Where Are We From/Fan History. | Page 15 | Syracusefan.com

Where Are We From/Fan History.

Aside from Alibrat (who was my SU classmate and close friend at SU), I might be the oldest poster here

Born and raised in Armonk, NY (when it was a rural cow pasture ... long before it became a fancy NYC suburb). Went to SU because it gave me a full scholly (my father was a cop when cops made no money). Never saw the SU campus until I arrived as a freshman in 1959. Attended all of Ernie Davis' home games ... and attended our National Championship football game (1/1/60 Cotton Bowl). Also attended the first basketball game at Manley in 1962 ... and the NC basketball game in New Orleans in 2003. Until proven otherwise, I will say I am the only person in the world with that trifecta.

Had an eclectic career in journalism and pr.. before retiring from GE a few years ago. As I tell my friends, retirement is very under-rated. It gives me time to pursue all my interests (e.g., music, theatre, birds, travel and SU sports).

Although I live in southern CT, I have season basketball tix at the Dome and attend about five-six games there a year. Have also attended every Syracuse BET game since 1985 and more NCAA games than I can count -- including some I would rather forget (Vermont in 2005, anyone?).

I founded syracusefan.com 1n late 1999 with Fishy and Temery ... in order to give SU fans an alternative to the un-moderated forum on syracuse.com. It is one of the best things I ever did... in that it has given me the opportunity to meet scores of great people who share my passion for SU sports.
Holy trifecta!
bump. Let's hear some more stories. Newbies, come out to plaaayyy!!!

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Born in 1979 in Vancouver, WA (right next to Portland, OR).
My uncle went to Syracuse and my great uncle was a professor there for 40 years. My great uncle Dr. John Simeone is probably the main reason I love Syracuse. Great guy. He was a doctor and science nerd but loved the university so much and was really proud of the basketball and football programs. 6 years before he died he donated $370k to the College of Enviromental Science and Forestry which at the time was the largest gift they ever received. Maybe still is. He would send me the football and basketball posters in the mail every season from when I was in 1st grade until my senior year of college in Seattle. He would randomly mail me shirts and letters that would say things like, "Pretty amazing but I was at the bank and Jim Boeheim was two people in front of me." We went on a cruise as a family for Christmas in the 90's and he was talking about how he was going to miss the basketball game against Colgate and was upset because it was the first basketball home game he was missing in 6 years. My great aunt looked at me and said guess when he missed his last football game. You weren't born yet. Looking back I have basically loved Syracuse Basketball since kindergarten or 1st grade and I'm sure he is why.
Born in 1979 in Vancouver, WA (right next to Portland, OR).
My uncle went to Syracuse and my great uncle was a professor there for 40 years. My great uncle Dr. John Simeone is probably the main reason I love Syracuse. Great guy. He was a doctor and science nerd but loved the university so much and was really proud of the basketball and football programs. 6 years before he died he donated $370k to the College of Enviromental Science and Forestry which at the time was the largest gift they ever received. Maybe still is. He would send me the football and basketball posters in the mail every season from when I was in 1st grade until my senior year of college in Seattle. He would randomly mail me shirts and letters that would say things like, "Pretty amazing but I was at the bank and Jim Boeheim was two people in front of me." We went on a cruise as a family for Christmas in the 90's and he was talking about how he was going to miss the basketball game against Colgate and was upset because it was the first basketball home game he was missing in 6 years. My great aunt looked at me and said guess when he missed his last football game. You weren't born yet. Looking back I have basically loved Syracuse Basketball since kindergarten or 1st grade and I'm sure he is why.
Your great uncle sounds like a great man.
Born in 1979 in Vancouver, WA (right next to Portland, OR).
My uncle went to Syracuse and my great uncle was a professor there for 40 years. My great uncle Dr. John Simeone is probably the main reason I love Syracuse. Great guy. He was a doctor and science nerd but loved the university so much and was really proud of the basketball and football programs. 6 years before he died he donated $370k to the College of Enviromental Science and Forestry which at the time was the largest gift they ever received. Maybe still is. He would send me the football and basketball posters in the mail every season from when I was in 1st grade until my senior year of college in Seattle. He would randomly mail me shirts and letters that would say things like, "Pretty amazing but I was at the bank and Jim Boeheim was two people in front of me." We went on a cruise as a family for Christmas in the 90's and he was talking about how he was going to miss the basketball game against Colgate and was upset because it was the first basketball home game he was missing in 6 years. My great aunt looked at me and said guess when he missed his last football game. You weren't born yet. Looking back I have basically loved Syracuse Basketball since kindergarten or 1st grade and I'm sure he is why.

