We better enjoy Waiters this year | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

We better enjoy Waiters this year

So here's a scenario... Dion comes back next year and breaks his neck after a G-town player undercuts him going for a dunk and can never play again. There goes his GUARANTEED 5 million dollars and money to support his family. He was studying in a Liberal Arts major with no job out of college, so he gets his degree and can't find a job. He becomes homeless and dies on the streets. Because he came back for one year of college to make people like you happy.
Its called an education.I guess these days in America an education isn't worth sh@t.

And what makes you think he will ever sniff 5 mill.Millions are the exception not the rule.For every 1 player that makes it in the NBA there is at least 50 that don't.
Its called an education.I guess these days in America an education isn't worth sh@t.

And what makes you think he will ever sniff 5 mill.Millions are the exception not the rule.For every 1 player that makes it in the NBA there is at least 50 that don't.
This guy is just trolling at this point.

You could walk out of your house tomorrow and get run over by a bus. Does that mean you shouldn't leave your house ever?

You don't go through life scared.
This guy is just trolling at this point.

You could walk out of your house tomorrow and get run over by a bus. Does that mean you shouldn't leave your house ever?

You don't go through life scared.
No worries. I'm done with this topic.Quite obvious most people are just out for the all mighty buck.To each their own i guess.
So here's a scenario... Dion comes back next year and breaks his neck after a G-town player undercuts him going for a dunk and can never play again. There goes his GUARANTEED 5 million dollars and money to support his family. He was studying in a Liberal Arts major with no job out of college, so he gets his degree and can't find a job. He becomes homeless and dies on the streets. Because he came back for one year of college to make people like you happy.

Wow. Are you a drama major? Because that is the most dramatic post I have ever seen.

Let's play a little game called "What happens to Dion when he makes 5 million dollars?"... and since you enjoy dramatizing things, let's just say he makes a few very poor investments (luxury cars, houses, music studios, jewelry) and then has an entourage who is feeding off him left and right.

Then let's just say he's not ready to play in the NBA, plays two years (and gets that $5 million you say he'll get), and is then relegated to playing in the NBDL or overseas. Now, let's just say he doesn't like it overseas, doesn't get along with foreigners, and comes back to the states.

I believe the end result could very well be the same.

Not saying he should stay or go, but let's be real and not dramatize every damn thing. Thanks.
I don't understand this idea of him getting advice from other players to stay. Do you think Flynn, Wes, etc. regret taking the money when they did? One more year in college was going to make them one year older in the eyes of an NBA team and probably wouldn't have made a significant impact on their ability to hold an NBA job. If you're talking about the difference between 1 year of college or 4, then sure - you could come out of that much more prepared. But what is Waiters going to gain from Year 2 to Year 3? If you've got a guaranteed lottery pick staring you in the face, you take it - and i'm quite certain Flynn and Wes would advise him as such.

I think Donte regrets leaving early, and he was teammates with those guys.
I think Donte regrets leaving early, and he was teammates with those guys.
Yeah didn't Donte just recently come out and say he wishes he had stayed?
I think Chad Ford is one of the best writers at ESPN and he has always had excellent sources, so I definitely believe him . . . but I am surprised. There is no doubt that Dion is a physical mismatch for most college guards, but once the NBA gets him in their combines and workout sessions and see that he is small for a 2 and has poor form on his jumper, he is going to have to show playmaker skills or his projected draft position could really slide.

He's been showing playmaker skills all year long Ex: 7 assists against Marquette
If he leaves without a degree.THEN HE IS AN IDIOT!As is any college SPORTS PLAYER!!!Get a dam degree and be proud.OR DON'T AND NOT BE ABLE TO TALK IN ENGLISH THAT PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND!!!!

Ha tell that to basically all of the best NBA players. LeBron, Melo, D-Wade, Kobe, Derrick Rose, etc. They've kind of showed that you don't need a degree. Plus you can just go back to school during offseasons. Basically what I'm saying is to go to the NBA when your stock is at its highest, especially if you're a smaller guard. You can always go back to college with millions of dollars but there's no guarantee that you'll ever have the opportunity to make that kind of money again. I know the thought process seems kind of backwards but it's reality. Let's get off our high horses and allow him to make whatever decision is best for him and his family.
Right now, Dion is a very solid all-around player, yet he isn't great at any one thing. I don't know how well that translates into the NBA, where specialization is big. I think he needs another off-season to become really good at one thing, whether that be ball-handling or outside shooting is up to him.

Kid is a pure scorer with great vision and also a good defender.
Kid is a pure scorer with great vision and also a good defender.

He's awesome at the top of the zone. But I always wonder if our zone hurts our players stock a bit; since the scouts dont really know if they can play M2M at a high level.
CUSEBB1: As has been stated by others, you can always return to get your degree, but you can't always return to the NBA. Dion's decision will be impacted by his projected draft slot and how risk adverse he is. If he is projected to go late in the 1st round, then he could return, improve his stock, and even have time to overcome an injury as a Senior and return to late 1st round status.

