What was that.. Just glad to get the win | Syracusefan.com

What was that.. Just glad to get the win


Shaky Potatoes
Aug 26, 2011
1. If we have the same line as last year minus one guy how come we suck so bad now. Was Bart a world beater? Certainly not, macky can't play at this level right now , maybe ever. He is a straight up ing liability for this team right now, he can't run or pass block. It's a freaking joke. Chi bane was a disaster today too. again, same line as last year,a year of experience for our guys but we take 3 steps back.. You do the math. He is a d3 talent, I thought we were recruiting him to just be a long snapper

2. Obviously we miss dc3, nothing you can do there but we need a thunder back and we need him quickly.. Mr moore.

3. The lack of recruiting at d line and the loss of Chandler really showed today and will continue to show. We have zero pass rush with a base defense.

4. Lyn straight up puked on the field today, when he went down, he was gasping for air all night as was Phil thomas, those two probably due to injury are not even close to being in game day shape. Thought Wilkes had a concussion after that kick off hit. The conditioning isn't there for some of these guys right now

5. Sham Thomas makes plays and closes like nobody else on this team. Sick

6. We lost a lot of pieces, 6 -6 would be ok, 7-5 would be a miracle. Hey, we are 2-0 and plenty of programs lose to 1aa teams every year just happy we were not one of them. I expected a close game today. I say we play better next week and hang in for awhile

7. Kind of sad looking around as to what the attendance has become.. Geese. In addition, I heard Michigan pumping in pop music tonight.. Oh the horror!!!

8. Marrone needs to continue to upgrade talent everywhere because I am still not seeing a ton of upgrade. He needs to go out and get a running back

7 I just wish we could me more physical with our o line and dine, it's a real issue
So it wasn't that our offense was that great in the preseason...

...it was that our defense was really that bad.
I think there has been a talent upgrade, but the loss of senior leadership and experience - Holmes, Merk, D. Smith, Tribbey, Perkins, Suter, Hogue, Lewis - can't be overstated.

You're talking about eight guys who played a lot of football for the Orange.

Experience is a crucial element and right now this defense, though fast and tough, just does not have enough experience.

Things will get better.

I agree that the OL is a problem. We just do not seem to knock anybody down. That part of the program has to improve quickly.
Most pundits took the return of the OL as the main reason to project SU as staying mid-pack in the BE.

With the exception of Justin Pugh, I wonder if that was a valid assumption?
We're 2-0 and our expectations have been re-factored to where they should've been before the season started. Things could be worse.
We're 2-0 and our expectations have been re-factored to where they should've been before the season started. Things could be worse.
No, I disagree. The O line was supposed to be a strength. People might put it on Mackey, but it's a unit, and there's no excuse that they can't run on a Division 1-A team. I don't understand why Ameen-Moore has not appeared yet. He seems to be just the guy we need to move the pile. I guess he doesn't know the plays yet. But how hard is it to hand off and hit a hole? Use him situationally, where he doesn't have to do much.
RI did have a lot of guys in the box all night.

It seems that the Rams decided to force the Orange to win the game through the air.

Still, we should be able to run the ball against a team like RI.
I've never seen an OL look so terrible against an FCS team. They were constantly beat off the snap, forced to reach and grab, and were overpowered. It was pathetic.

The offensive side of the ball is lacking speed and playmakers. Those players need to be recruited immediately. If Marrone is going to run a standard, plain offense, he needs either bigger players to overpower opponents, or faster players to outrun them. Right now, the offense has neither. How many more recruiting classes will it take to add some quality OL or better skill players?

I think the young secondary is going to be very good very soon. I like those kids as a group.

I just can't get over how awful the OL was/is. USC is going to murder this group next week if they don't turn it around quickly.
No, I disagree. The O line was supposed to be a strength. People might put it on Mackey, but it's a unit, and there's no excuse that they can't run on a Division 1-A team. I don't understand why Ameen-Moore has not appeared yet. He seems to be just the guy we need to move the pile. I guess he doesn't know the plays yet. But how hard is it to hand off and hit a hole? Use him situationally, where he doesn't have to do much.

There weren't any holes to hit for the most part. You can combine Delone Carter, Godzilla and Jesus, and make him 8 feet tall and 300 pounds, but if the O-Line isn't opening things up, he's not going to get yardage.

Bailey will be fine, it starts with the line.
I've never seen an OL look so terrible against an FCS team. They were constantly beat off the snap, forced to reach and grab, and were overpowered. It was pathetic.

The offensive side of the ball is lacking speed and playmakers. Those players need to be recruited immediately. If Marrone is going to run a standard, plain offense, he needs either bigger players to overpower opponents, or faster players to outrun them. Right now, the offense has neither. How many more recruiting classes will it take to add some quality OL or better skill players?

I think the young secondary is going to be very good very soon. I like those kids as a group.

I just can't get over how awful the OL was/is. USC is going to murder this group next week if they don't turn it around quickly.
I think you make a good point.

If you intend to run a conventional offense you need muscle and speed.

Option offenses - spread offenses - no huddle offenses seek to overcome talent deficiencies.

We are certainly not running any of those offenses.
We're 2-0 and our expectations have been re-factored to where they should've been before the season started. Things could be worse.

Agreed, 4 to 7 wins should be the expectation at this point
I don't see issues at at the skill positions, the issues are in the trenches.. D tackle,center really.

P Thomas and corners are issues too

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