So you're going on 40 and I'm about to smack into 50 in 2019. We may have to find a way to celebrate these upcoming events during one of what will be many trips to the Seattle area in the near future.

Your uncle sounds awesome and if I benefited from his donation to my alma mater, I thank him and your entire family.
So you're going on 40 and I'm about to smack into 50 in 2019. We may have to find a way to celebrate these upcoming events during one of what will be many trips to the Seattle area in the near future.

Your uncle sounds awesome and if I benefited from his donation to my alma mater, I thank him and your entire family.

What's this "one of many trips to the Seattle area" about? Get me some advance dates and I'll try to crash the party. Cuseinseattle and I have been trying to get something worked out for a while now, but I have some more flexibility in my new role.
I first memory of watching an SU game was in 1972, I was 9 yrs old. I remember watching SU football on public television (PBS) with my dad. Then we would go outside, weather permitting and throw around the pigskin. Fond memories. Been a fan ever since
What's this "one of many trips to the Seattle area" about? Get me some advance dates and I'll try to crash the party. Cuseinseattle and I have been trying to get something worked out for a while now, but I have some more flexibility in my new role.
Check FB, I'll dial you boys in...
So you're going on 40 and I'm about to smack into 50 in 2019. We may have to find a way to celebrate these upcoming events during one of what will be many trips to the Seattle area in the near future.

Your uncle sounds awesome and if I benefited from his donation to my alma mater, I thank him and your entire family.
That would be great. Just let me know. Is it work related?
Born in 1979 in Vancouver, WA (right next to Portland, OR).
My uncle went to Syracuse and my great uncle was a professor there for 40 years. My great uncle Dr. John Simeone is probably the main reason I love Syracuse. Great guy. He was a doctor and science nerd but loved the university so much and was really proud of the basketball and football programs. 6 years before he died he donated $370k to the College of Enviromental Science and Forestry which at the time was the largest gift they ever received. Maybe still is. He would send me the football and basketball posters in the mail every season from when I was in 1st grade until my senior year of college in Seattle. He would randomly mail me shirts and letters that would say things like, "Pretty amazing but I was at the bank and Jim Boeheim was two people in front of me." We went on a cruise as a family for Christmas in the 90's and he was talking about how he was going to miss the basketball game against Colgate and was upset because it was the first basketball home game he was missing in 6 years. My great aunt looked at me and said guess when he missed his last football game. You weren't born yet. Looking back I have basically loved Syracuse Basketball since kindergarten or 1st grade and I'm sure he is why.

This is such an excellent story and emblematic of why I started this thread. Thank you cuseinseattle !!
Born in 1958 in Syracuse. Our whole family were and still are diehard Orange fans in every sport. I remember listening on the radio to both Syracuse football, Syracuse basketball, Lemoyne hoops, Syracuse Chiefs, and NY Yankees with my Dad. I started going to games at Manley in the late 60's. What a great venue Manley was, as we were practically unbeatable there. Much greater homecourt advantage than even the Dome. Also saw my fair share of football games at Archbold Stadium. Froze my a$$ off a few times also. My Dad's favorite football player was Larry Csonka. When Larry didn't win the 1967 Heisman, my father wrote a 5 page letter to the Heisman Committee bemoaning their decision. Crazy thing is that they actually wrote back to him. Gary Beban (QB, UCLA) won it, and OJ Simpson came in 2nd in the voting. I think Csonka finished 3rd or 4th. Graduated in 1981 from RIT & moved to the DC area. I went to every Syracuse/Georgetown game in Landover, MD for over a decade, until my job took me to PA. So many great memories, all topped off when we won the 2003 National Championship. With the brutal losses in 87 & 96, I jumped around like a nut, until I literally broke down into tears of joy. My kids thought I'd lost my mind. My youngest son was only 1, so he certainly doesn't remember the celebration. I only hope there will be another SU championship that we can partake in together.
• Born in 1981 in Buffalo, NY;

