Too early to talk out of town scores and the wifi |

Too early to talk out of town scores and the wifi


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
There were several crazy games going on before/during ours. The big ND/OSU game and then a good ending in the utah game. Let alone there must be yankee/mets fans in the bldg. But no scores again. Is this too hard? Why do we have miles of ribbon boards just glowing orange randomly and not use them for display?

The wifi/5g sucked even worse if thats possible.. I had people at home txting me scores of games to figure out what was happening outside.

And I still dont get why we dont use the screens to show other games during dead periods. Pregame would be cool showing endings of games that are live.. Give me a reason to go watch pre-game and show me something.. During half time, show something, even if its only on 2 screens and not them all.. Dont even need sound

I also noticed that several of the Dome cameras were not in HD when they switched inputs to live streams. Seemed like someone had fired up the PS3 to show us the game.

Did they even put the stats on the big boards one time? I saw some in a corner on occasion, and i saw some under the inside of the big replay board but you cant read them from my seats because the speakers are in the way.
There were several crazy games going on before/during ours. The big ND/OSU game and then a good ending in the utah game. Let alone there must be yankee/mets fans in the bldg. But no scores again. Is this too hard? Why do we have miles of ribbon boards just glowing orange randomly and not use them for display?

The wifi/5g sucked even worse if thats possible.. I had people at home txting me scores of games to figure out what was happening outside.

And I still dont get why we dont use the screens to show other games during dead periods. Pregame would be cool showing endings of games that are live.. Give me a reason to go watch pre-game and show me something.. During half time, show something, even if its only on 2 screens and not them all.. Dont even need sound

I also noticed that several of the Dome cameras were not in HD when they switched inputs to live streams. Seemed like someone had fired up the PS3 to show us the game.

Did they even put the stats on the big boards one time? I saw some in a corner on occasion, and i saw some under the inside of the big replay board but you cant read them from my seats because the speakers are in the way.
Epic failure by a staff that doesn't give a crap
there is no excuse for the bad wifi/5g in the dome.. None.. if its a down the road JMA thing thats fine, but it doesnt mean it has to suck until they solve it.. put a mobile 5g trailer or 2 outside that would go along way.. And the fact that every year the wifi sucks is impossible to explain.
You're too late. ;)

Someone was already complaining about the WIFI in the Dome Audio thread.
Epic failure by a staff that doesn't give a crap

Then replace people. People know what the in-person experience should be like. Wildhack was a big shot at ESPN, for goodness' sake!

Show the scores, show the stats WHILE THE GAME IS GOING ON.
Fix the sound. Yes, the lights are cool. But that's atmosphere. Fans also want INFORMATION.

It seems to me that they could automate this stuff. There are crawls available everywhere (ESPN, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc.). Just license one, set it to ACC, Top 25 and Eastern football scores, and just let it run during TV commercials.

Run the current game stats during stoppages in play or changes of possession. Show stats that are relevant to what's happening on the field. If Shrader throws a TD, then follow up with this game stats up to that point.

I saw some of this during the game on the ribbon, but very limited info. Someone can do much better.

How hard is this? A college kid who is an intern ought to be able to do this, seriously. When we will just be COMPETENT in our AD's office and our sports marketing efforts?
Yeah stats are running on the inner scoreboards of the center hung video board

Out of town scores should be put on the wall scoreboards and they can run their promo stuff on the center scoreboards
My biggest complaint is that the scores weren’t updated. The ND/OSU score read 10-7 for 2 quarters and it was final. The UNC/App St game read 22-21 when that was the Rutgirls/BC score. And they pick like 8 games to show. I remember the days when they do the entire top 25 and then all the conference games and then some.
There were several crazy games going on before/during ours. The big ND/OSU game and then a good ending in the utah game. Let alone there must be yankee/mets fans in the bldg. But no scores again. Is this too hard? Why do we have miles of ribbon boards just glowing orange randomly and not use them for display?

