Truly disgusted, sad and furious | Page 3 |

Truly disgusted, sad and furious

I just wish that the media would stop glorifying these things. Ranking who the "worst" mass murderers were and stuff, making these people famous. It really gets on my nerves. Why does a 5 year old need to be interviewed on the news about what he or she saw? So annoying.
Firearms account for 68% of all murders committed in the US and of those, 70% of these homicides are gang related. Eliminate gang related homicides from the US murder rate, and the US averages around 1.0 murders per 100k people which is similar to countries in Europe. Domestic violence accounts for the vast majority of the remaining non-gang related homicides. Norway has very restrictive gun laws, and one of the worst massacre's took place there, taking the lives of 77 teens and adults, Anders Behring Breivik. Guns are benign until used for malevolent purposes and increasingly restrictive gun laws as evidenced by the last ten years does not prevent such tragedies. The mother had the guns legally, he killed her the massacred children and adults. What law would have prevented this? I have three elementary age children and feel intense grief, however it angers me when people oversimplify the issue of gun control and try to find easy blame.

Not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but why don't gang related murders count in your statistics? So many of them are teenagers that are stuck in neighborhoods with a never-ending cycle of violence and it's a huge issue that needs to be addressed if we are going to do anything about senseless acts of violence in this country. Also, to compare the rates vs Europe, wouldn't you also have to eliminate gang related numbers from their statistics as well? Do you have that information?

Edited to add: I know that the gang culture in Europe is no where near the same as it is in the US, but it definitely does exist, so I would guess it does have some impact.
Not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but why don't gang related murders count in your statistics? So many of them are teenagers that are stuck in neighborhoods with a never-ending cycle of violence and it's a huge issue that needs to be addressed if we are going to do anything about senseless acts of violence in this country. Also, to compare the rates vs Europe, wouldn't you also have to eliminate gang related numbers from their statistics as well? Do you have that information?

Edited to add: I know that the gang culture in Europe is no where near the same as it is in the US, but it definitely does exist, so I would guess it does have some impact.

I thought about this yesterday and I know it will sound insensitive due to the environmental factors you outlined but imo gang members are similar to the mafia, police and military. They know it's part of the job or path that they chose just like the possibility that they may have to take a life.

I know not all of them choose to live off the streets and many would get out of they could. Within reason however they all have the chance to leave and have the choice of not pulling a trigger.
simple ban any gun that is not for hunting. Ban all hand guns, Ban all assault guns Make anyone who wants to purchase a gun from any source including private owners and guns shows go through an extensive background search. Make all gun owners go through and pass a safety certification exam. Eliminate the manufacturing of all non hunting amunition. Make it a felony to not report a stolen gun. Require all gun owners with children living at home under the age of 21 to certify that they have a gun locker. Change all laws that permit citizens to carry weapons for non hunting purposes. If we do these things we will eliminate much of the violence in our country. Last point provide for a mandatory sentance of 2 years for anyone who breaks anyone of these laws. Anyone who advocates the sale or possesion of guns for anything other than hunting needs to take a hard long look at why.

How will this eliminate much of the violence in our country? Even if all of the things you mentioned were put in place (which won't happen), would it make it harder for people to get their hands on guns? Yes. However, would it prevent these mass, planned out slayings from happening? I'm going with not likely. Unusual, twisted people will find a way to get their acts done one way or another. The black market is a huge in acquiring guns if you wanted one. As with everything in this country, there is always a way around the law and there is a always a market for it.
Gun control is not the only answer and is a knee jerk response, how about reform for the millions of lawyers who created a culture to sue anything and everything making it impossible for medical professionals to do the right thing, it's almost impossible to get someone committed for treatment b/c of the legal ramifications that will follow...
I can't believe I read this... I just don't believe we live in the same world. If you pay attention you will see drug deals happening on your way to work. Every single person knows someone who uses or has used drugs, outside of hunting, how many people do you know who use guns regularly. The concept just doesn't comprehend to me, you probably have 5 pain med addicts where you work. More people abuse drugs than abuse guns, drug users hurt themselves irresponsible or crazy gun users hurt others.

There are 300 million legal guns in the US, and anyone who wants to protect their families are stockpiling them currently. They aren't going anywhere so let's lock up the idiots who have them stolen from their car. The people who lay them under the bed. Advances in smart gun technology and magnetic rings and etc... will solve the problem or assist in curtailing rage based murders... Mental health reform ought to be priority #1

I just found these... pretty cool[/quote]

No. That's false.
I live in az and over 600,000 tons of meth are brought in are country every day . FACT !!!! Tha USA loves mexico = job security
Do you have any clue how much 600,000 Tons is? I think not. I call big BS until you can show me facts.
Do you have any clue how much 600,000 Tons is? I think not. I call big BS until you can show me facts.
Well ... actually it explains a lot about Arizona!! Wear them holsters and shoot em up!! :0(
Firearms account for 68% of all murders committed in the US and of those, 70% of these homicides are gang related. Eliminate gang related homicides from the US murder rate, and the US averages around 1.0 murders per 100k people which is similar to countries in Europe. Domestic violence accounts for the vast majority of the remaining non-gang related homicides. Norway has very restrictive gun laws, and one of the worst massacre's took place there, taking the lives of 77 teens and adults, Anders Behring Breivik. Guns are benign until used for malevolent purposes and increasingly restrictive gun laws as evidenced by the last ten years does not prevent such tragedies. The mother had the guns legally, he killed her the massacred children and adults. What law would have prevented this? I have three elementary age children and feel intense grief, however it angers me when people oversimplify the issue of gun control and try to find easy blame.
Your dead on , My man . In USA we will never let a 1939 happen again .
Well ... actually it explains a lot about Arizona!! Wear them holsters and shoot em up!! :0(
The local Tuscon paper about a year ago had a huge look at meth in all towns and cities per meth arrests in the old USA .I'm talking about the whole border , not just AZ. There account of 600 ,000's tons was on the low end . Check out 60 minutes a few months ago , theres whole major large factories , with all infrastruture . All they due is make this posion and ship it north . Fact ...
The local Tuscon paper about a year ago had a huge look at meth in all towns and cities per meth arrests in the old USA .I'm talking about the whole border , not just AZ. There account of 600 ,000's tons was on the low end . Check out 60 minutes a few months ago , theres whole major large factories , with all infrastruture . All they due is make this posion and ship it north . Fact ...

You can talk about every border in the USA. 600,000 Tons of Meth is about 30,000 tractor trailer loads a day.

Get real!
You can talk about every border in the USA. 600,000 Tons of Meth is about 30,000 tractor trailer loads a day.

Get real!
You gotta talk about 50,000 mules a day at 60 pound loads . This is a huge problem for are kids .
The border security needs to Get Real ! You have NO idea the money from courts to streets how deadly this poison is People are hooked on this poison very easly .
You can talk about every border in the USA. 600,000 Tons of Meth is about 30,000 tractor trailer loads a day.

Get real!
You gotta talk about 50,000 mules a day at 60 pound loads . This is a huge problem for are kids .
The border security needs to Get Real ! You have NO idea the money from courts to streets how deadly this poison is People are hooked on this poison very easly .

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