As a lottery pick it isn't that hard of a choice.
Leave: Guaranteed high-pay rookie contract, the chance to prove himself over a few years (with a longer leash than under-performing late round picks), and the ability to return to school if things don't work out.
Stay: Chance he goes higher in the draft for more money, but also the possibility he blows out his knee and never returns to lottery form.

So implying someone is stupid for leaving is just a juvenile response. He wouldn't look too smart if he was a projected lottery pick, came back and tore his ACL and never was the same. He gets the degree in either case as long as he wants to, so your point about not valuing education makes no sense.

He's awesome at the top of the zone. But I always wonder if our zone hurts our players stock a bit; since the scouts dont really know if they can play M2M at a high level.

I just think he has all the tools and he shows great anticipation and aggressiveness.
CUSEBB1: As has been stated by others, you can always return to get your degree, but you can't always return to the NBA. Dion's decision will be impacted by his projected draft slot and how risk adverse he is. If he is projected to go late in the 1st round, then he could return, improve his stock, and even have time to overcome an injury as a Senior and return to late 1st round status.

As a lottery pick it isn't that hard of a choice.
Leave: Guaranteed high-pay rookie contract, the chance to prove himself over a few years (with a longer leash than under-performing late round picks), and the ability to return to school if things don't work out.
Stay: Chance he goes higher in the draft for more money, but also the possibility he blows out his knee and never returns to lottery from.

So implying someone is stupid for leaving is just a juvenile response. He wouldn't look too smart if he was a projected lottery pick, came back and tore his ACL and never was the same. He gets the degree in either case as long as he wants to. Stupid was probably the wrong word.Not just talking about him.I just think guys get that much better by staying and a diploma to go with it.And with guys leaving early all the time, it is ruining college hoops.And i refuse to watch pro sports.
Dion Waiters is the best player we have had here since Melo. If we go deep into the tourney and he gets to show off he could go top 5 in the draft, but he's definitively top 10. He also needs to get more min he gives us the best chance to win when he's on the court 21mpg is ridiculous should be getting 27-30 mpg
Just to add a piece to that, tell Dion to go look at the Houston fans opinion of JF right now. They are lobbying to keep Jeremy Lin over JF. And at this point it's hard to argue.

Wow its hard to keep up with the NBA, last week I saw Lin in a Knicks game. Knicks have a huge backcourt problem.
Dion Waiters is the best player we have had here since Melo. If we go deep into the tourney and he gets to show off he could go top 5 in the draft, but he's definitively top 10. He also needs to get more min he gives us the best chance to win when he's on the court 21mpg is ridiculous should be getting 27-30 mpg
I love Waiters as much as anyone; as far potential goes, yeah Waiters is it.

But Warrick and Wes have a legit argument for that spot...Hell I think sometimes people forget how good Nichols was his senior year (probably because that team was so bad besides him).
I love Waiters as much as anyone; as far potential goes, yeah Waiters is it.

But Warrick and Wes have a legit argument for that spot...Hell I think sometimes people forget how good Nichols was his senior year (probably because that team was so bad besides him).

hell yeah dude, nichols was great that year, the best shooter we've had here by a mile since melo imo, he would make like 6 in a row during games...that team got snubbed big time, 10-6 during league play is nothing to be ashamed off, especially with how good some of the other teams were
Wow its hard to keep up with the NBA, last week I saw Lin in a Knicks game. Knicks have a huge backcourt problem.

Lin was cut by the Rockets just before New Years and picked up by the Knicks. Sentiment amongst Rockets fans was that they would have rather be rid of JF than Lin.

Wow. Are you a drama major? Because that is the most dramatic post I have ever seen.

Let's play a little game called "What happens to Dion when he makes 5 million dollars?"... and since you enjoy dramatizing things, let's just say he makes a few very poor investments (luxury cars, houses, music studios, jewelry) and then has an entourage who is feeding off him left and right.

Then let's just say he's not ready to play in the NBA, plays two years (and gets that $5 million you say he'll get), and is then relegated to playing in the NBDL or overseas. Now, let's just say he doesn't like it overseas, doesn't get along with foreigners, and comes back to the states.

I believe the end result could very well be the same.

Not saying he should stay or go, but let's be real and not dramatize every damn thing. Thanks.

I was proving a point by being over dramatic. Obviously your scenario could happen too.
Its called an education.I guess these days in America an education isn't worth sh@t.

And what makes you think he will ever sniff 5 mill.Millions are the exception not the rule.For every 1 player that makes it in the NBA there is at least 50 that don't.
If he's a lottery pick he'll probably make that much money in his first contract. Guaranteed money. And to a basketball player, no, education doesn't mean sh@t.
I said the exact same thing at a game earlier in the schedule, "Enjoy Dion while you can, because he isn't going to be here next year." Another season ticket holder in my section disagreed.
Now I'm thinking about saying, "We're going to be awesome again next year with Waiters coming back" just to see if he bites and says no way he's coming back.

