This season was incredibly disappointing | Page 10 |

This season was incredibly disappointing

Kid comes to Cuse and plays the whole game and averaged 20 a game in the best conference in the country. Has 40 on senior day in front of 30,000. But yeah, they did "nothing" for him.

You post like the classic obnoxious 5'7 drunk meathead in the bar that never played a lick of hoops beyond 6th grade but identifies as superfan of the team and says stupid all night.
Obviously they gave him a huge opportunity to come play here. That's an obvious point and one I am not making. I am talking about X's and O's and giving him and the team an advantage for his incredible ability to shoot the ball. And how about you debate my original post in this. You can't because you do not understand half of it probably.
Obviously they gave him a huge opportunity to come play here. That's an obvious point and one I am not making. I am talking about X's and O's and giving him and the team an advantage for his incredible ability to shoot the ball. And how about you debate my original post in this. You can't because you do not understand half of it probably.

X's and O's? X deez.

Kid averaged 20 ppg in the toughest conference in America, while being a jump shooter with no handles or bounce.

And I don't even know if I read your original post in this thread. Don't care either...seen one, seen them all. All you do is b$tch about the staff, while saying absolutely nothing enlightening or informative. You aren't some coaching guru. FOH.

What, he would have averaged 25 ppg and shot 45% from 3 if only the completely incompetent staff that somehow ended up at Syracuse of all places could coach "x's and o's"?
X's and O's? X deez.

Kid averaged 20 ppg in the toughest conference in America, while being a jump shooter with no handles or bounce.

And I don't even know if I read your original post in this thread. Don't care either...seen one, seen them all. All you do is b$tch about the staff, while saying absolutely nothing enlightening or informative. You aren't some coaching guru. FOH.
Very mature post of you- can't say I am surprised. I just provided an in depth post on why I think what I think and you do not have the intellect or maturity to acknowledge my opinion and debate it.
Very mature post of you- can't say I am surprised. I just provided an in depth post on why I think what I think and you do not have the intellect or maturity to acknowledge my opinion and debate it.

I've seen you make multiple dumb posts on this page alone and tell another poster that's usually on the money that he made a "laughable comment."

Probably 90% of the posts I've read from you are complaining about the staff.

I still don't know what post you're talking about but I'll take my chances that I'm not missing out on anything too groundbreaking.
Laughable comment from you tbh. He shot 41 % from three last year and 48% from the field. The staff has done zilch for AW3. He has made tough shot after tough shot this year. I would reverse what you just said, He has maximized this staff and their efforts.
Laughable? He's taken on a greater scoring role than ever before and has excelled. How many volume 3-point at this level of the college game have produced as consistently as he has this season? What exactly were you expecting from him offensively?
I've seen you make multiple dumb posts on this page alone and tell another poster that's usually on the money that he made a "laughable comment."

Probably 90% of the posts I've read from you are complaining about the staff.

I still don't know what post you're talking about but I'll take my chances that I'm not missing out on anything too groundbreaking.

I would argue that I have seen you make multiple stupid posts with very lazy narratives.

Heres the post:

It comes down to this with Jim- his offense is as poor as I have ever seen it. It's not because he has necessarily gotten worse as a coach it's just that basketball nowadays, is very detail oriented especially when it comes to the pick and roll. His offense STINKS because teams are putting a lot more attention into their ball screen coverages defensively because a lot of teams run a pick and roll style offense. Combine the increased awareness/teaching of the PnR defensively, and JBs ZERO tactics he employs in his pick and roll offense, it results in it being a 1 on 1 drive or jack just about every time down. I saw someone say well in basketball you don't have a lot of plays so it's not the offense that's the problem. Well yes, that can be true to an extent (some coaches have a lot and prefer a set offense style. Tom Izzo comes to mind. Usually has 50-60 total sets) while we may not run many sets which I am actually not against, its JBs execution that does not change at all with his PnR offense depending on how he is being guarded. There are specific attacks you should employ depending on how teams are hedging, tagging, and going over/under bball screens. We have none. Literally none. I watch the euroleague all the time (basically the Chmpions League for basketball) and all teams do is PnR but they consistently get outstanding looks because the players realize how they are being guarded and execute the attack from how they are coached. Many times you will hear that basketball is a simple but very complex game. It's simple in that nowadays many teams are running ball screens, but it's very complex because actually executing the PnR requires a lot of intelligence from the coaches and execution from the players. We create zero offensive advantages for our players. It will hurt the Boeheim crazies but it's the truth. Basketball is a PnR game and our next hire needs to be an individual that understands that and can teach the concepts offensively and defensively if we want sustained success as a top 5 ACC team. That's the bottom line truth. I do not think Mike Hopkins is that and that's the reason I want a national search.

