It worked for my wife and I when we were introduced at our reception. \m/Enter sandman, although taken by VT is an awesome entrance. Just awesome!
Always assumed that train was the Elmira ExpressJohn Wildhack on Axe yesterday...
"We want to feature the band more ... provide that collegiate feel"
"I don't know how many years it's been, we scored a touchdown we had that train whistle, we are replacing that with a victory bell. I just think that's much more collegiate spirit and feel."
"We really want to emphasize after we score, the fight song. Get all our fans and students to sing the fight song"
"Season ticket holders we have an email the day before the game... giving them the game day rundown with when the parking lots open quad opens ... the national anthem .. team run out etc"
"New team entrance video and player profiles"
"Season ticket holders leave the dome they'll have an email where they can watch the press conference OR game highlights."
"We want to make the fan experience and improve upon it every year, it's never ending. I think we've made progress this year and i hope the fans take advantage of those opportunities. We get consistent feedback from out fans and that's valuable"
To each their own. I listen to music from any era, from Hoagy Carmichael to Michael Kiwanuka. Say what you want about grunge but at the time it brought soul and meaning back to rock music.I'm a child of the 80's/90's. I tend to like music that's older than most my age. I was in high school when grunge hit, and, to me, that was the end of good rock music. Nothing gets my adrenaline going like good 80's metal. AC/DC has been my choice when running the Tail of the Dragon down here in Tennessee.
Damn, truth be told, I loved that train whistle.
It reminds me of the Purdue train whistle.
The Bell is a Syracuse Football Tradition.
I'm glad it's back.
For those attending, please share what is different around the Dome to make the experience different. Extremely interested in seeing this!
It reminds me of the Purdue train whistle.
The Bell is a Syracuse Football Tradition.
I'm glad it's back.
The Yankees lost, Bees.Absolutely nothing. Except taking the train whistle away. Wifi is still a big PITA. Never really noticed out of town scores or yankee score.
There was a bell?
Yes they rang a bell for each point of the score after a touchdown. The acoustics are so horrible and for the first few scores they didn't have the microphone close enough to really hear it. They finally figured out where to put the microphone and by that time the score was so high , the bell ringing almost interrupted the start of play. They put the bell a few times on the large screen. I think they still have a number of wrinkles to figure out regarding the bell. At least twice it kept dinging as they moved it from the endline back to the tunnel after they finished. They need to find the way to move the bell without ringing it or find an inconspicuous corner to leave it throughout the game.
The biggest issue is the horrific sound system. You can't hear anything , it's all muffled. It seems to have gotten even worse over time.
The band played a tribute to the Beatles at half-time. Again it was difficult to hear because of the rotten sound system. As previously mentioned, it was nice seeing the larger band. The extremely talented baton twirler must have graduated and there was no replacement during the half time show. I think it's great that the administration is trying to be receptive to new ideas and changes suggested by fans etc but until the sound system problem is resolved , we can't judge them less fully enjoy them.
I was there the day it misfired ... and was never seen at a game again.Anyone remember the ATO cannon?
Yes they rang a bell for each point of the score after a touchdown. The acoustics are so horrible and for the first few scores they didn't have the microphone close enough to really hear it. They finally figured out where to put the microphone and by that time the score was so high , the bell ringing almost interrupted the start of play. They put the bell a few times on the large screen. I think they still have a number of wrinkles to figure out regarding the bell. At least twice it kept dinging as they moved it from the endline back to the tunnel after they finished. They need to find the way to move the bell without ringing it or find an inconspicuous corner to leave it throughout the game.
The biggest issue is the horrific sound system. You can't hear anything , it's all muffled. It seems to have gotten even worse over time.
The band played a tribute to the Beatles at half-time. Again it was difficult to hear because of the rotten sound system. As previously mentioned, it was nice seeing the larger band. The extremely talented baton twirler must have graduated and there was no replacement during the half time show. I think it's great that the administration is trying to be receptive to new ideas and changes suggested by fans etc but until the sound system problem is resolved , we can't judge them less fully enjoy them.
WIFI sucked. And by sucked, I mean it didn't exist.
And they wonder why all the students left at halftime.