Where has the ACC money and Basketball money gone? | Syracusefan.com

Where has the ACC money and Basketball money gone?


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
I get Syracuse paid about 5 million dollars to leave the Big East and had to leave about 2.5 million in basketball credit money it earned.

Since we have entered the ACC we have

In 2013-2014 we got 20.8 million
ACC: Record $291.7M in revenue for 2013-14

In 2014-2015 we got 26.2 million.
ACC experiences record revenue growth but gap remains wide as rich grow richer

In 2015-2016 we got 31.4 million(Maryland money moved it)
ACC revenue increases $100 million over last year; Syracuse receives $24 million

That is 78.4 million in TV money in 3 years.
That doesn't include basketball revenue. Cusefan0307 just mentioned this what the heck is up with the administration and commitment.

I am glad we stepped up for Dino Babers and paid him. He is worth every cent.

Are we paying off debt Gross racked up? What is up with the Dome renovation. That talk has gone away. It was used a reason to keep Shafer 2 years ago.

Where is the money going?
This school isnt serious enough about the future of the athletics that make money. Its a god damned arms race out there and youre gonna spring for paint in phases? Seriously?

UCF is adding an athletes village and a lazy river...we add paint.

Cuse future is looking dim if you ask me
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I get Syracuse paid about 5 million dollars to leave the Big East and had to leave about 2.5 million in basketball credit money it earned.

Since we have entered the ACC we have

In 2013-2014 we got 20.8 million
ACC: Record $291.7M in revenue for 2013-14

In 2014-2015 we got 26.2 million.
ACC experiences record revenue growth but gap remains wide as rich grow richer

In 2015-2016 we got 31.4 million(Maryland money moved it)
ACC revenue increases $100 million over last year; Syracuse receives $24 million

That is 78.4 million in TV money in 3 years.
That doesn't include basketball revenue. Cusefan0307 just mentioned this what the heck is up with the administration and commitment.

I am glad we stepped up for Dino Babers and paid him. He is worth every cent.

Are we paying off debt Gross racked up? What is up with the Dome renovation. That talk has gone away. It was used a reason to keep Shafer 2 years ago.

Where is the money going?

I've been asking this question for a while. Our connected people here either don't know or won't say. Revenue has essentially gone through the roof since joining the ACC, while expenses have probably increased only fractionally. Yet there's apparently no money to do anything to keep the athletics programs in the race.
Subsidizing non-revenue sports. It's why Maryland went to the B1G. They were deeply in debt.
Which sports? Syracuse athletics overall weren't in the red before we got this TV money.
It looks like either we are paying off debt or the administration hasn't given the AD authority to do anything major.
The update Chakka gave is so depressing. We have revenue coming in and have this revenue basically guaranteed till 2036 due to the extension with ESPN and we can't authorize a major upgrade to the Dome?
Which sports? Syracuse athletics overall weren't in the red before we got this TV money.
It looks like either we are paying off debt or the administration hasn't given the AD authority to do anything major.
The update Chakka gave is so depressing. We have revenue coming in and have this revenue basically guaranteed till 2036 due to the extension with ESPN and we can't authorize a major upgrade to the Dome?

That was a confusing post. I meant to say that the ACC money is keeping the other sports afloat and it was a reason that Maryland moved to B1G. I don't know SUs financial situation, but I would bet that a great portion is being used to subsidize. Also, you're probably right that the Board won't let Wildhack use the money on athletic related ventures.
That was a confusing post. I meant to say that the ACC money is keeping the other sports afloat and it was a reason that Maryland moved to B1G. I don't know SUs financial situation, but I would bet that a great portion is being used to subsidize. Also, you're probably right that the Board won't let Wildhack use the money on athletic related ventures.

But we were already doing that before joining the ACC. So there is still a huge amount of "missing" $$.
Which sports? Syracuse athletics overall weren't in the red before we got this TV money.
It looks like either we are paying off debt or the administration hasn't given the AD authority to do anything major.
The update Chakka gave is so depressing. We have revenue coming in and have this revenue basically guaranteed till 2036 due to the extension with ESPN and we can't authorize a major upgrade to the Dome?
I know this, if you follow the travels of women's lax, you will see them in Florida, eating crab in Maryland, etc. They have a team of 40+ players and they are all over the country, spending multiple nights away. I am not saying they deserve it less than the men at all, but I am saying that the expense to run that team, pay Gary Gait and his staff, outweighs what they bring in from tickets, which are free btw. That is just one Olympic sport too, who knows what the budget truly is for softball, which plays away for the first month + of the season, ice hockey, track, mens and women's, etc.

