here's my memory of the 3-0 orange in 1991. True story. Was finishing up grad school out in Chicago. Back then getting to watch games was really hard and a lot of work to find them on somewhere, so I was so psyched to see us go 3-0.
The saturday night after 3-0 was drunk after the game in the city up north where I lived in Lincoln Park the last year then headed down to the then place to be for night life, Rush and Division street (may still be the place for all I know).
Anyway head down in a cab completely blotto...get out of the cab and waiting right there is then ESPN talking head and sportscaster Dan I stumble out he's holding the door open as I get out and before a crazzy hot gal goes in...I like it was my natural breath blurt out "holy Dan Patrick, the greatest sportscaster since Howard Cosell"...he laughs and says "yeah right."
As he lets her in and starts to get in himself and I'm starting to walk away I yell back "hey Dan how about those Orangemen" and he simply yells back before he shuts the door "looking good aren't they". Liked him before and ever since.