What will this year's team look like? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

What will this year's team look like?

The reason for JJ’s numbers is not that he had to defend multiple guys in transition several times per game. That is just not true. I don’t want to get too deep into another Judah thing but the lengths people go to pin last years problems on him is literally insane. I’m not saying that never ever happened, but the notion that it happened so many times a game that it gave JJ the worst defensive numbers of almost any ACC guard is simply ridiculous. JJ got beat plenty, he showed little effort plenty, despite his athleticism. He would shadow guys but not actually contest anything they did. He would lose his man with a simple pick. He would be lazy contesting the three ball. I will find clips if I have too. Judah was far from perfect but the numbers for JJ are not a result of Judahs play.
Foot speed foot speed foot speed. Multiple of us have said it time and time again JJ gets beat off the bounce, off the first cut, etc WAYYYY to much. Thats where the improvement needs to be made. Reaction time, positioning on top of the foot speed.
Out of 79 players that played at least 50% of minutes in 20 games Bell was 71st in defensive rating and JJ was 72nd. Bell was 75th in DPM and JJ was 78th. The only players near their level played at Louisville and Georgia Tech. Not company you want to keep.

This year Bart Torvik projects them to make minor improvement, but still in the bottom quartile of defenders.
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Matt is 100% correct. The stats are definitely skewed against JJ. Multiple times per game last season JJ was back trying to defend two guys. You can't do that and get away with it playing decent teams, and it didn't work last year. The result is the metrics everyone loves to quote. Bell on the other hand, it is hard to disagree with. If he wasn't so good at blocking from behind we would have gone completely insane last year. He was just plain beat over and over and over...
That’s a fair post, especially regarding JJ needing to guard two positions. Fortunately both of them know they are perceived as being poor defenders. Hopefully that is motivation.
Just on every underneath out of bounds, not once in a while as a surprise, not a percentage of the time, but every single time so the other team can be sure to have prepared plays for it. :(
If there is one thing we need to change this season that is it
Out of 79 players that played at least 50% of minutes in 20 games Bell was 71st in defensive rating and JJ was 72nd. Bell was 75th in DPM and JJ was 78th. The only players near their level played at Louisville and Georgia Tech. Not company you want to keep.

This year Bart Torvik projects them to make minor improvement, but still in the bottom quartile of defenders.
I think having actual centers playing center and actual power forwards playing power forward will make the team defense much better.

Last year, if any of the perimeter players got beaten off the dribble, the next line of defense was Brown or Taylor. This year it will be Lampkin or Freeman. Neither are shotblocking specialists, but at least have the size to prevent easy layups... And then there is the defensive effect a healthy McLeod brings to the table.
I think having actual centers playing center and actual power forwards playing power forward will make the team defense much better.

Last year, if any of the perimeter players got beaten off the dribble, the next line of defense was Brown or Taylor. This year it will be Lampkin or Freeman. Neither are shotblocking specialists, but at least have the size to prevent easy layups... And then there is the defensive effect a healthy McLeod brings to the table.
I can’t put it on them. Brown and Taylor were the 2 best defenders in the starting lineup. Bell was bad the year before and JJ stunk on defense at Notre Dame. I think Freeman will be a clear upgrade over Taylor, but I’m worried about Lampkin in space. Those guys have to improve individually if we are going to have a successful season. Let’s see if Engelstad helps on that end here.
My worry is that despite all of the mentioned setbacks we put the ball in the hoop at a respectable rate last year. It was our defense that was a bigger issue. We were 6th in the ACC in ppg. With all the talk of no ball movement and guys who can't shoot, whatever we were doing was getting passable results. But we were 13th of 16 teams in points allowed. Our 2 best defenders in Mintz and Maliq are gone now, but our two main defensive problem children remain (JJ and Bell). Then we add Lampkin who has some serious game on the offensive end and is strong on the boards, but struggles as a rim protector on defense.

Yes players can always improve in any area at any stage of their career, but we are really not setting ourselves up for a turnaround on the defensive end if we have Starling Bell and Lampkin out there for 30 plus minutes a game. I feel like using some of our depth pieces for more than just spot minutes could be crucial to turning things around on defense. Taylor Davis and a healthy McLeod all have potential to be strong on defense. If they are indeed the backups to Starling Bell and Lampkin, I hope the amount of run they get is at 15 mpg or higher. We cannot win giving up 80 plus against any team with a pulse this season.