The wifi/5g sucked even worse if thats possible.. I had people at home txting me scores of games to figure out what was happening outside.

And I still dont get why we dont use the screens to show other games during dead periods. Pregame would be cool showing endings of games that are live.. Give me a reason to go watch pre-game and show me something.. During half time, show something, even if its only on 2 screens and not them all.. Dont even need sound

I also noticed that several of the Dome cameras were not in HD when they switched inputs to live streams. Seemed like someone had fired up the PS3 to show us the game.

Did they even put the stats on the big boards one time? I saw some in a corner on occasion, and i saw some under the inside the big replay board but you cant read them from my seats because the speakers are in the way.
My understanding on the lack of live feeds on the scoreboards is because it is illegal to do this. SU does not have licenses to show live feeds of all the different games you might want to see. If they do it and get caught, they will be subject to lawsuits and fines. I think they have received permission to show I’ve broadcasts of other SU teams in action during SU home games in the past but it takes time and effort and it is only going to happen when there is a really good relationship in place between the telecaster and SU. Fox for instance, is unlikely to ever grant SU permission to show one of their broadcasts live. I don’t think this is commonplace at other college facilities. I have never seen it done at any ACC football or basketball venue except at the dome and I travel to away games a lot.

Not sure if the dome has its own cameras or if networks bring them in when they televise a game. I suspect it is the latter. I also suspect that the ACCN broadcasts probably get less HD cameras and other state of the art equipment than broadcasts by ESPN or ABC. I doubt this is SU’s fault.

I don’t think they have ever put the stats on the center hung scoreboard. They showed them all the game on a part of the ribbon scoreboard in the northwest corner of the dome. As they have done for all games since the new ribbon scoreboards were installed. I like that but disliked that when it came to individual stats, they only showed the leading rusher and leading receiver for each team. No breakout for each player with stats. I hate that. Tucker was behind Shrader in rushing yardage most of the game, so there was no updates on where Sean was for virtually the whole game. I hope this changes.

Regarding Wi-Fi, the solution being used this season is the same one that has been in place for years. SU and JMA are investing an enormous amount of money in a new Wi-Fi solution. I suspect it will be more than anyone has ever spent for a Wi-Fi solution for a college stadium (and it should be the best one too). No issues here trying to make minor improvements in an old, obsolete solution. Don’t think that makes sense. Let’s focus on the future and not waste time, money and tech resources trying to put lipstick on a pig.

JMA CEO John M said he hoped it would take 9 months to get their Wi-Fi solution installed. I think they started installation, which is well under way, sometime in June. I know JMA’s solution took over a year to install at Sofi. So I am guessing we won’t see the full blown solution in place until really late for the basketball season, or more likely, in time for next football season. I know a ton of fiber optic cable has been installed. This is a completely different approach and will provide a vastly superior product. That is why it takes a long time to implement. Be patient. I have confidence it will be worth the wait.
Stats were shown consistently on the center-hung on the inner ring. No exaggeration. Consistently.

I also felt they went to top 25 scoreboard fairly regularly on the center hung, but it would go away super fast.
The stats were constantly running on the boards. I’m not sure what you were looking at. Out of town scoreboard is my biggest beef.

But because of the ribbon'a available space, which seemed limited to just a couple lines, you only got limited stats. One thing, or one person at a time. And they didn't come nearly often enough with the updates, IMO.
there is zero chance it is illegal to show other games.. what is illegal is showing feeds that you dont pay in certain ways to broadcast. so if they chose to show the OTA feeds which are free they could. They have shown Su bball in the dome for special contests so they got those rights some how.. they have shown other games before in the concourses so they had those rights in the past.

if they have spectrum in the dome, they may have to get some permission to show something on the big screen. Other stadiums do it so there must be a way.

I mean if i buy cable at home and choose to show it in a wall on my house and all my neighbors come to watch a game is that illegal?

we have 2 different issues in the dome Wifi and Cellular,.

