we won't stay @ 14 so | Syracusefan.com

we won't stay @ 14 so

Part of me wants to screw Storz State and Jersey State, but another part of me wants to keep the B1G out of NYC. What do y'all think (is it "y'all" down there?)? Should the ACC take ownership of the NYC area before the B1G can?
Rutgers and UConn and I'll be fine with this. They'll both land on their feet, so it might as well be in the ACC.
Thanks for the welcome.

It seems that ND (all sports) and Texas would be best case scenario for an ACC + SU/Pitt to add as teams 15 and 16.

I have no idea if that is even doable especially in regard to ND. At least the ACC is now in position to lure two very good football teams into a 16team power conference to compete with the eventual SEC,PAC16 and BIG16 power conferences.
Sefishly... UConn and West Virginia.

Greedily... Notre Dame and Texas.
Sefishly... UConn and West Virginia.

Greedily... Notre Dame and Texas.
Can't disagree with this. I also like Louisville.
first let me say Welcome!

who do you want for #15 and #16?

UConn and WVU or our little brother rutgers. I dont want Texas and ND. They do nothing for SU nor me. I have always wanted an east coast conference. Like the BE, if the ACC adds a Texas (no matter the prestige), it is no longer the Atlantic Coast Conference. Only other school I would consider, tho we will never get them, is PSU.
I'd go with Texas, and I would have picked UConn, at least until they made me suffer through the most god-awful NCAA Championship game that will ever be played.
It is starting to get fun with the rutgers fans, so it would be entertaining to keep them around.

Then again, F them. this isnt a jersey blowout, unibrow conference.

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UConn and WVU or our little brother rutgers. I dont want Texas and ND. They do nothing for SU nor me. I have always wanted an east coast conference. Like the BE, if the ACC adds a Texas (no matter the prestige), it is no longer the Atlantic Coast Conference. Only other school I would consider, tho we will never get them, is PSU.
Texas and Notre Dame are easily the two biggest fish in the pond out there though. There's a lot to be said for not just having them, but keeping them away from other conferences.
UConn and WVU or our little brother rutgers. I dont want Texas and ND. They do nothing for SU nor me. I have always wanted an east coast conference. Like the BE, if the ACC adds a Texas (no matter the prestige), it is no longer the Atlantic Coast Conference. Only other school I would consider, tho we will never get them, is PSU.

Although I agree in sentiment and would prefer WVU and UConn on a personal level Texas and ND would bring a huge windfall money wise and pretty much set up the ACC as a super conference to contend with in Bball and Fball for a very long time. If I'm already accepting that we are leaving the BE for the ACC why not be set up for good and get ND and Texas giving FBall a chance to compete with the other super conferences that are to come.
Texas and Notre Dame are easily the two biggest fish in the pond out there though. There's a lot to be said for not just having them, but keeping them away from other conferences.

Although I agree in sentiment and would prefer WVU and UConn on a personal level Texas and ND would bring a huge windfall money wise and pretty much set up the ACC as a super conference to contend with in Bball and Fball for a very long time. If I'm already accepting that we are leaving the BE for the ACC why not be set up for good and get ND and Texas giving FBall a chance to compete with the other super conferences that are to come.

Not disagreeing with that but also right now, all the rumors are ND and TExas for everything but football. That does nothing at all IMO and is Big Eastish.
Texas and Notre Dame are easily the two biggest fish in the pond out there though. There's a lot to be said for not just having them, but keeping them away from other conferences.

If they aren't in for football, you aren't keeping them at all, just like ND and the BE. It would only be treading water until they each get what they want which right now is their own TV $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Not disagreeing with that but also right now, all the rumors are ND and TExas for everything but football. That does nothing at all IMO and is Big Eastish.
that's a stretch. they're an added bonus. both good basketball programs. i can take them or leave them but i don't feel like we'd need them the way we do now
Not disagreeing with that but also right now, all the rumors are ND and TExas for everything but football. That does nothing at all IMO and is Big Eastish.

Yes I know and that does nothing except keep ND and Texas away from other conferences for the time being. If the other super conferences do form it may eventually force ND and Texas to join in fball as well but I don't like the idea of any all in other than fball schools because as you say that's what we are escaping by joining the ACC and leaving the BE. I could except it if Texas and ND had a time frame to bring them in down the road in fball as well but to let them join other than fball with no stipulations is very distasteful to me.
WVU as #15, hands down. I would say a tie between UConn and Louisville. We know what they offer in terms of hoops and a football series with BC (the conference will force this to happen) would be great. Both schools hate each other. Could make for a great natural rivalry. Louisville is fine too but there is less of a northeast contingent with the Cardinals.

North: SU, BC, Pitt, WVU, UConn, Maryland, UVA, VT. South: Duke, UNC, NC State, Wake, Clemson, GT, Miami and FSU. In my mind, that seems like a natural split. The south might be marginally better in football and the north in basketball.

I would also work to take over MSG for the basketball tournament. That is the best venue in college basketball that is not located in upstate NY.
y'all works to the above poster who asked...

and y'all should have been in the last time...

rumor has it TX and TT have applied...

dnk if true...

but locking up the NE corridor is paramount and your addition is a statement as to who the ACC believes is most likely to deliver the NYC market...

one guess is as good as another as to who's next...

but the addition of Pitt and your Orange was definitely a calculated move...
Not disagreeing with that but also right now, all the rumors are ND and TExas for everything but football. That does nothing at all IMO and is Big Eastish.
I was not aware of those rumors of all but football when I posted that.

The only way it would make sense to me is if they have a ridiculously 'Uge buyout to go from independent to membership in another conference. There can't be an option for Texas to land in the Pac16 or ND anywhere really.

The consensus on here on how we would like the divisions set up:

BC, Maryland, Miami, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Virginia, Virginia Tech
Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Georgia Tech, UNC, NC State, Wake

How do you think that will go over down your way?
UConn and WVU ... I dont want Texas and ND. They do nothing for SU nor me. I have always wanted an east coast conference. Like the BE, if the ACC adds a Texas (no matter the prestige), it is no longer the Atlantic Coast Conference. Only other school I would consider, tho we will never get them, is PSU.

WVU is likely SEC bound; an indredibly loyal fanbase but their academic reputation...

and it is the academics who actually get to decide in the end...

there are only so many options in that North East Corridor (where all those TV sets are) but TX and ND are attractive...

don't worry no one will be in for everything except football although having your own tertiary network does not violate any ACC rule so TX might like that and there might be some room for ND, if they are interested...

still, I'm with those who want an Eastern League...

it is $$$ that drives these moves, and will almost certainly impact how the divisional splits work...

BTW, how is your baseball team???

might be the next revenue sport as interest is growing...

Lax just improved, for sure...

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