I am thrilled with your initial post though, as I too wonder what the deal is. I truly hope that paying Dino up to $4 mil in a few years is on the table, as well as a hoops coach in the $3million range.
I know this, if you follow the travels of women's lax, you will see them in Florida, eating crab in Maryland, etc. They have a team of 40+ players and they are all over the country, spending multiple nights away. I am not saying they deserve it less than the men at all, but I am saying that the expense to run that team, pay Gary Gait and his staff, outweighs what they bring in from tickets, which are free btw. That is just one Olympic sport too, who knows what the budget truly is for softball, which plays away for the first month + of the season, ice hockey, track, mens and women's, etc.

I am thrilled with your initial post though, as I too wonder what the deal is. I truly hope that paying Dino up to $4 mil in a few years is on the table, as well as a hoops coach in the $3million range.

My point is: all of that was already being financed before we essentially tripled our conference revenue (maybe even quadrupled). I understand there may be some more travel expense for the non-revenue sports, but it would have to be marginal at best compared to revenue increase. Did we add any teams when we joined the ACC? If so, that will be a new cost, but otherwise these teams were being funded before. Even if we say travel costs have increased by $1M per year and other funding increases to those sports went up by a total of $2M per year (very doubtful), there is still roughly $8M in additional annual revenue since we've joined the ACC! Nevermind the other $10M or so we bumped up by by joining in the first place. So what is the net ~$18M per year that we didn't have in 2012 being spent on in 2017?
My point is: all of that was already being financed before we essentially tripled our conference revenue (maybe even quadrupled). I understand there may be some more travel expense for the non-revenue sports, but it would have to be marginal at best compared to revenue increase. Did we add any teams when we joined the ACC? If so, that will be a new cost, but otherwise these teams were being funded before. Even if we say travel costs have increased by $1M per year and other funding increases to those sports went up by a total of $2M per year (very doubtful), there is still roughly $8M in additional annual revenue since we've joined the ACC! Nevermind the other $10M or so we bumped up by by joining in the first place. So what is the net ~$18M per year that we didn't have in 2012 being spent on in 2017?
I am absolutely with you in your premise. My only guess is that TGD went deep into the red to secure coaches and create schedules and opportunities for those coaches to recruit and compete against the best. Now that there is additional money, the new admins are hesitant to continue to spend despite the need. Perhaps, they are stockpiling reserves (doubtful) or in truth they are paying off old debt, but I too have no idea how you go from under $10 mil a year to $24 mil and not use it to buy back into your programs. Stupid and lazy. Exactly what BC has done.
I am okay with the Olympic sports teams getting slightly larger budgets for the athletes to get better treatment. Buy them good food on the road, stay at good hotels.

All those extra expenses for all the sports can't be more than 1-2 million dollars more than they currently spend.

The administration can reign in the spending that Dr. Gross may have done but the admin needs to use this TV money and BB revenue and invest in the Dome project.

The money isn't going to stop flowing for another 20 years. We could easily get a 20 year mortgage or loan and pay back the expense. I get we want the state to kick in some money. Sell the state on NCAA tournaments coming, state HS football championships, state lacrosse championships, maybe a bowl game etc.

We need this administration to step up or atleast explain that they are getting their books balanced because of red debt buildup from the previous administration.
I know this, if you follow the travels of women's lax, you will see them in Florida, eating crab in Maryland, etc. They have a team of 40+ players and they are all over the country, spending multiple nights away. I am not saying they deserve it less than the men at all, but I am saying that the expense to run that team, pay Gary Gait and his staff, outweighs what they bring in from tickets, which are free btw. That is just one Olympic sport too, who knows what the budget truly is for softball, which plays away for the first month + of the season, ice hockey, track, mens and women's, etc.

I am thrilled with your initial post though, as I too wonder what the deal is. I truly hope that paying Dino up to $4 mil in a few years is on the table, as well as a hoops coach in the $3million range.