Wifi is an issue SU needs to resolve. JMA can do it.. Cellular is an issue JMA can help with but the cell phone companies could/should have done that long ago. There is no reason we should not have had a better situation over the last 20 yrs.. we have a compressed campus that at times has 30-40k of people in a location they should have beefed up the local cell coverage long ago. Put a couple more towers on some buildings around the campus and they would really help.
there is zero chance it is illegal to show other games.. what is illegal is showing feeds that you dont pay in certain ways to broadcast. so if they chose to show the OTA feeds which are free they could. They have shown Su bball in the dome for special contests so they got those rights some how.. they have shown other games before in the concourses so they had those rights in the past.

if they have spectrum in the dome, they may have to get some permission to show something on the big screen. Other stadiums do it so there must be a way.

I mean if i buy cable at home and choose to show it in a wall on my house and all my neighbors come to watch a game is that illegal?

we have 2 different issues in the dome Wifi and Cellular,.

Wifi is an issue SU needs to resolve. JMA can do it.. Cellular is an issue JMA can help with but the cell phone companies could/should have done that long ago. There is no reason we should not have had a better situation over the last 20 yrs.. we have a compressed campus that at times has 30-40k of people in a location they should have beefed up the local cell coverage long ago. Put a couple more towers on some buildings around the campus and they would really help.

The wireless and cell work is all being worked on right now JMA was hoping it would be finished by the first game. It’s a lot of work retro fitting an old stadium to have eventually some of the best wifi etc in possibly the whole country.

JMA once this is up and running, is absolutely going to use the Dome as their “test site” for other stadiums. I would expect as long as JMA is on the dome, you can expect us to be futuristic with this stuff once the initial work is finished.
it doesnt help that so many have 5g phones now.. 5g is awful when you have unstable connections.. it bounces all over. So if you have wifi on and 5g on it times out switching over when it loses one and if you have just 5g on and that signal is shaky it is terrible at changing to 4g and the going back when 5g comes back. One reason the coverage in the dome is worse is because of that constant changing of signal quality.

many people I know with 5g have turned it off since 4g is more stable and less people are actually on it now.. And the reality is for most of what we are doing 4g really is quite fine.
there is zero chance it is illegal to show other games.. what is illegal is showing feeds that you dont pay in certain ways to broadcast. so if they chose to show the OTA feeds which are free they could. They have shown Su bball in the dome for special contests so they got those rights some how.. they have shown other games before in the concourses so they had those rights in the past.

if they have spectrum in the dome, they may have to get some permission to show something on the big screen. Other stadiums do it so there must be a way.

I mean if i buy cable at home and choose to show it in a wall on my house and all my neighbors come to watch a game is that illegal?

we have 2 different issues in the dome Wifi and Cellular,.

Wifi is an issue SU needs to resolve. JMA can do it.. Cellular is an issue JMA can help with but the cell phone companies could/should have done that long ago. There is no reason we should not have had a better situation over the last 20 yrs.. we have a compressed campus that at times has 30-40k of people in a location they should have beefed up the local cell coverage long ago. Put a couple more towers on some buildings around the campus and they would really help.

You need to read Tomcats post which walks through the details.
there are some very old rules about this stuff.. like cover charges and size of screen and being in places that are normally used. But the rules are very old and outdated. You have to get a distributor to sign off and you have to get rights and you probably have to get some permit.. But what we should do is contact some local congressman and have them work with the FCC to get a better answer on how to do this.. we have thousands of these boards around the country now. But other stadiums do it.. I get that that some NFL stadiums do it for NFL feeds.. Even if it was only the ACC network feed that would be something. Work a deal with youtube TV to show the acc network as a marketing gimic.
there is zero chance it is illegal to show other games.. what is illegal is showing feeds that you dont pay in certain ways to broadcast. so if they chose to show the OTA feeds which are free they could. They have shown Su bball in the dome for special contests so they got those rights some how.. they have shown other games before in the concourses so they had those rights in the past.

if they have spectrum in the dome, they may have to get some permission to show something on the big screen. Other stadiums do it so there must be a way.