• Always likes SU sports, but my first love back then was Michigan’s Fab Five;

• Always wrestled in High School, but never imagined was good enough to wrestle in college...but checked out some of the lower D3 programs anyway (while looking at schools);

• My father sent tapes of me to wrestling coaches around the area, and Syracuse coaches (to my surprise) showed interest.

At time, Title 9 mandated schools needed as many girls sports as guys sports...so some of the men’s teams were being de-funded. SU’s wrestling team was one of them. The coaches explained to me they could not offer any scholarship $, but they thought I could wrestle at highest level. (Debatable, haha!)

• Time came to make a college decision, two choices were really SUNY Geneseo (was excited I got in) & SU. Geneseo did not have a wrestling program. And in end, the allure of playing a big-time college sport at highest level appealed to me. SU it was!

• Reached the Hill in 1999 as a 133 pound Freshman. Quickly realized college sports (especially D1) was no joke! Intense.

• That first year I lost ALOT of wrestling matches haha! Think I only won one TBH. (Beat a kid from LeHigh in a tournament.). At times was getting beat so bad I thought about quitting & transferring back to UB. But I stuck it out - one of best decisions of my life.

• Only ended up wrestling that one year (as next year would be the program’s last), but the experience was unreal:

- Doing pull-ups in weight room next to Etan Thomas. Strength coach walked by & complimented me, while he passed right by Etan (who was doing quite well, considering he had 45 pound weights hanging from him for extra stress haha) and didn’t say anything to him haha;

- Gave me a quick base of friends on campus which was really neat;

- Just proud to say I wrestled D1 at Cuse now (nobody needs to know my record was like 1-10 however haha!).

• So many great memories from my time at SU (including story leading to my handle here). But best was watching the 2003 National Championship game at Harry’s Bar, going onto streets to celebrate with thousands of my peers, and calling my Grandma around midnight (she was up, having watched the game) to bs about it all.

• SU basketball fan for life after my time there.

Some other stories I could/do bring up from time to time, but want to keep this (relatively) short haha.

Edit: Oh, and although Buffalo Bills football has been my first true sports love for as long as I can remember, the team’s utter incompetence in trying to find a Franchise QB has ensured that SU basketball has surpassed them as my favorite sports team. Hands down.
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Born in 1979 in Vancouver, WA (right next to Portland, OR).
My uncle went to Syracuse and my great uncle was a professor there for 40 years. My great uncle Dr. John Simeone is probably the main reason I love Syracuse. Great guy. He was a doctor and science nerd but loved the university so much and was really proud of the basketball and football programs. 6 years before he died he donated $370k to the College of Enviromental Science and Forestry which at the time was the largest gift they ever received. Maybe still is. He would send me the football and basketball posters in the mail every season from when I was in 1st grade until my senior year of college in Seattle. He would randomly mail me shirts and letters that would say things like, "Pretty amazing but I was at the bank and Jim Boeheim was two people in front of me." We went on a cruise as a family for Christmas in the 90's and he was talking about how he was going to miss the basketball game against Colgate and was upset because it was the first basketball home game he was missing in 6 years. My great aunt looked at me and said guess when he missed his last football game. You weren't born yet. Looking back I have basically loved Syracuse Basketball since kindergarten or 1st grade and I'm sure he is why.

I had Dr, Simeone as a professor at ESF ("Chemical Ecology"). Great guy and well thought of.
Ill make this quick. Born in 85 in syracuse, Cuse fan since my uncle started taking me to games as an annoying little kid.

