This should be a Technical EVERY SINGLE TIME…. |

This should be a Technical EVERY SINGLE TIME….


All Conference
Apr 11, 2012
Keatts was deliberately coming feet onto the court when NC ST would try to press to take away extra court space. I don’t believe the players know they can go at him and draw a technical and instead try to stay away from him, but is precious space that he is purposely trying to influence. It’s pathetic and shady and he was waved to move once. How he continued to get away with it, I just don’t understand.

I was thinking the same exact thing watching the game. Matt and Jim mentioned it on the radio broadcast. I synch up the radio broadcast to the DVR most of the time with the exception of a few TV guys (Bill Walton in Hawaii i.e., McDonagh, Bilas, Dave O'Brien, Devo vs. Miami, Doug Sherman, Dave Pasch. O'Brien, Sherman and Pasch are SYR alums, I make an exception for SYR guys.
Those two pictures are egregious! I would think he should be able to be fined retroactively just for those pictures even if the refs missed it. The sideline is already an extra defender. I feel it should be a hard line and they should be able to go to the monitors and review. If you were on the court and affected the play at all, it’s a technical. If you had both feet on the court, even if you didn’t affect the play it’s a technical. Two technicals you’re out. If it keeps happening, you can no longer coach.

It’s pointless to have rules if you don’t enforce them. They might as well just say we suggest that the coaches stay off the court.
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He saw Shaka get away with it and assumed that it's legal and smart to have that extra defense.
The more I drank the more this was driving me nuts! My wife and kids were getting sick of me standing next to the TV pointing this out every other possesion. If you have a rule, enforce it. There's lines for pete's's not a tought judgement type call.
Now if this was at Cameron it's a technical every single time including, when he had only a toe outside the box. The refs in this league are atrocious.
Now if this was at Cameron it's a technical every single time including, when he had only a toe outside the box. The refs in this league are atrocious.

When you see the same refs, do the same thing year after year after year without being reprimanded or replaced the conclusion that they are atrocious lacks strategic logic. it makes a lot more sense to consider that they’re very good at doing exactly what the ACC is instructing them to do. This was always one of my concerns when we left the big east. I don’t blame the university for leaving. I get it but I knew we were going to get screwed in the ACC overtime just like most of the other teams that have been in the league for years.
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He should be warned once, then given a technical the next time he does it. He'd almost certainly stay in the box after that.

Why should he get a warning? It’s already a rule. It’s a technical. There is no gray area. He’s either on the court and out of the coaches box or he’s not. The whole problem is that they’ve made it a gray area and up to the discretion of the referees. Imagine giving a player a warning on their first traveling violation or their first reach in hack.
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Why should he get a warning? It’s already a rule. It’s a technical. There is no gray area. He’s either on the court and out of the coaches box or he’s not. The whole problem is that they’ve made it a gray area and up to the discretion of the referees. Imagine giving a player a warning on their first traveling violation or over their first reach in hack.
You're right, of course. I thought warning a coach once before teeing him up would be a vast improvement over the way the rule is currently enforced. Baby steps.
A player is going to get hurt by a coach on the court. And unfortunately I think that's what it'll take for anything to be done about it.
Why should he get a warning? It’s already a rule. It’s a technical. There is no gray area. He’s either on the court and out of the coaches box or he’s not. The whole problem is that they’ve made it a gray area and up to the discretion of the referees. Imagine giving a player a warning on their first traveling violation or over their first reach in hack.
Did you see how fast they teed up the Clemson Player yesterday?

Agreed, every time a coach does what Keatts did during last night’s game…​

Did you see how fast they teed up the Clemson Player yesterday?

Yes, I assume their excuse would be delay of game, but he wound up with the ball after the basket and did his best to not delay the game.

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