We should be happy for BHCDM. | Syracusefan.com

We should be happy for BHCDM.


Aug 20, 2011
I don't post much and I have a different outlook on Marrone's departure. Trashing him seems both counter-productive and, most likely, wrong. First, as an Executive Recruiter for the last twenty years, I can tell you, very seldom does anybody get recruited who isn't doing a great job where they are. To be called into the NFL after only four years speaks volumes about the job he did at SU. The success and promotion of the Marrone staff will go a long way toward getting qualified coaches to come to the snowbelt in the future.
He left us a promotable number two who immediately got to work replacing a staff that he most likely would have replaced anyway. He got his full team together immediately and put them on the road. Based on the quickness of the assembly my guess is that HCSS knew DM was taking his guys and set up their replacements beforehand. We lost Allen but we got a couple of decent Wide Receivers and another QB. It'll all even out.
It appears to me (from the distant sidelines) that a Robinson-esque replacement would have stopped the ACC from considering SU. Syracuse is on the front side of a parabola and that is Marrone's fault.
One more rambling endnote: It drives me crazy when teams call opposing teams they are beating, "Overrated." Shouldn't you be proud that you've beaten such a highly rated team.
Let's hope Marrone does well and we should take the credit.
I don't post much and I have a different outlook on Marrone's departure. Trashing him seems both counter-productive and, most likely, wrong. First, as an Executive Recruiter for the last twenty years, I can tell you, very seldom does anybody get recruited who isn't doing a great job where they are. To be called into the NFL after only four years speaks volumes about the job he did at SU. The success and promotion of the Marrone staff will go a long way toward getting qualified coaches to come to the snowbelt in the future.
He left us a promotable number two who immediately got to work replacing a staff that he most likely would have replaced anyway. He got his full team together immediately and put them on the road. Based on the quickness of the assembly my guess is that HCSS knew DM was taking his guys and set up their replacements beforehand. We lost Allen but we got a couple of decent Wide Receivers and another QB. It'll all even out.
It appears to me (from the distant sidelines) that a Robinson-esque replacement would have stopped the ACC from considering SU. Syracuse is on the front side of a parabola and that is Marrone's fault.
One more rambling endnote: It drives me crazy when teams call opposing teams they are beating, "Overrated." Shouldn't you be proud that you've beaten such a highly rated team.
Let's hope Marrone does well and we should take the credit.

Good post.
Don't like the way he left and decimated the staff... No problem with ther job he did while he was here..
Based on the quickness of the assembly my guess is that HCSS knew DM was taking his guys and set up their replacements beforehand.

Pretty sure it's been confirmed here that he did NOT know he was losing Hackett...and that's what most people's whole beef has been about.
Good post.
It will help SU to have two successful HCs in the NFL (Coughlin & Marrone). If Marrone turns the Bills around, he will be a celebrity in Western NY and we ought to claim we launched his career. You can't blame him for wanting to take his opportunity even though the timing wasn't great for SU; naturally he takes his Robin (Hackett) with him.
Can understand that people can gripe about what was said to whom, when; but Hackett had what, one good year as an OC?
Our burn over how it was done should have ended when Shafer landed McDonald and Lester. We move on.
Good post.
It will help SU to have two successful HCs in the NFL (Coughlin & Marrone). If Marrone turns the Bills around, he will be a celebrity in Western NY and we ought to claim we launched his career. You can't blame him for wanting to take his opportunity even though the timing wasn't great for SU; naturally he takes his Robin (Hackett) with him.
Can understand that people can gripe about what was said to whom, when; but Hackett had what, one good year as an OC?
Our burn over how it was done should have ended when Shafer landed McDonald and Lester. We move on.

I'll take this sentiment a step further -- I think DM would have been stupid not to take Hackett if in fact DM truly believes he's a rising star and difference-making type of offensive coordinator. You don't get long to prove yourself in the NFL and you have to win and win early. It's the biz.
I'll take this sentiment a step further -- I think DM would have been stupid not to take Hackett if in fact DM truly believes he's a rising star and difference-making type of offensive coordinator. You don't get long to prove yourself in the NFL and you have to win and win early. It's the biz.
Yes. I was looking at it from an SU perspective, and I am fine with having McDonald (high energy, good recruiter) with Lester (QBs, but head coaching experience and highly successful QB himself).
From DM's perspective, Hackett might actually be the brains behind the "new offense" we saw in 2012.
I'm over my Marone hissyfit. Was his week on the lamb necessary? No. Should he have made an announcement and been "straight-up" with the fans (as he apparently was with the players)? Yes. And did he need to grab not only hacket but more than half the FB staff? Definitely not.

But we owe him respect and appreciation for turning the program around, and rekindling the sense of excitement (and wins) that SU needed to take the next step.
Well of course it's counter-productive. Why do you think the biggest post volume happens each day during standard work hours?

This board was built for counter-productivity.

I don't know how I would get through the work day without this board. Though, I'm still in the office partly because of the hours I waste here.
This is pretty much where I'm at. Although ... happy for him? Mmmmm not there yet.

I'm over my Marone hissyfit. Was his week on the lamb necessary? No. Should he have made an announcement and been "straight-up" with the fans (as he apparently was with the players)? Yes. And did he need to grab not only hacket but more than half the FB staff? Definitely not.