I mean if i buy cable at home and choose to show it in a wall on my house and all my neighbors come to watch a game is that illegal?

we have 2 different issues in the dome Wifi and Cellular,.

Wifi is an issue SU needs to resolve. JMA can do it.. Cellular is an issue JMA can help with but the cell phone companies could/should have done that long ago. There is no reason we should not have had a better situation over the last 20 yrs.. we have a compressed campus that at times has 30-40k of people in a location they should have beefed up the local cell coverage long ago. Put a couple more towers on some buildings around the campus and they would really help.
It is illegal to charge the general public and show them material you do not own. This is why bars have to buy expensive packages to show NFL games.

I have been to maybe 30 college venues, probably more. I have never once seen any of them show live broadcasts of other games. They might show highlights. We used to do with when we were working with Soectrum. The only exception was Syracuse showing an away SU football game before an SU basketball game started. I know they needed special permission to do that.

Curious to hear all the venues you have been to where they have shown live broadcasts. Maybe SU can contact them and figure out how they got around the legal issues.

Agree it would be nice to have better cellular in the dome. I think that is something the phone carriers do though. I don’t believe SU has put up any cell towers, not had any other college.

The three major carriers put up new towers near Sofi. Hope it happens someday here. Our best bet imho is to get them to try and set up the dome as a prototype site JMA can use to show prospective customers the capabilities of the JMA solution. Think that is going to happen regardless. Hope the major carriers, with whom JMA has good relationships with, will participate by throwing up some 5G towers. Going to require a lot of people to do phone upgrades. But access to 5G might be worth it for many. It would for me!
It is illegal to charge the general public and show them material you do not own. This is why bars have to buy expensive packages to show NFL games.

I have been to maybe 30 college venues, probably more. I have never once seen any of them show live broadcasts of other games. They might show highlights. We used to do with when we were working with Soectrum. The only exception was Syracuse showing an away SU football game before an SU basketball game started. I know they needed special permission to do that.

Curious to hear all the venues you have been to where they have shown live broadcasts. Maybe SU can contact them and figure out how they got around the legal issues.

Agree it would be nice to have better cellular in the dome. I think that is something the phone carriers do though. I don’t believe SU has put up any cell towers, not had any other college.

The three major carriers put up new towers near Sofi. Hope it happens someday here. Our best bet imho is to get them to try and set up the dome as a prototype site JMA can use to show prospective customers the capabilities of the JMA solution. Think that is going to happen regardless. Hope the major carriers, with whom JMA has good relationships with, will participate by throwing up some 5G towers. Going to require a lot of people to do phone upgrades. But access to 5G might be worth it for many. It would for me!
well in the last few years LSU and Miami i was at did it. Mets game at Citi, Bills game. But those were NFL/MLB things so who knows.

its illegal to charge a cover charge I know that.. Not sure if a ticket to an event is that.. They show games in the quad. they show games at the fair and you pay to get in there.

thats why I said maybe if they limited it to ACC network games it might work easier. You have to get permission from the broadcaster you use and for the feed and you need a permit.. All things you can get done.

They make generic pass thru towers that are not vendor specific, they use them at big events like PGA and things. They also use them in areas where say Verizon has a tower but not Sprint.

Tech is changing.. If there is some other reason it cant get done then places like SU should go to the FCC and get the rules changed with the help of local congressmen.. Look how long it took to get NY to push the rules on requiring Fiber around the state. That took a lot of calls but eventually they listened.
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there is zero chance it is illegal to show other games.. what is illegal is showing feeds that you dont pay in certain ways to broadcast. so if they chose to show the OTA feeds which are free they could. They have shown Su bball in the dome for special contests so they got those rights some how.. they have shown other games before in the concourses so they had those rights in the past.

if they have spectrum in the dome, they may have to get some permission to show something on the big screen. Other stadiums do it so there must be a way.

