Transfers & Offensive Line | Page 8 |

Transfers & Offensive Line

I'd say Bleich is a proven commodity. NONE of our guys received an overall passing line grade this year. I believe Dakota did, in just one area. If we're optimistic, a healthy Serv, Dakota, Bleich, should offer us a slight improvement next year. I think anything past that is conjecture.

IMO, The more important question is why have none of our guys received a passing P5 line grade, in the last 2 years?
A lot of people dont factor in how vulnerable the tackles were. They had to help the interior lineman so much. It makes their job harder. Each position effects the unit as a whole.
A lot of people dont factor in how vulnerable the tackles were. They had to help the interior lineman so much. It makes their job harder. Each position effects the unit as a whole.

Great point.

What I want to see next year is improvement on communication to eliminate the frequent 1-2 guys blocking air while a DL is upfield untouched.

I understand if one of our guys is beat straight up one v one. No shame in that because it could be a trade off the staff is willing to risk due to scheme match up.

The air blocking was way too frequent and I’m hoping just another symptom of having a patchwork line. Settle on the 5 best hopefully early on in spring/summer and get their communication squared away.
What I want to see next year is improvement on communication to eliminate the frequent 1-2 guys blocking air while a DL is upfield untouched.

The air blocking was way too frequent and I’m hoping just another symptom of having a patchwork line. Settle on the 5 best hopefully early on in spring/summer and get their communication squared away.
I guess you're talking about transfers. We still have plenty of room to take a few more those, so my comment really doesn't pertain to that. It was more about the 85 limit and whether White is taking up a needed spot.
I was talking specifically about transfers and also just in general, Dino likes to deliberate a while before making changes and/or bringing in new people. Look how long he has stuck with the same game plan (Runs almost exclusively up the middle, passes almost exclusively towards the sideline, long developing pass plays) before changing. Look how long he stuck with Kim McCloud when he hadn't landed a single recruit in years. Heck, look how long he's stuck with Cavanaugh. Most P5 coaches would have let him go a year ago. He himself admits he can be very stubborn at times and is almost always very patient/deliberate when it comes to making changes.
I don't know about "great," but certainly improved over last year's 5 win team -- which would have enabled this year's squad to get firmly back into bowl contention.

But then we had an inordinate amount of offseason injuries at one key positional unit, totally decimating the interior OL.

And then the ACC revamped what shaped up as a favorable schedule, and gave us a much harder one.

And then our QB got injured part way through the season.

Let's dispense with the fallacy that 2020 set up well, and then the team just failed to live up to expectations.
Agree about the schedule, but the only injured OL who was projected to start was Davis and we ran for 3 yards in a game after he returned. I'm not saying injuries didn't factor at all, but it was much more than that, as it's been going on for years.
A lot of people dont factor in how vulnerable the tackles were. They had to help the interior lineman so much. It makes their job harder. Each position effects the unit as a whole.

Why not?

Dino sounds like a man who knows there is a LOT riding on next year - “I’m scratching and clawing” - and given the choice between HS kids who may not contribute for a few years, or a transfer who could contribute IMMEDIATELY, it would be nuts at this point not to use all of the remaining slots on the latter.

DT & C, then maybe outside WR & DB, and done.
WR Tyrell Shavers (TX) Miss St
C Zach Carpenter (OH) Michigan
NG Judge Culpepper (FL) Penn St
S Jammie Robinson (GA) S. Carolina
CB MJ Devonshire (PA) Kentucky
Agree about the schedule, but the only injured OL who was projected to start was Davis and we ran for 3 yards in a game after he returned. I'm not saying injuries didn't factor at all, but it was much more than that, as it's been going on for years.

I think many were also hopeful that Bleich would also be available. His transfer was denied late, but he may not have been healthy enough to play anyway. Was he even practicing before the NCAA made its ruling?
WR Tyrell Shavers (TX) Miss St
C Zach Carpenter (OH) Michigan
NG Judge Culpepper (FL) Penn St
S Jammie Robinson (GA) S. Carolina
CB MJ Devonshire (PA) Kentucky

Those would all be most welcome additions.

Question is - how do we sell them on coming to Cuse, vs all the other options they’ll likely have available to consider?

I know, I know - RECRUIT HARDER!!! :rolleyes:
Those would all be most welcome additions.

Question is - how do we sell them on coming to Cuse, vs all the other options they’ll likely have available to consider?

I know, I know - RECRUIT HARDER!!! :rolleyes:
Shavers - presumed relationship with Shrader
Carpenter - starting opportunity
Culpepper - obvious family connection
Robinson - starting opportunity plus recent success of DB’s entering the NFL
Devonshire - recruited by staff out of HS, close to home, chance to start opposite G Williams
WR Tyrell Shavers (TX) Miss St
C Zach Carpenter (OH) Michigan
NG Judge Culpepper (FL) Penn St
S Jammie Robinson (GA) S. Carolina
CB MJ Devonshire (PA) Kentucky
How many of those do you think we get? The only two I see are Culpepper and Shavers
Agree about the schedule, but the only injured OL who was projected to start was Davis and we ran for 3 yards in a game after he returned. I'm not saying injuries didn't factor at all, but it was much more than that, as it's been going on for years.

