But will he? The defense seems to play a ton of guys. The offense just doesn't seem that way to me. It seems like we run the same guys out there, time after time, whether they are getting the job done or not. We don't seem to play the back-ups nearly as much.
I guess in coach-speak, the justification is that "we have the best chance to win with the more experienced guys" - but in an offense with no playbook* (*supposedly), what is so damn hard about this offense? It's not the zone blocking, that's way simpler to execute than a lot of intricate traps and counters; it's not the same 6 or 8 plays we always call that seem to comprise 85% of our total play calls.
Taking what the defense gives you is hard? Isn't that what players try to do in every sport situation? Find the open spaces, get the defender going one way, and then you go the other.
Can't the QB read where the player is going to be by looking at which way the defender is going? It's the QB's 5th year in the system. If it takes 5 years to learn a system, guess what? That's too damn long!