Will Marrone be coaching SU in 2013? | Syracusefan.com

Will Marrone be coaching SU in 2013?

Will Doug Marrone be coaching Syracuse University in 2013?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 70.2%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
Cool, so I can choose both yes and no and be right no matter what happens.
Yes. I think he's unlikely to be offered an NFL head coaching gig at all. Even if he is, I don't know that he'd want it on those teams. Finally, if SU has to make promises to fix some things, the school will benefit by having done so and Marrone will be able to tell recruits and parents he stayed at SU instead of going to the NFL because its a special place and he loves being able to make players better people and better players.
I voted yes but I also know that I am not one to make a wager of any kind on anything.
I tend to go with what I want rather than what I think.
Yes. This serves as a wake up call to all those in positions of power at SU that they cannot take Doug for granted.
If he gets offered a job for 5 years at 25 million he should go, this job isn't Alabama, Notre Dame, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio St, Michigan, LSU or one of the other schools where football is a religion.
Count me in with the YES group. Too much heart and soul put into his program, and at this point, it definitely is his. Just hope the BOT steps up and does it right--otherwise why join the ACC to begin with--to be other teams' spanking boy? Otherwise, screw it and let's join Colgate's conference. (No knock to the Raiders intended.)
Gawd I hope so. But I fear the stuff's already out of the horse

If any of these teams he's interviewing with tender an offer to Marrone, how can he refuse? I mean really...how could he refuse an offer to coach an NFL team?
Marrone stays, gets some of his wish list and Syracuse U. gets the wake up call they need. Space/money/boosters are still problems but the wheels are oiled and get turning, things get done. Marrone will get an NFL job down the road but for now he waits for a plum assignment.

And, since this is the internet, you know I can't be wrong.
God I hope so, and if there are issues regarding facilities, assistants pay, or whatever, that they are resolved to his satisfaction. I can't believe he would leave the job unfinished, unless TGD, Administration and BofT just don't see eye to eye with his needs/ plans.
Marrone stays, gets some of his wish list and Syracuse U. gets the wake up call they need. Space/money/boosters are still problems but the wheels are oiled and get turning, things get done. Marrone will get an NFL job down the road but for now he waits for a plum assignment.

And, since this is the internet, you know I can't be wrong.

If I'm the politician, you are the disillusioned electorate. :p
If I'm the politician, you are the disillusioned electorate. :p

TEXASCPA for (fill in the blank). X

I just voted for you, you can't do worse than what is in office now and you might do a better job. ;)

To the OP, whether Marrone stays or goes, he is still a good coach and I thank him for righting the ship. Were were rudderless under GROB. Marrone fixed that and gave us direction. I hope he stays and believe he will stay at this time. I have no doubt he will be an NFL coach soon enough, though, if he wants to pull a Schwartzwalder/Boeheim and stay a few decades, I probably won't mind.
I sure as hell hope so. I think there's still quite a bit of work to do before we're where we want to be as a program and I feel he's capable of getting us there. Hopefully he stays the course.

That being said, if he gets offer $5M a year to go somewhere and not deal with the headaches he has at SU - I can't blame him. Life is a lot easier when you're getting well compensated and have the resources necessary to make it easier to be successful.
Gone. I just hope its quick and merciful. Then everyone can get on with their lives and stop ripping each other apart in threads.
Sure would like to believe the AD has been all over this and making it happen. That would be the most disturbing of all that this all plays out and we lose him. I for one was ignorant and didn't want to believe it.
Stays. This was a move to get the school to wake up and decide what it wants.

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