But we owe him respect and appreciation for turning the program around, and rekindling the sense of excitement (and wins) that SU needed to take the next step.
I don't post much and I have a different outlook on Marrone's departure. Trashing him seems both counter-productive and, most likely, wrong. First, as an Executive Recruiter for the last twenty years, I can tell you, very seldom does anybody get recruited who isn't doing a great job where they are. To be called into the NFL after only four years speaks volumes about the job he did at SU. The success and promotion of the Marrone staff will go a long way toward getting qualified coaches to come to the snowbelt in the future.
He left us a promotable number two who immediately got to work replacing a staff that he most likely would have replaced anyway. He got his full team together immediately and put them on the road. Based on the quickness of the assembly my guess is that HCSS knew DM was taking his guys and set up their replacements beforehand. We lost Allen but we got a couple of decent Wide Receivers and another QB. It'll all even out.
It appears to me (from the distant sidelines) that a Robinson-esque replacement would have stopped the ACC from considering SU. Syracuse is on the front side of a parabola and that is Marrone's fault.
One more rambling endnote: It drives me crazy when teams call opposing teams they are beating, "Overrated." Shouldn't you be proud that you've beaten such a highly rated team.
Let's hope Marrone does well and we should take the credit.
I don't wish Marrone ill in Buffalo. In fact I know he helped those program very well after the GROB fiasco. I also think that Doug had his self imposed limitations on recruiting and think his departure will help this program. The new coaches are eager to win and have the vitality missing with some of Doug's assistants.Scott Shafer is a no nonsense type of coach. What he brought to the defense is able to be promoted to the whole team. George McDonald is their kind of guy who with with his new assistant coaches can bring in the top rated players who don't require a career long caching up experience to play their best I think this spring weare going to experience a newfeeling about the team.;)
Yes. I was looking at it from an SU perspective, and I am fine with having McDonald (high energy, good recruiter) with Lester (QBs, but head coaching experience and highly successful QB himself).
From DM's perspective, Hackett might actually be the brains behind the "new offense" we saw in 2012.
I wonder who's recruiting for Ole'Miss?
Let's hope Marrone does well and we should take the credit.

Good post. Agree with everything you said. And I will add, if he is successful at Buffalo, TGD should work on DM to keep coming back to SU for speaking events, fundraisers, cajoling recruits, etc. Let's get something out of it.
Doug did a very good job of getting this program up off the floor and leaves us in a much better situation than he inherited. Shafer seems off to a good start in his hires and recruiting, despite the fall-out from so many coaches leaving. We may have taken a step back after several steps forward and there are more forward steps to come.

The idea that Marrone was going to stay here forever because he was an alum and this was his "Dream job" was incredibly naive. I expected him to go after a successful transition to the ACC, having re-established us as as a winning program and thus as an ACC contender. I think if he'd left at that point, we would have wished him "bon voyage" and followed his NFL career with more than jsut interest.

But he left with the job half-done, only weeks after telling us that "I have to do a better job" over and over again. (it turns out he wanted a better job). He was supposedly on short lists for NFL head jobs when he came here and would surely be a candidate for better jobs than the Bills if he turned us into regular ACC contenders. He didn't have to go now to get an NFL job. he didn't have to come here to get one. Something went very sour behind the scenes and his leaving suddenly and no public statement to fans after he'd stressed to us how much he wanted this job left us with a sense of abandonment. His statement that he wanted a Bills coaching staff "with NFL experience" and then raiding most of the SU staff, which had little NFL experience seemed somehow penal.

It's time to move on and I'm still optimistic about the future but the memory of Doug's leaving will always be a bad one.
I'm over my Marone hissyfit. Was his week on the lamb necessary? No. Should he have made an announcement and been "straight-up" with the fans (as he apparently was with the players)? Yes. And did he need to grab not only hacket but more than half the FB staff? Definitely not.

But we owe him respect and appreciation for turning the program around, and rekindling the sense of excitement (and wins) that SU needed to take the next step.

He also should've been 'straight up' with some of our larger fish whom reneged. Maybe, had he been, they may not have flipped? But, it was clear from Brown's presser, along with some of the others, that Marrone broke his "contract," his word. And, because he wasn't on the up & up when it was all going down, he left those recruits questioning the integrity/honesty of the entire program in the aftermath. Resulting in the remaining/ensuing staff really having no legitimate chance after that.
Greg Schiano handled the Rutgers situation better than Doug. He at least met with the players right away, maybe it was timing because of break or whatever but Buffalo and DM could have kept everything under wraps until the kids came back so they didn't have to hear about everything over Twitter and texts. Regarding the staff he said one thing and then completely did the opposite which cost us our top QB recruit. I don't recall nearly as many flip-floppers when Greg left Piscataway either. DM handled the situation very poorly and fans have a right to have a sour taste in their mouth regarding Doug. No one can deny that he brought us back from obscurity but it could have ended much better. I'd put DM's departure somewhere between Schiano and Kiffen leaving UT.
We can thank Doug for getting us back to be a contending team, but the way he left was god awful. He might as well sent us a text that said, its not you, its me. You can see that he had a@@hole tendencies in his pressers and the way he handeled certain questions. I wish him well in the NFL only because maybe Syracuse gets something out of it, but other than that, hes a douche
I disagree because of the situation. 1. His emotional opening PC when he was hired and he told his his entire career was aimed at this dream job which of course was BS ( If you still think he was sincere your a lttle slow ) 2. With SU entering the ACC it is a very important period for the program, we really didn't need a shake up right now. 3. Instead of leaving town with a couple of trusted assistants he gutted the coaching staff. Noone really knows how many of the kids we lost would have stayed if Doug had stayed but posters that claim they would have decommitted anyway must have some kind of magic spell that allows them read kids minds. After he (Doug) left I was able to accept his journey up the ladder and accept that leaveing for the NFL was too much to pass up, but when you factor all the other things in i have trouble wishing him well. Chances are he will be an OC somewhere within three years.

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