#1 fav moment: Va tech game 1998 i was 14 following my uncle and his friend around downtown while they chugged from a growler, took the train up with 30 cuse fans and 1 va tech fan which then started my favorite chant. "Throw the hookie from the train." Followed by the TE throwback and rushing the field. Jumping onto the field at 14 not realizing how high it is then being tackled by my uncle at midfield. Doesnt get better then that!

Fav football player is mcnabb, bball is Gmac of course
Born in 1979. Born in Oswego and lived there until 1988. Earliest memories of SU would be guys like Seikaly/Pearl/Sherm. My godparents lived right down the street from Manley and were season ticket holders. We saw them a lot and I LOVED the drive from Oswego to Syracuse. Couldn’t wait to see the Dome on the horizon every time.

Moving to Akron initiated the hatred towards OSU and ND. Later on Duke and UCLA were added but those four and Georgetown are the ones for me. Nothing else comes close. Everywhere you went it was the gear of those two. All my classmates ever talked about were those two since I went to a catholic school as well. Still remember guys like Cooper, Holtz, Bowden, etc., coming to my high school and recruiting Mike Vrabel. Played baseball and was a PG. Was pretty good at both.

Undergrad in NYC. Grad in LA. Never went to SU. Watching games now is a piece of cake compared to back then. In grad school at USC I had no money and if my housemates/roommates during my time out west had a TV we didn’t have cable. The TV was for gaming, movies, porn, etc. I eventually found some friends who did have cable. One was a cinema/piano double major from CT who knew his sports. He loved the Big East and such. So I had him and another person to bribe to watch games. However, many games (football especially) started at 9AM out there. Back then it was regional coverage and many games were only on ESPN Full Court or GamePlan. No bar is open at 9. So, I would have to pay people who had cable to order (usually would need to call in) and watch it at their places. Some didn’t take me seriously. They would agree to do it and on Saturday I would show up like clockwork at 8:50 ringing the doorbell/knocking while they were still in bed! That didn’t go over well at first but soon enough they accepted and supported my lunacy.

‘SoBeCuse’ was coined when I lived in Miami (South Beach) briefly after grad school. Went to the 2001 rout down there at the Orange Bowl. I’m a big cinema guy especially after attending USC. I have a particular affinity with the cult classic Fast Times at Ridgemont HIgh and Sean Penn’s brilliant performance in that. I remember the old board back then well, Mason’s Orangenation.net, etc. Through the board I found an amazing SU watch party in Atlanta (Dunwoody) for the National Championship game when I was there traveling. Couldn’t believe how many SU and Kansas fans were there that night. What a memory.

I live in Cleveland now. My work lets me travel often and my offices are usually the stages in big arenas and theatres in cities everywhere. A dream come true, really. I haven’t been to the Dome since Iverson’s last game. However, I go see them on the road often. Pitt, UL, Cincinnati back then, etc. Went to like five straight BET’s in the mid-2000s including the 6OT game. I have a special friend in media there in NYC who has hooked me up at times. I’ve been in the locker rooms there with the team, at press conferences there, met Matt Park there, hung out with Devendorf one night there, etc. (note: he hates “Devo.” E is what he prefers.)
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Finally. I'll admit, SoBeCuse was one of the people whose story I was hoping to hear. Now if we can get TinyManInside and Ragman2000, we're well on our way. Also, has Joyce cto participated in this thread yet? I'm sure many of us know her story, but it would be cool to read.

Tinymaninside is one of the first ones in this thread. CTO is a few pages after that.
Thanks for the heads up. And SoBeCuse, you told your story twice. I love the added details the second time around, I can imagine the look in your friends faces when you showed up at their door at 8:30 am in a Saturday!
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Born in the Mohawk valley in 1966. Third generation orange behind my grandmother, aunt and dad. Graduated 1988. My second oldest son is a sophomore on the hill and continuing the family tradition.

First football game was the loss to Rutgers in 1984. The dome was a swamp that night. Was at the Nebraska game a few weeks later. Attended every home game while in school, including the magical 1987 year.

