Syracuse doesn't need to and won't become part of SUNY. NYU isn't going to merge with Syracuse. For one, their academic reputation is far superior- sorry, not sorry, it's just a fact. They have plenty of money too.
The answer here is incredibly simple and could probably result in major tax savings for the taxpayers of New York.
Politicians and SU officials need to lobby to make both Upstate and ESF statutory colleges within Syracuse University. In effect, Syracuse is the administrative entity, so synergies can be realized in terms of top administration (Pres/Chancellor, Provosts, VP and AVP level deans or VPs of student affairs, etc can be merged/eliminated) admissions, financial aid, housing, dining, etc.
The precedent exists- SUNY has 3 statutory colleges at Cornell (Ag/Life Sciences, Industrial and Labor Relations, and College of Human Ecology) and there is a SUNY statutory college of Ceramics or Material Sciences/Engineering at Alfred University (separate from SUNY Alfred State). Those colleges provide space, administration, housing, bookstores, etc but the students have Alfred or Cornell ID cards, are students of the University etc. Their diploma reads either "Alfred University" or "Cornell University" but the SUNY system subsidizes those colleges.
Any consultant could have given Kent or CTO or whomever this advice, but your pal JoeCollege gave it for free. Kent, or John Wildhack can DM me. Making SUNY Upstate no longer independent but under the auspices of SU would give SU the funing and status it needs while giving taxpayers some relief through reduced costs.