I mean if i buy cable at home and choose to show it in a wall on my house and all my neighbors come to watch a game is that illegal?

we have 2 different issues in the dome Wifi and Cellular,.

Wifi is an issue SU needs to resolve. JMA can do it.. Cellular is an issue JMA can help with but the cell phone companies could/should have done that long ago. There is no reason we should not have had a better situation over the last 20 yrs.. we have a compressed campus that at times has 30-40k of people in a location they should have beefed up the local cell coverage long ago. Put a couple more towers on some buildings around the campus and they would really help.

Friend of mine has a company in Atlanta that provides elite high-bandwidth WiFi for big tradeshows with 60-100,000 attendees. They set it up and tear it down, and in Las Vegas, their network covers several city blocks without people dropping signal or having to re-log in. They do WiFi, wired Internet and cell phone service. It can be done.
Friend of mine has a company in Atlanta that provides elite high-bandwidth WiFi for big tradeshows with 60-100,000 attendees. They set it up and tear it down, and in Las Vegas, their network covers several city blocks without people dropping signal or having to re-log in. They do WiFi, wired Internet and cell phone service. It can be done.

Right but currently JMA is working on it

Like they are literally at this moment installing new Wifi that is using literally the best and newest technology. Even newer than what they used for Sofi

Y’all need to calm down, they were hoping it would get done by football season but it isn’t done yet.

And there no way to partly turn it on, so it requires using the old for now.

Patience friends, patience.
Epic failure by a staff that doesn't give a crap
My understanding on the lack of live feeds on the scoreboards is because it is illegal to do this. SU does not have licenses to show live feeds of all the different games you might want to see. If they do it and get caught, they will be subject to lawsuits and fines. I think they have received permission to show I’ve broadcasts of other SU teams in action during SU home games in the past but it takes time and effort and it is only going to happen when there is a really good relationship in place between the telecaster and SU. Fox for instance, is unlikely to ever grant SU permission to show one of their broadcasts live. I don’t think this is commonplace at other college facilities. I have never seen it done at any ACC football or basketball venue except at the dome and I travel to away games a lot.

Not sure if the dome has its own cameras or if networks bring them in when they televise a game. I suspect it is the latter. I also suspect that the ACCN broadcasts probably get less HD cameras and other state of the art equipment than broadcasts by ESPN or ABC. I doubt this is SU’s fault.

I don’t think they have ever put the stats on the center hung scoreboard. They showed them all the game on a part of the ribbon scoreboard in the northwest corner of the dome. As they have done for all games since the new ribbon scoreboards were installed. I like that but disliked that when it came to individual stats, they only showed the leading rusher and leading receiver for each team. No breakout for each player with stats. I hate that. Tucker was behind Shrader in rushing yardage most of the game, so there was no updates on where Sean was for virtually the whole game. I hope this changes.

Regarding Wi-Fi, the solution being used this season is the same one that has been in place for years. SU and JMA are investing an enormous amount of money in a new Wi-Fi solution. I suspect it will be more than anyone has ever spent for a Wi-Fi solution for a college stadium (and it should be the best one too). No issues here trying to make minor improvements in an old, obsolete solution. Don’t think that makes sense. Let’s focus on the future and not waste time, money and tech resources trying to put lipstick on a pig.

JMA CEO John M said he hoped it would take 9 months to get their Wi-Fi solution installed. I think they started installation, which is well under way, sometime in June. I know JMA’s solution took over a year to install at Sofi. So I am guessing we won’t see the full blown solution in place until really late for the basketball season, or more likely, in time for next football season. I know a ton of fiber optic cable has been installed. This is a completely different approach and will provide a vastly superior product. That is why it takes a long time to implement. Be patient. I have confidence it will be worth the wait.
All that needs to be said is that JMA now has an exclusive contract to provide connectivity solutions to any new NFL facility. And once in place the functionality enhancements for fans AND our coaching staffs will be world class. As I understand it there is no way to do this incrementally. It needs to be a 100% cutover to new solution and any temporary investment would be throwaway.

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