Look, I share your sentiments about the fact that players leaving college early to go pro stinks for college hoops. I also don't enjoy pro basketball, although I do enjoy MLB and NFL. Anyway, I’m going to respond to some of your posts/ideas in a bit...

The fact that you hate players leaving early does not make any of your stances more logical. I personally think your distaste for players who leave early is blinding you from the logic behind the decision. I am not saying it is always the correct decision, but try to look at it unbiased. I would LOVE for Waiters to stay for next year, but...

- As others have said, you can get a degree at any age. Your value as a pro basketball player tends to decrease with time. If he's certain of a high draft pick and the guaranteed money associated with it, basic logic says that probably isn't a bad thing. If he blows the money, that's more likely an indicator of his personality and he would have blown the money with or without a college degree. You said:

Oh yes, cause that one year or 3 year paycheck is good enough to retire on after a career ending injury.Throw being a college drop out in and you should be set for life.
Actually, yes it is. Whether or not the person is smart enough to do that is another story, but one I feel is unrelated to whether or not he received a college degree first.

- It's a risk vs. reward thing. If he stays for his degree, what does he risk? Possibly 2 years of NBA salary (most likely millions of dollars). Possibly even more if something drastic happens and he severely hurts himself in a college game as a junior or senior. In that case, he could risk his entire NBA career. What is the reward? An SU degree. Sorry, but to me, the tradeoff is not worthwhile. Especially since he could return to college after his NBA career (even if it's only 3 years) and get his degree. And, he could go somewhere other than SU for cheaper.

- You made a comment about the fact that Emmitt Smith had a career. I fail to see what relation that has to the fact that he was able to go to college after said career, or that Dion could do the same. The option will ALWAYS be there whether he plays for 1 year or 10 years.

- You also said:

No worries. I'm done with this topic.Quite obvious most people are just out for the all mighty buck.To each their own i guess.
Well, yeah it pretty much is. You think even if Dion stayed and got his SU degree and couldn't get an NBA gig, he'd go out and try to use that degree to get a minimum wage job at McDonald's? So really, whether it's about getting the degree, or going to the NBA, it's almost always about the almighty buck, so I don't understand your argument there.

It’s not about agreeing with your opinion, as you stated earlier. It’s partly how you’re expressing it. You’re using all capital letters every other word, tossing in (I’m assuming) vulgarities, and in some cases not seeming totally coherent. Those are traits of Syracuse.com, and most likely what br801 meant when he made that comment.
Finally, I can assure you I was able to speak (and type) proper English quite well upon graduation from high school. So your quote of:

If he leaves without a degree.THEN HE IS AN IDIOT!As is any college SPORTS PLAYER!!!Get a dam degree and be proud.OR DON'T AND NOT BE ABLE TO TALK IN ENGLISH THAT PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND!!!!
also makes no sense to me. Do you have a college degree?

Anyway, take a step back and try to piece together all the pieces. I think if you look at it with a clear head, you'll see that the rewards/benefits most likely outweigh the risks associated with leaving early. As much as it pains me to say so, since I'd love nothing more than to be able to see him in a starring role here next year. If you've stayed awake to read my whole novel, consider me impressed.
So here's a scenario... Dion comes back next year and breaks his neck after a G-town player undercuts him going for a dunk and can never play again. There goes his GUARANTEED 5 million dollars and money to support his family. He was studying in a Liberal Arts major with no job out of college, so he gets his degree and can't find a job. He becomes homeless and dies on the streets. Because he came back for one year of college to make people like you happy.

So, anyone with "just" a liberal arts degree from SU is now bound to be jobless and homeless and die on the streets?

For the record, I am in the camp of going pro as soon as you are guaranteed a 1st round selection, but your scenario was just absurd.
Kid is a pure scorer with great vision and also a good defender.

Every non big man in the NBA is a "pure scorer" - whatever that means. I'm not sure what great vision gets you without great ball skills. As for being a good defender, that was part of my point that he is good at everything but not great yet at anything tangible. My advice would be to stick around one more year and focus on becoming great at either ball-handling or shooting. It's just my opinion though, so it really means nothing. I thought JFLynn should have stuck around for another year too, because I didn't think he was a high first round talent after his soph year. The NBA has very little patience if you are under 7' tall.
College is supposed to prepare you for your career. I hope that Dion's career is in the NBA for a long time. If he is ready after two years, then he's ready and college did its job.

This is really tangential to the topic at hand, so I apologize, but college is supposed to educate. Professional schools and graduate studies are supposed to prepare you for your career. The growth of the soft sciences and phony undergraduate courses of study has muddied this distinction.

Coincidentally, this is something that should be beneficial to short-term collegiate athletes - if they're not in it for the degree, why not load up on liberal arts courses while they're in school? Get a sampling of what's offered in college, get what education you can, and leave when an employment opportunity presents itself. Beats the heck out of taking credits toward a major that offers little intellectual nourishment in preparation for a career you'll never have.

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