Gary Gait apparently raises a ton of money to fund this stuff.

The Dome post from Chakka was encouraging, they're shaking loose money to make some of the Dome stuff happen.
That was a confusing post. I meant to say that the ACC money is keeping the other sports afloat and it was a reason that Maryland moved to B1G. I don't know SUs financial situation, but I would bet that a great portion is being used to subsidize. Also, you're probably right that the Board won't let Wildhack use the money on athletic related ventures.

We were still in the black when we were in the Big East. We didn't need ACC money to keep the other programs afloat, if we weren't going to invest any money in the football and basketball programs. However, we did do the indoor football practice facility, but that shouldn't have eaten up all of it.
We were still in the black when we were in the Big East. We didn't need ACC money to keep the other programs afloat, if we weren't going to invest any money in the football and basketball programs. However, we did do the indoor football practice facility, but that shouldn't have eaten up all of it.
Ensley Center cost 17 million and Mr. Ensley donated several million they said to the project.
It can't be that. 17 million minus say 5 million privately fundraiser would take half of one year TV revenue to pay for it.

17 million figure comes from this AP article.
Syracuse begins recovery from dismal season with recruiting

The money is either being hoarded(saved up in reserve) being used to pay off debt, being given to academic side a little, or who knows what.
My point is: all of that was already being financed before we essentially tripled our conference revenue (maybe even quadrupled). I understand there may be some more travel expense for the non-revenue sports, but it would have to be marginal at best compared to revenue increase. Did we add any teams when we joined the ACC? If so, that will be a new cost, but otherwise these teams were being funded before. Even if we say travel costs have increased by $1M per year and other funding increases to those sports went up by a total of $2M per year (very doubtful), there is still roughly $8M in additional annual revenue since we've joined the ACC! Nevermind the other $10M or so we bumped up by by joining in the first place. So what is the net ~$18M per year that we didn't have in 2012 being spent on in 2017?

Bro' you are making too much sense for people to follow you .

Let me assist

Revenue >>>
Expenses ===

Net ++++

Where da money ?
Ensley Center cost 17 million and Mr. Ensley donated several million they said to the project.
It can't be that. 17 million minus say 5 million privately fundraiser would take half of one year TV revenue to pay for it.

17 million figure comes from this AP article.
Syracuse begins recovery from dismal season with recruiting

The money is either being hoarded(saved up in reserve) being used to pay off debt, being given to academic side a little, or who knows what.

One possibility is that Gross was planning to scrap the dome completely and to save up to purchase an aircraft carrier to play all our games on. All of college basketball was trending in this direction a few years ago when DG, a pretty trendy guy, was in his prime. Wildhack may not want to completely abandon this plan because it comes with a very substantial ancillary benefit: On days where no game is scheduled, they could remove the basketball court and launch preemptive airstrikes against Pitt. With the carrier stationed in Onondaga Lake, our F-35's and F/A-18's would easily be within striking range of the Peterson Events Center. It may take another fund raising campaign to fully flesh out the air wing, but I think you'd all agree it would be a worthwhile investment.
One possibility is that Gross was planning to scrap the dome completely and to save up to purchase an aircraft carrier to play all our games on. All of college basketball was trending in this direction a few years ago when DG, a pretty trendy guy, was in his prime. Wildhack may not want to completely abandon this plan because it comes with a very substantial ancillary benefit: On days where no game is scheduled, they could remove the basketball court and launch preemptive airstrikes against Pitt. With the carrier stationed in Onondaga Lake, our F-35's and F/A-18's would easily be within striking range of the Peterson Events Center. It may take another fund raising campaign to fully flesh out the air wing, but I think you'd all agree it would be a worthwhile investment.

Where the vale of Onondaga
Meets the eastern sky
Proudly stands our Alma Mater
On her hilltop high.
Flag we love! Orange! Float for aye-
Old Syracuse, o’er thee,
Loyal be thy sons and daughters
To thy memory.
Ensley Center cost 17 million and Mr. Ensley donated several million they said to the project.
It can't be that. 17 million minus say 5 million privately fundraiser would take half of one year TV revenue to pay for it.

17 million figure comes from this AP article.
Syracuse begins recovery from dismal season with recruiting

The money is either being hoarded(saved up in reserve) being used to pay off debt, being given to academic side a little, or who knows what.

