Whic BE brethren are you beholden to? | Syracusefan.com

Whic BE brethren are you beholden to?


2023-24 Iggy Award Most 3 Pointers Made
Aug 26, 2011
For both sports I would want to see a continued relationship with WFVU, UCONN, Louisville, and Cinncy to a lesser extent.

For hoops I would want to see a continued relationship with G'Town and Nova, and the Johnnies to a lesser extent.

My feelings on the rest range from indifferent to outright dislike.
Try and get WVU on the OOC football schedule. It will be hard as they will schedule Pitt first, but we have to keep the only trophy game we have. Maybe we can start a trophy game with Boston College to make up for the loss?

In basketball play Villanova, Saint Johns, and Georgetown OOC. Play UConn and Louisville OOC for basketball when it's possible.
Nova and Gtown for bball. I want a game every season against both. One home one away alternating. UConn would be nice but you know they will be bitter. The rest I don't care too much about. Lville and WVU are good programs to stay in touch with for both fball and bball non conference scheduling.
Don't know about use of "brethren" or "beholden", but would love to play Georgetown and St John's each year in basketball and GTown in Lax.
uconn gtown bball wvu fball
Would have loved for UCONN and WVU to come along, maybe even RU (debatable). Having SU, BC, UCONN, Pitt, WVU and even RU in the same conference would have been nice.

Hoops I'll miss Georgetown but that's it.
Nova and Gtown for bball. I want a game every season against both. One home one away alternating. UConn would be nice but you know they will be bitter. The rest I don't care too much about. Lville and WVU are good programs to stay in touch with for both fball and bball non conference scheduling.
That's kind of what I was thinking. It'll be interesting to see once Hop takes over if he'll be more interested than James Arthur in scheduling bigger non-conference games. With the expanded tourney I think it's all upside to do so.
For both sports I would want to see a continued relationship with WFVU, UCONN, Louisville, and Cinncy to a lesser extent.

For hoops I would want to see a continued relationship with G'Town and Nova, and the Johnnies to a lesser extent.

My feelings on the rest range from indifferent to outright dislike.

No one. Not one other team. Though I am most sympathetic with WVU and Pitt. They've both paid their dues, and deserve a seat at the table. Everyone else? Meh.
That's kind of what I was thinking. It'll be interesting to see once Hop takes over if he'll be more interested than James Arthur in scheduling bigger non-conference games. With the expanded tourney I think it's all upside to do so.

Agreed and we may even see JB do this before Hop takes over. An ACC conference schedule just seems much less daunting than a BE schedule so why not beef up the non conference schedule.
This is simple. B-Ball. Schedule Georgetown annually right around Christmas. Set Villanova up as long as Jay Wright is there. Schedule St. John's in NY to get us an annual trip to NYC. F Calhoun.
Football - Only WVU for Ben Schwarzwalder
As a sidenote - ACC is huge for Lacrosse. I could see building a tv contract off of the potential rivalries there
For both sports I would want to see a continued relationship with WFVU, UCONN, Louisville, and Cinncy to a lesser extent.

For hoops I would want to see a continued relationship with G'Town and Nova, and the Johnnies to a lesser extent.

My feelings on the rest range from indifferent to outright dislike.

WVU and UConn for all sports and Gtown, Nova, SJU for bball.
This is simple. B-Ball. Schedule Georgetown annually right around Christmas. Set Villanova up as long as Jay Wright is there. Schedule St. John's in NY to get us an annual trip to NYC. F Calhoun.
Football - Only WVU for Ben Schwarzwalder
As a sidenote - ACC is huge for Lacrosse. I could see building a tv contract off of the potential rivalries there

Getting Notre Dame into the conference will be key for lacrosse. Then the ACC will have 6 members with great lacrosse programs. Ask Boston College to move up their lacrosse program so the ACC can have a 7 team conference.
I'd love to see West Virginia and UConn join SU and Pitt.

I truly could not care less about the basketball schools, including Nova and GTown.
For both sports I would want to see a continued relationship with WFVU, UCONN, Louisville, and Cinncy to a lesser extent.

For hoops I would want to see a continued relationship with G'Town and Nova, and the Johnnies to a lesser extent.

My feelings on the rest range from indifferent to outright dislike.

WVU in football and UConn, GTown in hoops. I'd really miss the bball rivalries with Nova and St John's too ,especially with STJ on the rise again with Lavin. I'd be happy to never play L'Ville in hoops again since we never beat them.
"beholden"? None.

Now, it'd be nice if we could keep G'town and St. John's on the hoops schedule. Nova would be cool too, but not sure we could fit them in annually if we want to play other OOC teams and an early season tourney. I'm assuming UConn will be so ripsh!t about this that they'll never play us again.

Football...no one, really. Only school I'll miss is WVU, and I really hope they land on their feet in the SEC if this thing goes down.

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