I listened to Mark Few the other day talk about his loss to BYU. First thing he said was that they had too many breakdowns in their ball screen coverages and that's why they lost. How you execute ball screens offensively and defensively often determine if you win or lose. Jay Wright has employed the Spread PnR recently and they have had tremendous success with it.

Another thing is that in our offense It's honestly baffling how poor our spacing is as times. We will run a middle ball screen and have Tyler Roberson posting up down low where the roller will be rolling to. It has happened all year. Spread them out and have your ball screener be TT or TRob and force teams to tag the roller and create a closeout for one of our shooters in the PnR
Laughable? He's taken on a greater scoring role than ever before and has excelled. How many volume 3-point at this level of the college game have produced as consistently as he has this season? What exactly were you expecting from him offensively?
He has excelled because he is a terrific, terrific player br801. Not because JB has done anything to help him excel. If you think so, please enlighten me with what we have done Xs and Os and philosophy wise that has given him advantages.

I am not arguing against his effectiveness. White has been AWESOME this year.
I would argue that I have seen you make multiple stupid posts with very lazy narratives.

Heres the post:

I would argue that you haven't, but you're mad and your delicate sensibilities were offended.

I stopped at "his offense STINKS...". 9th in the ACC in ppg and FG%. 5th in 3 point %.

Does that STINK? I'd say it's mediocre. And I'd say it fits the talent. We had good 3 point shooters and a freshman post with a nice touch and footwork, but little strength. We didn't have a good PG as far as distributing goes..he's a poor man's, less explosive Nate Robinson type. A spark plug off the bench ideally. We didn't have good passers. Really, not one for their position. We had one guy on the team who could finish at the basket, and he was a freshman that was hampered by a foot injury for the first two months of the season.

I think we produced at a level that fits our talent.

But tell me, X's and O's guy...what should we have been able to produce? Give us some wacky, zany, cutting edge stuff. Be as specific as possible.
I would argue that you haven't, but you're mad and your delicate sensibilities were offended.

I stopped at "his offense STINKS...". 9th in the ACC in ppg and FG%. 5th in 3 point %.

Does that STINK? I'd say it's mediocre. And I'd say it fits the talent. We had good 3 point shooters and a freshman post with a nice touch and footwork, but little strength. We didn't have a good PG as far as distributing goes..he's a poor man's, less explosive Nate Robinson type. A spark plug off the bench ideally. We didn't have good passers. Really, not one for their position. We had one guy on the team who could finish at the basket, and he was a freshman that was hampered by a foot injury for the first two months of the season.

I think we produced at a level that fits our talent.

But tell me, X's and O's guy...what should we have been able to produce? Give us some wacky, zany, cutting edge stuff. Be as specific as possible.
Read the rest of the post.
I loved seeing cincy feed Clark consistently in the post

I wish we had guards who were good at doing so, and posts that were both strong enough and aggressive enough to get position. Seems like one of both things were often lacking this year.

People complain that we don't feed the post, but in the years that we do we've historically been very effective at it. Seikaly and Coleman. Coleman and sometimes Owens and occasionally Ellis. Wallace and Hill. Melo and Warrick.

Recently, I felt we fed Rak and Jackson enough. Healthy legs AO didn't get the ball nearly enough. That team was young and dumb though.
Read the rest of the post.

So it's all on coaching and intelligence, but not on skill sets?

Sorry. The most effective pick and roll tandems have had the skill sets to hurt you in multiple ways on both ends of it. If you're focusing on that...we don't have a PG that can finish at the rim or pass, and we have one big guy that can pop and shoot. That's about it. If the roller can't hurt you much and the PG is 5'9 and can't finish...what's going to happen?

We've been quite effective at the high screen and roll in the not too distant past.

Our O wasn't even bad this year. We had 4 new starters, no depth, and the only thing we were talented at was shooting 3's. Stop overthinking it.
He has excelled because he is a terrific, terrific player br801. Not because JB has done anything to help him excel. If you think so, please enlighten me with what we have done Xs and Os and philosophy wise that has given him advantages.

