Whitehurst taking Rutgers official... | Syracusefan.com

Whitehurst taking Rutgers official...


All American
Aug 17, 2011
According to OE's articles this morning. Used car salesman is up to his old tricks. Too bad we 86ed Neal. Could have another Glashen on our hands
They're winning and SU is not and I'd do the same if I were them. If SU can not out recruit rutgers with us going to the ACC when they are in purgatory, we have more issues than worrying about losing players to rutgers. Just win baby and things take care of themselves.
i believe this kid said he is solid, regardless of taking visits. I am sure that Marrone is encouraging it.
i believe this kid said he is solid, regardless of taking visits. I am sure that Marrone is encouraging it.

Agree, it happens every year, time will tell. We have bigger issues right now
According to OE's articles this morning. Used car salesman is up to his old tricks. Too bad we 86ed Neal. Could have another Glashen on our hands

This was pointed out extensively by people who couldnt believe we were telling Neal and Walls to hit the road.

If I’m not mistaken schools can pay for 55 official visits per season. Syracuse would be wise to use them up. Maybe they'll still visit.
According to OE's articles this morning. Used car salesman is up to his old tricks. Too bad we 86ed Neal. Could have another Glashen on our hands

It is funny how many times Shinola has tried to poach Marrone's recruits. I don't recall ever seeing where Marrone has tried to recruit a kid who gave Rutgers his initial verbal. It's almost like Shinola uses Marrone as a talent scout.
It is funny how many times Shinola has tried to poach Marrone's recruits. I don't recall ever seeing where Marrone has tried to recruit a kid who gave Rutgers his initial verbal. It's almost like Shinola uses Marrone as a talent scout.
Shinola? I don't get it...
I cannot stand Rutgers but I have absolutely no issue with them fighting to the end with recruits. Never stop selling is the philosophy the coaches need to have plain and simple.

If you are a selector school and can dictate whether or not a recruit will still have an offer if they continue visiting after giving a verbal (not saying the selector schools would even choose to do that) then that is one thing - most schools are not in that position. I personally would want kids to make their visits before committing but that isn't the way it may work out.
It is funny how many times Shinola has tried to poach Marrone's recruits. I don't recall ever seeing where Marrone has tried to recruit a kid who gave Rutgers his initial verbal. It's almost like Shinola uses Marrone as a talent scout.
LOL - of course Marrone has - the easiest one that comes to mind is Gause last year but there are plenty of others. Schiano seems to target the FL kids that SU offers - but SU certainly continues to try to recruit any NYS (and I'm sure any PA and NJ) kid that they think they have a chance to flip or that continues to talk to the SU coaches after they verbal.
LOL - of course Marrone has - the easiest one that comes to mind is Gause last year but there are plenty of others. Schiano seems to target the FL kids that SU offers - but SU certainly continues to try to recruit any NYS (and I'm sure any PA and NJ) kid that they think they have a chance to flip or that continues to talk to the SU coaches after they verbal.
I think the point is he doesn't recruit them until he sees they have a SU offer, then he moves in.
There is actually a story going around Northern NJ HS coaching circles that doesn't bode well for SU recruiting in NJ. The first part of the story had to do with Rob Moore sitting in the Don Bosco Prep offices (with Greg Toal and his staff) and not knowing who Jabrill Peppers was. Not a big deal, considering he is only a sophomore however he was named MaxPrep's Freshman of the Year last year. Peppers may go on to be the most highly recruited player out of NJ EVER when all is said and done.

The second part of the story is Coach Moore telling the Don Bosco staff he'd like to offer Leonte Caroo a scholarship offer. This was in September (or early Oct, I can't remember). Greg Toal had to politely tell Rob that Leonte had given RU a commitment in late July over offers from Penn St, Miami, Wisconsin, etc...

This is why I am personally very concerned about our recruiting, not just in NJ but everywhere. The program needs to dedicate more resources to recruiting. Most BCS schools have 2, 3, or even 4 full-time staff members that do nothing but recruiting operations. Time for SU to join the club.
sounds like coach Moore is doing a bang-up job as a recruiter - just great Oh Lord
sounds like coach Moore is doing a bang-up job as a recruiter - just great Oh Lord

I'll believe it when Moore confirms it ... until now its just a story that is "going around" that is all ... I could make up stories about Rutgers recruiters that could get legs ... why bother? Since the staff was a bit behind and now finally caught up then things like this (if it truly did happen) won't occur in the future.
Sure. Let's ask Rob to admit that. I'm sorry...I could haveand now will be, more specific. This story comes from SOMEONE IN THE ROOM when Rob said this.

People were making a big deal this week that SU coaches were out recruiting the class of 2013. Other schools (you can figure out which ones I'm talking about pretty easily) have been recruiting 2013 kids since LAST YEAR.

We spend so much time talking about facilities and tradition, but really none of this matters unless you have people in place to do a lot of the leg work in recruiting for you.

First it was ... there is this story going around to now what ... you are now telling me you have a first hand account from someone who was in the room? Is that what you are saying? Because those are two dramatically different things ...
Greg Toal had to politely tell Rob that Leonte had given RU a commitment in late July over offers from Penn St, Miami, Wisconsin, etc...
Big freaking deal. That is Schiano's M.O. with regard to our reruiting efforts.
for some reason I never really pictured Rob as a big time recruiter ... he has a very calm and relaxed demeanor - I always pictured him as a good teacher
Big freaking deal. That is Schiano's M.O. with regard to our reruiting efforts.

Its ok ... he is 5 posts into his trolling ... I'm sure he'll have a few more gems for us by the time its all said and done.
According to OE's articles this morning. Used car salesman is up to his old tricks. Too bad we 86ed Neal. Could have another Glashen on our hands
At this point, with the house basically full, I would think about finding someone else who wants in and doesn't want to dink around. It's a seller's market here.
he is not a troll -- he was an insightful poster on scout premium board
for some reason I never really pictured Rob as a big time recruiter ... he has a very calm and relaxed demeanor - I always pictured him as a good teacher

I think he could be a good one ... I mean the guy was a great college player and really good NFL WR ... what kid wouldn't want to learn the WR position from him ... I mean I'm sure the WR coach at Rutgers played at Moore's level and knows what it takes to be an NFL WR right ... right ... Bueller Bueller ...
he is not a troll -- he was an insightful poster on scout premium board

If he is then he needs to stop changing the story and stick to the facts ... as I stated man its a big difference between his first post and his second post ... I could easily say ... "there is a story going around about a massive herpes outbreak spreading through the RU football and cheer leading squad" and it would carry the same weight ... now if I said ... I video taped an RU WR giving an RU cheer leader herpes in a dorm room then that would carry more weight ... know what I mean?
My feeling is recruiting is all about connections, the ones you have and the ones you develop. I think Marrone's staff has done a good job in the first and is still working on the second. Add in the fact that they have their own system for evaluating recruits (vs the Services) and that may also skew results, at least in the short term.
Probably in writing what he wrote he didn't use the right phrase, not realizing he would be called on it lately. He is well connected and if this is the story then I would bet big $ it's the story he was told by someone who was there.
You cant't know about every player out there. Because Rob More didn't know about the kid doesn't mean that the staff was unaware of the kid.
he is not a troll -- he was an insightful poster on scout premium board
I agree, very insightful poster...

I would add that I am not sure DM has targeted NJ much until recently seeing it as a tough place to pull players. Unfortunately, it used to be our spot, but has always been a fight to beat out the ND, WISC, IOWA, Miami, PSU's, and now Rutgers. Why we haven't brought in a NJ guy is baffling to me...

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