There IS a lot more to it. Namely:
  • Key players who would be upperclassmen nucleus of the OL being medically disqualified, and not part of the program anymore
  • In-season injuries, forcing the staff to shift guys around
  • COVID-19 disrupting spring practice
  • An absurd amount of off-season injuries
  • The stupid NCAA, giving out waivers like Halloween candy, denying our transfer
And there are other reasons, too. Like Alexander not coming anywhere close to what was expected in 2019, Heckel's injury forcing Servais back into the middle, when he'd dropped nearly 30 pounds to enhance his agility for playing OT, etc.

Like usual, there isn't any one thing that is the root cause and the single root cause of the issue. I know that's what some posters [not you, OP -- I agree with your point that it is a multi-dimensional issue] would like to pretend, because it makes it easier to lay blame and focus their ire.

I do want to rebut one thing about your post. The top 3 OG projected by the staff were Bleich, Davis, and Pat Davis. The coaching staff wasn't sure whether he would get cleared by the NCAA, but they were optimistic -- and predictably, the NCAA made the wrong call. He was also injured, so not sure how much he would have played. But with him not in play, top reserve P. Davis would have likely slid into the other spot, alongside Dakota. Problem was, they were both injured. So much so that when P. Davis returned after the first 4 or 5 games, he tried to rush out onto the field just to provide some depth -- but he could only make it through 2 series before he had to come out of the game. When Dakota returned, he was still hobbled -- THAT'S why the YPR didn't improve when he returned. The coaching staff had to play despite him being impaired. Ditto Servais, who other years might have missed a game or two to allow him to heal. But there was literally. Noone. Else. So he tried to gut it out, for the good of the team, despite barely being able to move.

BTW, I mentioned who the top 3 OG's were -- we ended up starting NONE of them -- instead marching out Tisdale and converting a utility player [Elmore] to OG for nearly 3/4 of the season. So I disagree that it was just one projected starter who was injured -- the injury situation was a substantial problem for the OL this year, spanning several players, which had a significant trickle-down effect on how the unit shaped up and performed.
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Not everybody in a need position in the portal is a fit for SU... kids transfer to play and if playing time isn't available there could be problems.(ex. Alexander )
I was talking specifically about transfers and also just in general, Dino likes to deliberate a while before making changes and/or bringing in new people. Look how long he has stuck with the same game plan (Runs almost exclusively up the middle, passes almost exclusively towards the sideline, long developing pass plays) before changing. Look how long he stuck with Kim McCloud when he hadn't landed a single recruit in years. Heck, look how long he's stuck with Cavanaugh. Most P5 coaches would have let him go a year ago. He himself admits he can be very stubborn at times and is almost always very patient/deliberate when it comes to making changes.
Ok. Since we were talking about White, I wasn't thinking at all about transfers. That has to do with the annual limit of 25 and not the original discussion of why it hasn't been announced that he is medically DQ'd to open up a scholarship. That would only matter with the 85 overall limit.
Great point.

What I want to see next year is improvement on communication to eliminate the frequent 1-2 guys blocking air while a DL is upfield untouched.

I understand if one of our guys is beat straight up one v one. No shame in that because it could be a trade off the staff is willing to risk due to scheme match up.

The air blocking was way too frequent and I’m hoping just another symptom of having a patchwork line. Settle on the 5 best hopefully early on in spring/summer and get their communication squared away.
For me a lot of that is they kept switching guys around in practice. For me keep them oline in the same spots. Communication is key in their blocking and also knowing what the guy on either side of u is gonna do. I mean in a normal simplistic blocking scheme it’s basically inside on or scan to help someone. When ur all over and not practicing something until it’s second nature ur thinking too much. Our oline should be jr and Sr kids who have experience and size and also played the same position since freshmen year. Need consistency
Seems we've offered QB's and DTs in the portal. Is that it for now?
Seems we've offered QB's and DTs in the portal. Is that it for now?
Could be. Priorities #1 and #2, right? DT becomes a real problem IMO if we don't get some guys to come back. I could see us using all the remaining spots looking for help on the DL.
Could be. Priorities #1 and #2, right? DT becomes a real problem IMO if we don't get some guys to come back. I could see us using all the remaining spots looking for help on the DL.
I think we need DT help even if guys come back. We have four or five scholarships left possibly a few more based on transfers. I say almost all of them will go to transfers or jucos.
Could be. Priorities #1 and #2, right? DT becomes a real problem IMO if we don't get some guys to come back. I could see us using all the remaining spots looking for help on the DL.

Wouldn't that be nice if we brought in 2 or 3 guys for the interior of the DL? I'd love that. Big strong guys, ready to play at this level.
Odd that we haven't offered an olineman.

Don't we have 5 or 6 freshmen already? I could see maybe taking a center, but that's about it. We've got a million tackles already. A couple of them have to work out, right? They've like clones of each other, all 6-5 and 260.

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