Watching SU Basketball For 45 Years | Page 2 |

Watching SU Basketball For 45 Years

While we are reminiscing , how electric and exciting was that first Beohiem run to the final in '87.
Anybody since this guy?

Vic Hanson lived right around the corner from me in Minoa when I was a young kid. We were always told he was a mean old bed-ridden man who used to play for SU. One time a friend of mine, who may have delivered his newspaper or something but somehow was acquainted with him, brought me over to his house. As I recall, he loved kids and told us stories from his glorious past. I was probably 8 or 9 at the time and can't remember anything specifically, but what I wouldn't give to recall that meeting today...

just about 40:)

That's a great picture that brings back a few memories.

Back in 1987 prior to the F4 WABC radio had a college hoops panel hosted by Dave Sims and that consisted of Billy Packer, Bucky Waters and a few other college gurus. Callers would call in and try to stump the panel with F4 trivia. Nobody could stump them. I got through and asked them to name the starting five of SU's 1975 F4 team. They named Hackett, Lee, Seibert and Bug Williams right off the bat. It was driving them crazy but they could not remember the rocket man, Chris Sease. In order to win a prize I had to answer one of their questions. Billy Packer asked me to name the starting guards on the KState team that SU beat to get to the F4. Mike Evans and Chucky Williams, c'mon Billy you gotta bring more than that. Won an SU cap for my troubles.
Earnie Siebert "Breaking the Floorboards" only 1963 with me. Think about it gone to Final Four's with Earnie Siebert and Craig Forth as Centers
First in person game was 61 or 62.
Oh Man that made me laugh and after friday I need to laugh

My father is (was) an alum and I have rooted for SU since I was knee high to a grasshopper
He also instilled in me a deep hatred of ND sports based on the bogus blocking the holder penalty at Yankee Stadium
I guess thats 45 + for me


Unfortunately it wasn't bogus and it wasn't at Yankee stadium.

The issue was whether the game could end on that play, not on whether it was a good call. The rules at the time said that the kicking team became the defensive team when they surrendered the ball by kicking it. Since Sweeney got (both the hodler ona dhte kicker, based on the film I've seen of the play- which I can't find on the net), after the ball ahd left the kicker's foot, under the rules at the time, Syracuse was now the offensive team and the game could end on a penalty against Syracuse. But the refrees ignored that rule and gave Notre Dame another kick, this one from 41 yards rather than 56 and he made it.

Syracuse appealed to the NCAA, who said that, by rule, they could not change the final score of the game once the game was over. The only thing that could be done was to ask Notre Dame to concede the game, as Cornell had done to Dartmouth in 1940 when they got a fifth down and scored to beat them.

Notre Dame refused and the game went into the books as a 15-17 Notre Dame victory. President Kennedy, asked about the narrowness of his Presidential victory and the role Chicago's dubious politics might have have played in it, said "I'm like Notre Dame. I'll take 'em any way I can get 'em."

Two points in Notre Dame's favor: It was an obvious violation, which shouldn't have been a "free play" for Syracuse and it was a lousy rule that got changed before the next season. Now the kicking team remains the "offensive" team until the end of the play so it isn't open season on the kicker. I'll add that trying to block a 56 yard field goal in those days when there weren't any kicking specialists ranks as the most idiotic play in football history. The ball, which, as noted, was already on it's way when Sweeney barreled into both the kicker and holder, was a dying quail that never made it within 20 yards of the goal post and was wide right in any case.

Back to basketball. :cool:
has taught me one thing... that I' have been watching SU basketball for 45 years.

My 34 years had taught me the team wins games and the team loses games.

In the words of Jim Boeheim, "Good teams win." It's hard to argue with that one!
been listening then watching for 40 some odd yrs. only thing I learned was something like beer then wine look out ur dyin, however that go's, is true

I don't normally drink wine. But a few weeks ago I had a few glasses. Then a few more. Then a few more. My head still hurts! I'd rather drink beer. It's doesn't make you forget how you made it home!
In 1965 when I was 15 I went to a wrestling match between visiting Oklahoma State and Cornell, when I also saw Dave Bing and the rest of the basketball team who were there for a scrimmage with Cornell. Bing had eminently more flair than Yojiro Uetake. Been orange ever since.
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Oh Man that made me laugh and after friday I need to laugh

My father is (was) an alum and I have rooted for SU since I was knee high to a grasshopper
He also instilled in me a deep hatred of ND sports based on the bogus blocking the holder penalty at Yankee Stadium
I guess thats 45 + for me

I remember that too! Listening to that game on the radio as I helped my father get the garden ready for a typical Syracuse winter. First time I heard my father swear...
Unfortunately it wasn't bogus and it wasn't at Yankee stadium.

The issue was whether the game could end on that play, not on whether it was a good call. The rules at the time said that the kicking team became the defensive team when they surrendered the ball by kicking it. Since Sweeney got (both the hodler ona dhte kicker, based on the film I've seen of the play- which I can't find on the net), after the ball ahd left the kicker's foot, under the rules at the time, Syracuse was now the offensive team and the game could end on a penalty against Syracuse. But the refrees ignored that rule and gave Notre Dame another kick, this one from 41 yards rather than 56 and he made it.

Syracuse appealed to the NCAA, who said that, by rule, they could not change the final score of the game once the game was over. The only thing that could be done was to ask Notre Dame to concede the game, as Cornell had done to Dartmouth in 1940 when they got a fifth down and scored to beat them.

Notre Dame refused and the game went into the books as a 15-17 Notre Dame victory. President Kennedy, asked about the narrowness of his Presidential victory and the role Chicago's dubious politics might have have played in it, said "I'm like Notre Dame. I'll take 'em any way I can get 'em."

Two points in Notre Dame's favor: It was an obvious violation, which shouldn't have been a "free play" for Syracuse and it was a lousy rule that got changed before the next season. Now the kicking team remains the "offensive" team until the end of the play so it isn't open season on the kicker. I'll add that trying to block a 56 yard field goal in those days when there weren't any kicking specialists ranks as the most idiotic play in football history. The ball, which, as noted, was already on it's way when Sweeney barreled into both the kicker and holder, was a dying quail that never made it within 20 yards of the goal post and was wide right in any case.

Back to basketball. :cool:[/quote

Thanks for the info old man was bitter over this game for a long time
For me it's been since I went away to college in the 80's and rooting for my home team became a passion. Right at the right time I'd say! Let's Go Orange!

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