In the old days, it used to go to the academic side, who then gave them back a portion of it as their budget. But I'm talking about Crouthamel and Shaw days now.

Where the vale of Onondaga
Meets the eastern sky
Proudly stands our Alma Mater
On her hilltop high.
Flag we love! Orange! Float for aye-
Old Syracuse, o’er thee,
Loyal be thy sons and daughters
To thy memory.

I drove by that carrier a few weeks ago.. Man I would have killed to be there when we played on it. If I had been single, I'd have been there.
I get Syracuse paid about 5 million dollars to leave the Big East and had to leave about 2.5 million in basketball credit money it earned.

Since we have entered the ACC we have

In 2013-2014 we got 20.8 million
ACC: Record $291.7M in revenue for 2013-14

In 2014-2015 we got 26.2 million.
ACC experiences record revenue growth but gap remains wide as rich grow richer

In 2015-2016 we got 31.4 million(Maryland money moved it)
ACC revenue increases $100 million over last year; Syracuse receives $24 million

That is 78.4 million in TV money in 3 years.
That doesn't include basketball revenue. Cusefan0307 just mentioned this what the heck is up with the administration and commitment.

I am glad we stepped up for Dino Babers and paid him. He is worth every cent.

Are we paying off debt Gross racked up? What is up with the Dome renovation. That talk has gone away. It was used a reason to keep Shafer 2 years ago.

Where is the money going?

Ok haven't been following the bball side since Hop left. I know that the SU budget process has changed. What I don't know is how much is being taken from ACC monies to shore up the negative spending on the acedemic side including dipping into endowments. I think the acedemic side has been balanced for the last year or two so things seem stable now at both SU & SUAD. Whatever you think of the Chancellor he seems to understand budgets and matching operating income against operating expense without dipping into endowment equity.

What I posted on the football side is that SUAD has a new revenue stream coming in and that is ACC TV. I'm hearing that, along with donations, will give us a limited Dome redo where it's a fixed roof, led lighting and new sound. Along with other minor renovations, should be doable at about half of original estimated cost. Last resort is just to replace roof with fabric. Something's going to happen but I'm not expecting an announcement anytime soon unless they get pressured to. Obviously if Cuomo kicks in some money, will get more but that is less and less likely anymore.
Northwestern is spending $250 million on a new Football facility project and $150 million to renovate their basketball arena and build a practice facility. NU is a private school similar to Cuse. Plus they're paying both of their coaches more than $3 million a year. Why can't we find the money to do a legit renovation of our combined football and basketball facility?? No cheating out. Pony up, SU. This is ridiculous. If you want to compete with the big boys, you need to do things right. As the article states: "there are no half-measures for any major-conference athletic department anymore. You build to win or you lose at a fantastic pace. You’re in, or you’re irrelevant."

Northwestern's ambition clear with extensions for Fitzgerald, Collins
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Northwestern is spending $250 million on a new Football facility project and $150 million to renovate their basketball arena and build a practice facility. NU is a private school similar to Cuse. Plus they're paying both of their coaches more than $3 million a year. Why can't we find the money to do a legit renovation of our combined football and basketball facility?? No cheating out. Pony up, SU. This is ridiculous. If you want to compete with the big boys, you need to do things right. As the article states: "there are no half-measures for any major-conference athletic department anymore. You build to win or you lose at a fantastic pace. You’re in, or you’re irrelevant."

Northwestern's ambition clear with extensions for Fitzgerald, Collins

That quote is 100% accurate, no hyperbole, but completely legit. If SU desires to be a player heading forward, then they need to commit or they will be a half measure in a major conference until potentially no longer being a part of a major conference.

SU is at a crossroads in my view. Basketball appears to have a downward trend, 3 straight years of relative mediocrity in the ACC with middle of the pack placement, missing 2 of 3 NCAA tournaments, with the potential likelihood of missing 3 of 4 come next march. Football, I'll just say it will continue to be an uphill battle just to get slightly north of mediocrity...there's only so much Babers can do.

If SU doesn't commit and isn't "all in" then they are likely destined to be irrelevant as a major sports player in the future. Proactive vs. reactive...often, the later is too late.

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