caveat emptor one game sample size.

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4. Our personnel and coverage on the last drive were extremely questionable. That was the wrong time to get conservative. A new QB in the 4th quarter that has to score a TD in a very loud venue? To me that feels like the right time to be creatively aggressive.

You can include me in this camp. Not only did we not blitz and pressure Siemens, but many (most?) downs we only rushed 3.
My only issue with your post is that you are assuming Marrone is finally "getting it". I think he has always gotten it but finally has the depth and talent to run it.

My only issue with your post is that you are assuming Marrone is finally "getting it". I think he has always gotten it but finally has the depth and talent to run it.
Marrone and Hackett have been clear about using the off-season to change things up -- to research and adopt offensive approaches that are working elsewhere. For the first time, they brought in a juco to help at a skill position (Clark).
We might eventually have better depth (when Stevens, Lemon & Flemming return, as as the frosh develop), but yesterday was pretty much the same talent/depth as we have had -- maybe a little more speed with Kobena and Clark. The difference is going to a set with the QB in a shot gun and one RB, one TE, and a faster tempo.
The difference is going to a set with the QB in a shot gun and one RB, one TE, quote]

There's nothing new about that. Just more of it.
I am not sure how much of a college O this is. The running game is college but the passing game and formations are still pro. It will be interesting to see going forward how much has really changed. Through 3 quarters yesterday it was the same O but at a quicker pace. There were still a bunch of short passes to the TE and passes in the flats to WR that by design won't get more than 4-5 yards max. There were still a lot of bunch formations which actually invite 8 in the box and do not spread teams out. When we started to take shots down the field the O took off. Was that out of necessity or will we see that more this year? Also when you are playing a team that is one of the worst pass rushing D's and has an awful secondary, why in the hell do you wait so long to attack their weaknesses?

Overall it was a very encouraging day for the O. But I still think there are a lot of questions going forward. The O teased us the first 7 games last year looking pretty good and scoring some points. Then the last 5 games they were as bad as can be. Until we can prove a functional O in BE play, I am skeptical. That shouldn't be difficult since the BE is not strong, but it shouldn't have been difficult the last 3 years either and we got worse as the year went on. Playing against teams who know you and have a tone of film on you has been our issue on O. IMO the real evaluate of Marrone and the O starts vs Pitt (assuming nuttin crazy happens the next 3 games).
That's fair.

Let's hope that I've at least been consistent. All along what I've begged for is an offensive identity, and bemoaned our strategy to white knuckle everything. I've hated our excessive use of TEs and fullbacks, and hopes of controlling the ball by playing at a slow tempo and slamming a running back into the line. As an alternative I've advocated for a faster tempo with more of a spread set and 3 wide base, and a mentality and urgency to go for the score now and not wait until later. That's what I saw other programs doing, and succeeding with.

Well, what did you see yesterday? Doesn't that sound a lot like the things I've been asking for? The initial results were promising. Here's hoping those carry through the season.

I'm not expecting anyone to give me credit for the numerous times I've outlined what I thought would work and seeing that come to fruition yesterday, or believe that my posts actually influenced the staff. I do hope however that yesterday gave the crowd that believes that our expectations for offense are unduly influenced by video games something to think about, and helps people to realize that offense in college actually is a different animal and something we should be enjoying instead of downplaying.

Really good post and its heartening to see an anti-Marrone poster maybe "turning the corner". Though you have been beating the drum the loudest for the last couple of years (along with Millie and IB maybe), I think the Marrone supporters have always wanted the same thing but were maybe a bit more patient in realizing that we may not have had the parts to run it.

None of us have any way of knowing what's the truth regarding Marrone's philosophy, and whether or not this type of offense was originally in his binder or if he reversed course after the first 3 years, but my feeling all along was that he's been working towards this type of "balls to the wall" offense for years. I think he realized that this year's team had enough skill position depth to run it.

I understand everybody hated all of the white-knuckling, and at times it was difficult to watch, but I believe he felt he needed to sacrifice some of his offensive philosophy by winning games by any means necessary for recruiting purposes and to remove some of the losing stink of the Grob years. If that meant shortening games, then so be it. I think he went with the offense the first 3 years that he thought would maximize the win total with the pieces that he had at the time.

As sickened as I was leaving the Dome yesterday, I came to the board and the positivity here actually cheered me up for once. Can't say thats happened very often the last decade. Its good to feel the positivity and to know that we can move the ball. This team has the look of a bowl team. I'll be very disappointed if we don't get back.
My only issue with your post is that you are assuming Marrone is finally "getting it". I think he has always gotten it but finally has the depth and talent to run it.

My point exactly and said much more succinctly than I just did.
But I still think there are a lot of questions going forward. The O teased us the first 7 games last year looking pretty good and scoring some points. Then the last 5 games they were as bad as can be. Until we can prove a functional O in BE play, I am skeptical.

596 yards. Last years bunch had no capability of putting up those types of numbers.
No idea who's wrong or right here. I think a mix. But mad props to OttoinGrotto for being a man, knuckling up, and openly re-assessing his views. For someone who has been as vehemently critical of DM and crew for such a long time, it's refreshing to see a willingness to reconsider and not just hunker down in the silo and gnash his teeth.

Good perspectives from either side of the coin, OiG, but much respect for openly engaging in this discussion.
You can include me in this camp. Not only did we not blitz and pressure Siemens, but many (most?) downs we only rushed 3.
We seemed confused/gassed. Guys were standing around and we (as we did all day) had trouble with our personal substitutions.

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