Where do you get the info/impression that our assistants aren't qualified/have maxxed their careers?
When i mention "precedent," it's in the context of 'literally the last decision we made,' and the only one that could be in memory. Which was successful, by any account. 50 years ago isn't really relevant. The Nixon Memo was further back than that, and it had an impact just last year. Carolina just promoted an assistant. UConn did it after Calhoun. It happens. It's not bizarre. It's probably more 'normal' than abnormal, especially with already-established programs.
Former ties: Again, i don't disagree with you. Ideally, i'd like a clean start, and one that isn't defined by zone. Most of my arguments aren't from my own perspective–just putting out what i expect are going to be the AD's concerns and thought processes.
Hopkins: Yep. That CoY didn't sustain. But, there are a lot of factors involved, and my point wasn't that Hop went from assistant to HoF. It's that he went from assistant with no experience to a product/result that demonstrated that he had competence. Maybe he's going to be an excellent coach, but just not with the same kind of consistency as JB. Heck, the Red Sox seem to go from first to last place every other year—stuff happens.