The silver lining is that we will actually have a 4 playing the 4 and a 5 playing the 5. That could go a long way on the boards, especially if Freeman shows some promise there. Lampkin has a weak vertical but he can box out anyone. A good deal of our given up points last year could be attributed to our undersized/out of position front court. It sure seemed like teams had a zillion second chance points on us last year. Think there is still reason for some optimism.

In regards to rebounding, I think the issues were more than just the 5 and the 4 rebounding, but them being undersized certainly contributed. The entire team has rebounding duties for the TEAM to get a rebound. I actually think a bigger problem was that there were countless times where an opposing teams shot goes up and all of the guards and wings turn and just watch the shot go up. Each player has a responsibility to get their body on their man and box them out to prevent him from going straight to the boards. its fundamental and they just don't do it. Position matters just as much or more than height when it comes to rebounding and we suck at boxing out. Drives me nuts.
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Jaquan (small) and Donnie Freeman (freshman) are probably the only two plus defenders in the starting line up currently unless some magical improvement happened over the past month/ month and a half
Like I said in my post, I'm not suggesting these mid-major transfers are going to be bad. Just that there's naturally more excitement that comes from landing a major conference transfer who's produced previously. I'm sure Clemson was psyched to get Girard last year, and I'm sure Duke fans are excited for Brown.

Great thing about sports is that we'll see how it all plays out and know if Red's approach was a good one. Fingers crossed.
Lampkin is a high major college transfer and a senior to boot. I think he’s going to be very good for us alongside Freeman.
The reason for JJ’s numbers is not that he had to defend multiple guys in transition several times per game. That is just not true. I don’t want to get too deep into another Judah thing but the lengths people go to pin last years problems on him is literally insane. I’m not saying that never ever happened, but the notion that it happened so many times a game that it gave JJ the worst defensive numbers of almost any ACC guard is simply ridiculous. JJ got beat plenty, he showed little effort plenty, despite his athleticism. He would shadow guys but not actually contest anything they did. He would lose his man with a simple pick. He would be lazy contesting the three ball. I will find clips if I have too. Judah was far from perfect but the numbers for JJ are not a result of Judahs play.
Not gonna get into a pissing match with you, you can view the results in any light you want. The games I distinctly remember watching have JJ inside the arc basically trying to play a zone-guessing which player to defend because he doesn't know to which player the ball will go-while hoping for some help under the basket. There were multiple times JJ would show frustration because he picked wrong, and the help wasn't there. I am quite sure there are also times he was just plain beat. It is a game, even the best get beat from time to time. But for you to suggest that JJ's numbers are not skewed because multiple times per game they were essentially playing 4 on 5 is just wrong. No JJ was not an out of this world defender, and definitely needs to improve, but with teammates that actually buy into the defense he should be much improved. Look at all the possessions when it was 5 on 5. The defense was almost always better from the guard positions. The insanity is insisting JJ didn't play with effort when he clearly did, and clearly showed his frustration multiple times because others were not. Judah is a very good player, but between his complaining about not getting calls and having to pick himself up off the floor every other play led to many many 4 on 5's.
Not gonna get into a pissing match with you, you can view the results in any light you want. The games I distinctly remember watching have JJ inside the arc basically trying to play a zone-guessing which player to defend because he doesn't know to which player the ball will go-while hoping for some help under the basket. There were multiple times JJ would show frustration because he picked wrong, and the help wasn't there. I am quite sure there are also times he was just plain beat. It is a game, even the best get beat from time to time. But for you to suggest that JJ's numbers are not skewed because multiple times per game they were essentially playing 4 on 5 is just wrong. No JJ was not an out of this world defender, and definitely needs to improve, but with teammates that actually buy into the defense he should be much improved. Look at all the possessions when it was 5 on 5. The defense was almost always better from the guard positions. The insanity is insisting JJ didn't play with effort when he clearly did, and clearly showed his frustration multiple times because others were not. Judah is a very good player, but between his complaining about not getting calls and having to pick himself up off the floor every other play led to many many 4 on 5's.
Not to you, but the defender of Judah. When you are more of a ball hog then Iverson with a lot less talent, you are the problem.
Hope he grows up and finds a place to play, but being a team player, he wasn't.
Anyone have photos of these guys? Absolutely no idea what any of the new players look like other than
Anyone have photos of these guys? Absolutely no idea what any of the new players look like other than
All the transfers have photos of them (and video of them playing) in their respective recruiting threads.

