Welcome to the ACC | Syracusefan.com

Welcome to the ACC

what tha heel

Walk On
Sep 19, 2011
Welcome to the ACC from a Tar Heel fan. The BE has been the dominant basketball conference for the past several years top-to-bottom, while the ACC...meh, not so much after the top two. It will be nice to have more parity at the top of the ACC now, and I can't wait to play two teams with such different styles and defensive philosophies than anything we have seen recently in our league. It should be exciting.

I'm sure most of you have mixed emotions about this. If we left the ACC, I would. I still get nostalgic for the 8 team ACC sometimes, but this is how it is now, and I am so happy we are expanding with Syracuse and to a lesser degree Pitt. I have a lot of family in Upstate NY who are big 'Cuse fans, so as a result, I have always cheered for you in the BET and in the NCAAs.

You may have heard a lot of Tar Heel fans are arrogant s, and if you visit our message boards that would probably be confirmed. Internet fandom can bring out the worst in people. But more than a few of us are level-headed, pretty knowledgeable about basketball, are willing to acknowledge excellent play from other teams, and enjoy smart discussion about the game.

OK, I am done kissing your ass now. I hope we kill you every time we play, and I hope you kill dook every time you play them. Welcome and good luck!
Thanks. We have a pretty good record against Roy boy. And I can tell you we will do our best to beat Puke. Thanks for the welcome.
Can't wait to play UNC and Dook on a regular basis. Come back here and chat basketball anytime!
Man the UNC/Duke games are going to be CRAZY 33,000 plus!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!
We are brothers in all things involving Dook.
$20 says the SU athletic department sets it up so we break the record by 3 fans every time we play Dook/UNC
Oh yeah, as part of the agreement to join the ACC all your big men were given 3 fouls already for the first time you play dook. If you think Big East refs suck, you haven't seen nothing yet.
Oh yeah, as part of the agreement to join the ACC all your big men were given 3 fouls already for the first time you play dook. If you think Big East refs suck, you haven't seen nothing yet.
Thank you for the Welcoming my fellow ACC member! And we shall see about the refs Higgins and Burr will be pretty hard to top! :bang:
Wasn't too long ago that Gross talked about the court in the middle of the field. His head must be exploding with possibilities.

That should be a very big topic right now going through their heads...It should happen, cause it could and should sell out for a duke/unc game
Oh yeah, as part of the agreement to join the ACC all your big men were given 3 fouls already for the first time you play dook. If you think Big East refs suck, you haven't seen nothing yet.

I just can't see how the ACC refs are possibly any worse than Tim Higgins and Jim Burr. No way in hell.

BTW, thanks for the kind words. Looking forward to it.
That should be a very big topic right now going through their heads...It should happen, cause it could and should sell out for a duke/unc game
I know some people are totally against this, but knowing how TGD works, if this can happen, he will make it happen. I would love to see it.
Nice to have warm welcomes ... none from Duke but a couple from the Tarheels. Obviously we look forward to the competition but enter the ACC with great sadness remembering the history and the tremendous rivalries of the Big East. We can now turn the page and move on to new rivalries and memories. Yes, SU will break attendance records but they will be at the expense of leaving many friends (and enemies) behind. Thanks for the warm welcome and I can say, personally, that I look forward to the games we will have in the future.
P.S. Heaven help us if Gross puts the court at midfield!! I don't want end zone tickets!!

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