Where Are We From/Fan History. | Page 16 | Syracusefan.com

Where Are We From/Fan History.

Freshman Year - Sept '78. College of Engineering

First Cuse sports event was Florida State in Archbold. Bill Hurley (there was actually a marketing campaign "Heisman for Hurley") broke 3 ribs on the third play from scrimmage. I, along with everyone in the stadium will testify that we heard the bones break. Finished the season 3-8, won our only home game the last home game of the season against a ranked Navy team. Stormed the field, helped start the tearing down of the stadium.
Joe Morris was a freshman and we had Art Monk. Tom Coughlin was an assistant coach. You remember him, he was Larry Csonka's halfback, back in the day.

First Hoops game. At Manley against Whittier College (Richard Nixon's Alma Mater). Louie/Bouie were Juniors. I think we won 110-0, and got free fries from the Burger King on M Street. Was a fun season but ended with a loss to GT in the ECAC championship game and then a loss to UPenn in the sweet 16.

Sophomore year we played all FB games away from campus as the Dome was being built. Ended with 7-5 record and an Independence Bowl victory over McNeese State.

Was at the last game a Manley for the GT game. still hurts.
Lost again to GT in the first Big East Championship game, and then Iowa in the sweet 16. We had a 7 point lead and the ball (no shot clock, mind you), and JB gets a double technical. Disastrous ending.

Junior year was there for the opening of the Dome, and a very mediocre FB season. Same for basketball, except we won the BET (held in the dome). Didn't make the NCAA's, but made it to the Championship of the NIT at the garden.

Senior year was very mediocre for both teams.

In recent years (2010 - 2017), 2 of my 3 kids attended SU, so things have come full circle. I have been a hoops and FB fan for 40 years. I've enjoyed more disappointment then success, but that's what makes winning oh so sweet.

Nice story. You've been a welcome addition to the board. Keep posting
Through the board I found an amazing SU watch party in Atlanta (Dunwoody) for the National Championship game when I was there traveling. Couldn’t believe how many SU and Kansas fans were there that night.

Digger’s. I used to go there a lot with my Kansas buddies. It was always a KU bar, but I think Syracuse started watching their games there that season.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, IthacaMatt, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, cliftonparksufan, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, Cusecactus, CuseFan, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, 019Jules, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, benjams77, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, jcuseJkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets,Owens Guy, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, Sherman20, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, ssbriefcase, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, CuseFaninVT, Cusefan0307, CuseTG2003, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
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I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, IthacaMatt, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, JkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, Cusefan0307, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cusefan0307, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: benjams77, CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
Put me down for the 70's. I wonder if our NC in 03 jump started a new wave of fans. Gerry definitely did from NEPA. Are those people still Syracuse fans? Those people are probably 30+ years old.
Put me down for the 70's. I wonder if our NC in 03 jump started a new wave of fans. Gerry definitely did from NEPA. Are those people still Syracuse fans? Those people are probably 30+ years old.
And me for the 90s.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, IthacaMatt, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, JkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, Cusefan0307, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cusefan0307, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: benjams77, CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
You can put me down for the 80s. My parents were season ticket holders at Manley before I was even born in 1975. My first game—unbelievably—was the Cuse-Villanova triple overtime classic in the Dome where we won on the Leo Rautins tip in. I was 6. We were seated behind the Nova band and it was loud AF and I kept asking when the game was gonna be over. Mom kept saying when the scoreboard says 00:00. Needless she came across as a big fat liar. She still laughs about it to this day, that I probably never believed anything she said again. Lol. Later I saw Phi Slamma Jamma come to the Dome in 1983 and Carolina in 1984(?). But my fandom really ramped up when Pearl announced on national TV to Al Maguire that he was coming to Syracuse. Pearl was like a god to me and my neighborhood friends during his three years here. Syracuse and Big East basketball was the center of the universe during those years, and it crushed my 11 year old year heart when we lost to freakin Navy and David Robinson in the Dome in 1986 in the NCAA tourney in one of the most heartbreaking losses ever. Last game for Pearl, Raf and Wendell Alexis. Fortunately the next season, Sherm turned out to be an All American PG, DC came in as the best freshman in the country, Rony took a huge leap, and we made it all the way to the Final Four. My poor parents went to NOLA and watched the Keith Smart heartbreaker at the Superdome. The whole city was ecstatic for weeks, and then everyone was suddenly distraught. Two years in a row our hearts were broken. That’s why 2003 was so special. It was such transcendent redemption for so many years of heartbreak (the Moten TO against Arkansas, the 1996 final against Kentucky, the 1989 Elite Eight loss to Illinois). All of it was washed away by Melo, Gmac, Hak and the gang by that sweet sweet national title. So when are we gonna do it again? I’m ready!
I would fall in the 1980’s as well… Born in 75 and always been a fan but remember going to the games in the 80s with my Dad… I went to see some cupcake games early 80s but prob the 1st game I remember most live was the NCAA tourney loss to Navy and David Robinson…also remember watching the 87 champ with my friends playing nerf hoop in the house while the dads had a watch party and seeing those grown men almost in tears/shock after Cuse lost. .. have lived in TN for many years now and still get so excited for hoops gamedays .. especially tommorrow.. Hate the Hoyas!!!!!