Freshman year hoops highlight was 65-63 over Georgetown. Every Big East game was a big game my four years (besides the UConn games, they sucked before the starting bending the rules). Had fourth row center court (blue chairs) student season a senior...don’t think students can get those seats now. Had the cigar lit before smart hit the shot. Went to most big east tournaments from 1985 thru 1994.

Live south of Boston and have had football seasons for about 75% of the years since graduation. Attended three games this year and will be at BC.

I am generally considered a caring nurturer and am beloved my most on the board due to my tact and my ability to emphathize with those who have had different life experiences than me.
Born in the Mohawk valley in 1966. Third generation orange behind my grandmother, aunt and dad. Graduated 1988. My second oldest son is a sophomore on the hill and continuing the family tradition.

First football game was the loss to Rutgers in 1984. The dome was a swamp that night. Was at the Nebraska game a few weeks later. Attended every home game while in school, including the magical 1987 year.

Freshman year hoops highlight was 65-63 over Georgetown. Every Big East game was a big game my four years (besides the UConn games, they sucked before the starting bending the rules). Had fourth row center court (blue chairs) student season a senior...don’t think students can get those seats now. Had the cigar lit before smart hit the shot. Went to most big east tournaments from 1985 thru 1994.

Live south of Boston and have had football seasons for about 75% of the years since graduation. Attended three games this year and will be at BC.

I am generally considered a caring nurturer and am beloved my most on the board due to my tact and my ability to emphathize with those who have had different life experiences than me.
It was actually the next week. In fairness, the week after losing in anything to Rutgers feels like a lifetime.

100% on board with your last sentence. :)
Grew up a hoops-obsessed kid in Rockland County, NY and fell in love with Pearl and the ‘Cuse one January night in 1985 when Pearl hit his last second jumper over Michael Jackson to give us the W over the #1-ranked Hoyas. Went to Jr High practice the next day and attempted that same jumper a couple of hundred times. Was fortunate to go to a college (Cornell) with no real hoops pedigree, which has allowed me to remain a die-hard fan for the last 30+ years.

Married with 4 daughters (one named after Pearl, obviously) and living just north of Houston (moved down here from NYC area about 4 years ago). Found this forum last year and really enjoy it - this site definitely keeps me connected to Orange Hoops. Fun fact about me: I hate Georgetown.
Tinymaninside is one of the first ones in this thread. CTO is a few pages after that.

I knew Tristian was a fraud b/c he never posted in one of these. He was only here to antagonize you.
Freshman Year - Sept '78. College of Engineering

First Cuse sports event was Florida State in Archbold. Bill Hurley (there was actually a marketing campaign "Heisman for Hurley") broke 3 ribs on the third play from scrimmage. I, along with everyone in the stadium will testify that we heard the bones break. Finished the season 3-8, won our only home game the last home game of the season against a ranked Navy team. Stormed the field, helped start the tearing down of the stadium.
Joe Morris was a freshman and we had Art Monk. Tom Coughlin was an assistant coach. You remember him, he was Larry Csonka's halfback, back in the day.

First Hoops game. At Manley against Whittier College (Richard Nixon's Alma Mater). Louie/Bouie were Juniors. I think we won 110-0, and got free fries from the Burger King on M Street. Was a fun season but ended with a loss to GT in the ECAC championship game and then a loss to UPenn in the sweet 16.

Sophomore year we played all FB games away from campus as the Dome was being built. Ended with 7-5 record and an Independence Bowl victory over McNeese State.

Was at the last game a Manley for the GT game. still hurts.
Lost again to GT in the first Big East Championship game, and then Iowa in the sweet 16. We had a 7 point lead and the ball (no shot clock, mind you), and JB gets a double technical. Disastrous ending.

Junior year was there for the opening of the Dome, and a very mediocre FB season. Same for basketball, except we won the BET (held in the dome). Didn't make the NCAA's, but made it to the Championship of the NIT at the garden.

Senior year was very mediocre for both teams.

In recent years (2010 - 2017), 2 of my 3 kids attended SU, so things have come full circle. I have been a hoops and FB fan for 40 years. I've enjoyed more disappointment then success, but that's what makes winning oh so sweet.

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