Each thread also will include bucketloads of amateur scouting reports, moderate teeth gnashing and even expert ish tax analysis, if you're up for it.
The list goes on. I just am so fascinated to see how all of this plays out ... and I have zero clue where I actually land other than simply thinking this team will look almost nothing like last year's team.
Fascinated is a pretty strong word. I am glad you still feel something. I am mildly curious at best. The college landscape is just so blah right now. We don't have a McCord on this team to give it some buzz to offset the blues.
Fascinated is a pretty strong word. I am glad you still feel something. I am mildly curious at best. The college landscape is just so blah right now. We don't have a McCord on this team to give it some buzz to offset the blues.
Fair point. I’m there with you. I guess it’s more just the curiosity in terms of not only having new players but my guess that it may be largely a new system. Just don’t see how we could get away with pressure man with extremely limited help.

On offense, for better or for worse, the idea seemed to be transition and creation with guys who could put the ball on the deck (JJ, Judah, Q, Westry if they thought he was healthy enough to play). Very guard-oriented. This group may have two guys we’ll never see in transition (Lampkin/McCleod) playing 40-ish mins and, at least as far as we know, no guards who thrive on creation on-ball.

Not saying they’ll be bad, just don’t think this team will bear any resemblance to last season
Seeing the pics and press conference for Media Day is getting me hyped! I'm probably going to get laughed at, but when I see the makeup of this team, I start thinking about that 2009-2010 team. I didn't know what to expect going into that year, and I have the same feeling going into this year.

But, I see some similar pieces. Red was talking about going inside more. If Lampkin/Freeman/Davis can get a high-low chemistry similar to AO/Jackson. Chris Bell plays a similar role as a poor man's Wesley Johnson. Guards are harder to compare, but definitely some talent if JJ takes another step up and someone from the Westry/Carlos/Taylor group works out. McLeod/Cuffe contribute as solid role players.

A good mix of experience and some talented young guys. Could be a fun year if they all gel!
Interesting to read all the speculation in this thread, knowing that in 20 days we will have actual observations - two exhibitions and the opening game!

Looking forward to seeing inside defense with Lampkin, Freeman and Davis, and improved inside scoring from these bigs. Last year we were a guard dominated dribble-drive team (heavily reliant on Mintz), supplemented by Bell’s shooting. It will be a healthy change to have Freeman, more inside scoring, and defensive rebounding. Hate giving up so many easy second chance points because only Malik could compete inside. Think that will change.

And we will see soon what individuals can actually do.
i'm fascinated to see how this plays out too...i think it can go in wildly different directions...there are so many variables and question marks...i generally am super optimisitic this time of year..and this year is no different.

last year, i thought the roster was great and the team would have so much depth...but injuries and player deficiencies were crippling...hopefully, my eternal optimism is actually well-founded this season...esp in terms of depth bc I truly think there will be a deep roster of actual contributors this time around for red. i think thats what he wanted in his first year and what he was going for this portal season in making his second roster.

in general, I like how you've framed things but I see it a bit differently, in several ways.

1- i very much think they are going to be up tempo and transition oriented...and the big reason to get lampkin will be to be able to play inside out and pass...all the players picked up are capable passers...ball movement and drive and kick with g0od 3 point shooting will be the plan, imo

2. petar will be big, imo...regardless...I highly doubt hes just going to sit all year,,,but we'll see. i bet he plays

3 - acc media day was starling and bell...yeah the frontcourt looks solid...but I expect a balanced team with good frontcourt and backcourt...i expect bell and starling to be leading scorers...(but with a very balanced and deep team)...in fact, one of the biggest obstacles I foresee for red is too many mouths to feed and how to keep everyone happy if there are too many "good" players on the roster...usually these things sort themselves out, but we'll see. with a veteran team, you have to think these guys will be hungry to make their mark and could possibly be dicey if some players dont get what they think they should.

yeah they spent on lampkin over brown...bc brown has no post game and that severely limited the offense...which was the right call, imo

no mcleod cannot play at all on the perimeter...which leaves the spot the biggest question mark, imo...bc lampkin aint playing 40min/game...which is why I think petar is playing a role this season.
Usually winning helps keep players satisfied if they have any maturity. Losing leads to whining.

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