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cusefan0307, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: benjams77, CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.

Great Work as always!!

Thinking the other possibility may be that those younger fans don’t spend their time on message boards on the Internet. Maybe there is a newer way of getting together to celebrate your fandom that us old folks haven’t discovered yet??
I’m a ‘91 grad. Dunno if that makes me 80’s or 90’s
90s for me. Started following the team as a kid growing up in Syracuse in the early 90s. The '96 run to the championship game took my fandom to the next level. Beating a loaded Kansas team to get to the Final Four was particularly memorable. My parents bought me and my bro, another poster, season tix for our birthdays every year starting in the late '90s, and we went to literally every game through high school. Favorite team in the whole world and will be for my entire life.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, IthacaMatt, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, cliftonparksufan, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, benjams77, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, jcuseJkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, Sherman20, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, CuseFaninVT, Cusefan0307, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cusefan0307, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
90’s here.
You have me placed right for football. I did not follow SU basketball until the Bing/Boeheim years, and actually not much until the Runts made the amazing run to the final four.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.
Started following in the 1970s. I didn't grow up in an Orange household, though my dad briefly attended SU. I caught it from college roommates.
70s, starting with basketball, and then football around 79 before the Dome opened in 1980
You have me placed right for football. I did not follow SU basketball until the Bing/Boeheim years, and actually not much until the Runts made the amazing run to the final four.

I combined the lists so I'm going with the earlier date if they aren't part of the same decade.
I decided to summarize the information in this thread. Some of the responses are vague so I’m only going to list the poster under the decade in which he became a fan – and that involved some surmising in some cases. Those that I couldn’t surmise are listed at the bottom. If anyone has an issue with where they are placed or Any additions, I’ll change it as long as I can still edit it. I’ll combine the lists for football and basketball. I’ve also included HakAttacks’ thread from 2012.
How long have you been an SU football fan?
When did you become an SU basketball fan.

This will give you and anyone else an idea of what ‘generation’ of Syracuse fans you are part of and who has shared the same experiences you have. Make sure to be respectful of your elders. They’ve seen more than you have. Of course, you’ll wind up seeing more than they will, as well. And then you’ll be an elder.

Prior to the 1950’s (maybe) Accurater, All4SU, hplare, Orangedontrhy

1950’s albanyorange, Alibrat, blaggerbob, CaliCuse, CiscoCuse, CNY in Miami, Crusty, CTO, Cuseter, dessu, Dick in MI, jonibob, Ilandz, Longtimesu, mvorange, NorSyr66, Orangezen, ottodaorange, RCDICK44, Roger N, SoBristol, TayINVa, victor

1960’s billorange44, capeorange, Cheriehoop, Cusejuicy, CusePItt, 50YRsofCuse, gocraz4dasu, IthacaMatt, kcsu, new mexicuse, orange44, OrangeHeel, orangemancc1, OrangePA, orangetom, Ozone, PASyrFan, r inj, rrlbees, ’72 Orange, OrangeTIM, OrOrange45, SarasotaPaul, SmilinBob, storange, stuckinbig11, SUbear, suhoops4life, SWC75, tipphill, Willy75

1970’s AlaskaSU, Aweart23, br801, CapitalO, cliftonparksufan, ClkWrkOrange, cocuse75, corpjets, Cusecactus, CuseFan, CuseGrad94, Cuse1992, dasher, Dcuse, Dinkyspond, Doctor Bombay, DonutHole, DoubleDee, 81South, florange44, Forza Azzurri, HastingsCuse, hoopupstate, HtownOrange, hungrychuck, im4cuse, Iskul60, Jake, JarheadJim, JoeSU, JustPherU, Killdozer, kingtidge, LAOrange, LarryC44, Madbiker, Mantonio, MGP, Marion202, NCo’range, Oakland, OCESIP, 019Jules, Orange&Blue4 4, orlandoorange, OrangeAl, orangecuse, OrangeMon, Orange79, OrangeXtreme, ORRange, PhantOrange, pfister, rstone7727, rvandersy, SDjohn, SgtCuse, Shenexon, shermstheman, storange, SUGIANT, sususpicious, sutomcat, tbonezone, tptcuse, VaBeachOrFan