I am not arguing against his effectiveness. White has been AWESOME this year.
He is a very, very good shooter and probably better now than ever. This coaching staff did not hinder his development. They asked him to be the centerpiece of an offense heavily reliant on the 3-point shot and he has delivered most nights, and in doing so, has opened things up for Gillon, Battle and Lydon to get good looks from deep. This team gets little scoring inside from its bigs, and really only has one guy in Battle who can consistently get to the rim and finish, and even he has only recently been able to do so. You and others here may not like the schemes, but give this staff some credit for somehow putting together this offense because it has saved the season in a year when the defense has only been effective in spots, and the rebounding has generally been abysmal on both ends.
I mean if you want to argue with about the coaching you probably have a legit beef that Roberson, Chukwu and Howard haven't developed. This team also can't pass outside if Lydon and Gillon, but this is more of a recruiting problem, not a team strategy problem.
So we aren't a big boy then? You're just gonna take on all comers who even try to criticize anything, eh? What do you think about Joseph, Howard, Patterson, Chino, BJ, Roberson, etc.? Good recruits? Recruiting is fine? You think we are better than Arizona? Btw, it is laughable that you think Arizona or UCLA will be middle of the pack like a SU/Wake in the ACC. Yes, the PAC-12 is much weaker overall but Arizona/UCLA/Oregon are all national championship contenders and would be terrific in any conference. Bilas said so the other day.

We sure are a big boy. One of the biggest. I'll take on people like you that spout nonsense. First of all, howard is only a sophomore. 2nd, Patterson wasn't good, neither was chino. Bj turned out to be a decent college player at Lasalle. Roberson was a role player that helped us get to a final four, our 2nd in the last 4 years. I never said we were better than Arizona, who is getting better players and still have 0 Final Fours in that same time span. Arizona, Oregon, and Ucla feed on weak teams in a weak conference. What makes you think they are better than UNC, Duke, Louisville, Notre dame, Virginia and FSU?
All those players may have been good recruits at the time but that's null and void now and not a given BJ would do much here. We just don't know. They are busts, didn't contribute much here, or are elsewhere. It is what is. All those bodies and not contributing or gone. Haven't you listened to Francis' pods? Come on man. Roberson has been a big disappointment. He's had a few good games sprinkled in here/there but he's been a liability on offense, certainly all of this season and his rebounding has taken a nose dive. Development is part of it. They haven't developed. It's so bad that most of those guys don't even look close to high major players. I'm curious too about Joseph. But, he IS a bust. He was counted upon, never did anything, and is gone. Another man down!

Two Final Fours in the last 4 years. NBA first rounders the last 6 years. One and dones and 2 and dones. Yup. Recruiting has been horrible.
We sure are a big boy. One of the biggest. I'll take on people like you that spout nonsense. First of all, howard is only a sophomore. 2nd, Patterson wasn't good, neither was chino. Bj turned out to be a decent college player at Lasalle. Roberson was a role player that helped us get to a final four, our 2nd in the last 4 years. I never said we were better than Arizona, who is getting better players and still have 0 Final Fours in that same time span. Arizona, Oregon, and Ucla feed on weak teams in a weak conference. What makes you think they are better than UNC, Duke, Louisville, Notre dame, Virginia and FSU?

Funny thing about Patterson, he came in with a reputation as a shooter with good defensive attributes for the zone [really long arms]. Wasn't a very good ball handler. I was expecting him to be a little like Ranzino Smith [pulling from the time machine] at UNC back in the day, as a backup guard who could fill it up.

Instead, he ended up being better in most other respects of his game--driving, passing, etc.--but couldn't throw the ball in the ocean, and wasn't much of a defender. Basically, the complete opposite from what I expected from him.

It really is too bad that he couldn't have shot a reasonable percentage from three -- even if it was just in the 33 - 35% range. Would have enabled him to carve out a niche as a reserve.
Funny thing about Patterson, he came in with a reputation as a shooter with good defensive attributes for the zone [really long arms]. Wasn't a very good ball handler. I was expecting him to be a little like Ranzino Smith [pulling from the time machine] at UNC back in the day, as a backup guard who could fill it up.

Instead, he ended up being better in most other respects of his game--driving, passing, etc.--but couldn't throw the ball in the ocean, and wasn't much of a defender. Basically, the complete opposite from what I expected from him.

It really is too bad that he couldn't have shot a reasonable percentage from three -- even if it was just in the 33 - 35% range. Would have enabled him to carve out a niche as a reserve.

Interestingly enough, Ron ended up shooting 62-156 for almost 40% on 3's at IUPUI this year. Now obviously it's debatable whether that would have ever happened at the ACC level, but that's much better than I would have ever expected at any level after watching him at SU.
Interestingly enough, Ron ended up shooting 62-156 for almost 40% on 3's at IUPUI this year. Now obviously it's debatable whether that would have ever happened at the ACC level, but that's much better than I would have ever expected at any level after watching him at SU.

Call me crazy, but I liked Patterson. I thought he had an excellent looking J, good technique, etc. I also believed he had a half way decent handle, could drive and get into the lane as he a solid physique. I think he just lacked the confidence of not getting legitimate run time and constantly getting yanked quickly, yelled at, etc. by JB :noidea:

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