1980’s Acesn8s, albanycuse, Altcuse44, andyw715, anomander, Antiprodigy, benjams77, BludOrange, Buddah69, Buffcuse, BuffOrange, chlywtr, Coach Orange, CorduroyG, CuseAlum87, cuseattle, Cusefan78, Cusefan95, Cusegrad94, cuseinseattle, Cuse99&01, Cuse 1985, Cuse1055, Dave85, Deleted member 7047, Delmar, djorange1989, Doc05, DonLightfoot, donniesyracuse, Faegan, Fat tire 13, FireballPhil, Fly Rodder, Franz69, GaydenFan47, General20, Giants1973, gtwoodley, Henny & Coke, HOFCeluck, illi3, jcuseJkinPhilly, jncuse, JOC44, jvbj01, kirbivore, Laxfanshutt, Mackey44, MalPearl31, mark79, Marsh01, Meatball56, Melancer46, mgurtz79, MikeSU02, MSOrange, No Hoyas, OburgOrange, orange_in_Va, OrangePace, Orange87, OrangeinDC, Oswego93, OttoMets,Owens Guy, pattycuse, pearl31, PoppyHart, realorange, rhcuse, SaltLakeOrange, SanDiegoCuse, Scrabbcuse, Sherman20, SkyTopBus44, SoBeCuse, ssbriefcase, Stevenson, SUfanAZ, sufandu, SUfanNC, SUfran, suloyalfan, supp, swish7, the mole, 310Pigpen, Tee1222, Timonen, TinyManInside, Todd23, two3zone, UnderHisOwnPower, weedsportwarriors, wfschrec, Zelda Zonk

1990’s A Clockwork Orange, Apdaly, AZOange, BigNastyJon, Brookl03, Chip, cspades99, CusefanAtL, CuseFaninVT, Cusefan0307, CuseTG2003, elimunelson, Elite357, Eric 15, 4wvaOrange, FreakTalksAboutSU, FortyFourCT, Gotothehole, Grbac, Hoov50, JackBauer44, jdubs30, JaramyL, jr4750, klemmer56, Laorange44, Lincolncuse, Mchandl8, mhoff44, Nick44, NineOneSeven, NJcuse, NKR1978, Orangefair44, Orangefan13, orange_in_Va, Orangezoo, OttoinGrotto, Randygocuse, Rocco, rosconey, runnignorange, statsgrad, Scotch, Southerncuse, StCuse, TheCusian, zendez33, Zippy1818

2000’s boulderorange, Brooklyn03, buckets30, Cuse House, CuseTroop, DMDMD, jimsonjunction, HakAttack, Halo, imdevo, jekelish, Lawrinson14, Lenox, mike32768, nailtheCusefan12, NJneer12, OptimusOtto, orangetrojan, Orange2389, STL_CuseFan, SyracuseTD, walsh2012, Yeti

2010’s Biaxtar

2020’s David332

Unsure: CUSEBB1, cusefan88, CuseLegacy, Cuseregular, cuse62, EastCoast2, jdubs30, Jordoo, Nick44, Norman Dale, NovaOrange, Orangefan13, Pearl309, RF2044, Scooch, Smilin’Bob, Todd Gack, Townie, Upperdeck, UpstateSM, VaOrange

The distribution is interesting. The opening of the Dome created a lot of new fans. A fair amount came on board in the 70’s due to that Cinderella run to the first Final Four and the success of the Louie and Bouie Show. A lot of them arrived in the 1990’s. But we don’t seem to have a lot of young posters who became SU fans in the this century. The general downhill trend in the major sports and the loss of the newness of the Dome and the national recognition we got in its first two decades has made fewer and fewer new fans. SU sports just isn’t the thing to do anymore to the current generation.
Thanks for the summary, SWC. Your list made me go down memory lane, a pleasant trip, mostly. The list is quite a list of loyal fans, good company for a fan to be in.

Like many on here, my father turned me on to the Orangemen, as they were called when I became a fan. My father passed two years ago. He was a fan in the 50's, possibly the late 40's. He loved watching Jim Brown play - both football and basketball (my dad was not into lacrosse). He loved the Dave Bing era, the Louie Bouie show, the Pearl, the General, DC, Billy Owens, the list goes on - we had a lot of fun in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Especially the championship! Lots of great memories with my dad. I think he would have liked the Red Autry HC era, at least so far. Thanks, again.

Thanks to all the fans on here who make this best place to follow a team. And thanks to the mods who keep us unruly fans in check, keeping it the best place to follow a team, our team.
Did I ever actually tell my ’origin’ story in here?

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