Will winning it all silence Boeheim's critics? | Syracusefan.com

Will winning it all silence Boeheim's critics?


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
Boeheim is a great coach but he does have a reputation of under achieving in march and often times people say it was more Melo than him in 03. Would winning it all help elevate him past all of that and finally get the respect he deserves?
Boeheim is a great coach but he does have a reputation of under achieving in march and often times people say it was more Melo than him in 03. Would winning it all help elevate him past all of that and finally get the respect he deserves?

Yes. He's done a masterful job coaching this team this year.
Boeheim is a great coach but he does have a reputation of under achieving in march and often times people say it was more Melo than him in 03. Would winning it all help elevate him past all of that and finally get the respect he deserves?

I think it's critical to his legacy to get a 2nd title. With the missed FF opportunities in 2010 and 2012, we've helped fix a bit of that, but another title will put him, without a doubt, among the all-time greats, even to the naysayers.
I dont think its "critical" to his legacy, but it would firmly cement it. A 2nd title would really quiet all but the most extreme of haters when it comes to what Boeheim has done. As it is, this Final Four trip alone has really elevated Boeheim that much further.
Depends on which critics you want silenced, I guess. Another title cements Boeheim as a great among greats. Top 10 all-time coaches. 4 final fours, 2 national titles and 900+ wins

I don't think anyone is saying he's not a great coach (except maybe Gottleib) - but right now I think Boeheim is on the outside of top-10 all-time. Another title (or two!) will put him in the inner circle.
It won't if Wichita St pulls off the upset, and SU plays and beats them in the Championship.
Boeheim is a great coach but he does have a reputation of under achieving in march and often times people say it was more Melo than him in 03. Would winning it all help elevate him past all of that and finally get the respect he deserves?
If you read Igor's recent posts, it appears he's setting it up to tell us it was more MCW than JB
I wish it would silence the critics and it probably will for the most part until we lose 3 games in a row and then they will come out again. Some people will never be happy with what JB has accomplished...

I think JB has done far more in his career than many coaches who often receive praise from the same people who criticize JB.
Some critics will never admit JB is a great coach. It's more of a personal thing, they simply don't like him. To most rational people, JB was top 10 before the season started.
No, his legacy has been cemented because of how dominant our zone looks right now. (Basically gets cemented assuming we play 2 more games where our zone looks this good so unless everyones last memory of this team is of Michigan/LVille dropping 80-90 on us which is unlikely his legacy will be firmly cemented as a top 5 coach both currently and all time.)

The adulation Boeheim will get is going to be deserved and it will be because of our D. And considering the fact that we play a much cleaner defensive game than all the other good defenses this year all the praise Boeheim gets will be well deserved.
Some critics will never admit JB is a great coach. It's more of a personal thing, they simply don't like him. To most rational people, JB was top 10 before the season started.
I'm not 100% sure it's personal, but I agree with what you are saying. It's like saying Phil Mickelson wasn't a great golfer until he won majors. JB's record should stand for itself.
I don't give two sh.ts what the so called critics think. JB has done more for our program, our school, our pride and enjoyment than any BBall coach before, and most likely after, him. That's all that really matters in my book.
I barely remember Danforth and I am almost in my mid 50's. Most fans have never known anyone else. His consistency is unparalled and Syracuse fans have been extremely lucky. Totally different situation but we all know what happened with the football program when P was fired.
I remember them saying in 1996 that the job JB did would silence the critics. It didn't.

I remember them saying in 2003 that the National Championship would silence the critics. It didn't.

If/when Syracuse wins another championship this year they migt say that will finally silence the critics. It won't.

As long as JB is coaching the 2-3, and pleading his case (i.e. whining) with cappy referees. As long as JB is rolling his eyes and cracking wise at unprepared media types. And as long as JB is still on the Syracuse sidelines there will be CRITICS. And you'll never shut the S.O.B.'s up.
I think his legacy is going to get an uptick just by having some of the better teams here towards the end. Three out of the last four have been 30 win seasons. He may average close to 30 wins per for his last 8-10 years.

Add to that his signature zone is starting to be one of the best Ds in the nation. And now he is being able to recruit/select players even more tailored to playing it.
some of them will pipe up again the first season we slip below a 4 seed, lose on the first weekend or heaven forbid go back to the NIT. We already know how the posts are going to read and who they are going to come from:

"he only won the first one because of Melo and only the 2nd because of (a lucky draw, MCW, whatever suits their story best). If we want to be an elite program then a FF every ten years is unacceptable, just ask Ben Howland. Syracuse with its advantages should have at least as many as Duke, etc."
"Silence the critics" is such a dumb phrase. Sillier than Bob Knight's "game face."

As long as there is an industry devoted to sports coverage and in need of faux-controversies to provide content and fill airtime, there will be critics. As long as coaches make mistakes (they all do), there will be criticism of them.

The former is pretty lame, but I suppose it's part and parcel of the comprehensive sports coverage we all enjoy. As for the latter, there's nothing wrong with that.
You'll never silence the critics. It's what they do... criticize. If I recall, I think some people criticized Dean Smith for "only" winning two championships.
Depends on which critics you want silenced, I guess. Another title cements Boeheim as a great among greats. Top 10 all-time coaches. 4 final fours, 2 national titles and 900+ wins

I don't think anyone is saying he's not a great coach (except maybe Gottleib) - but right now I think Boeheim is on the outside of top-10 all-time. Another title (or two!) will put him in the inner circle.

Yes, that's what I'm saying too - not that JB is not a great coach, but if he gets a 2nd title (and/or a few more Final Fours), that goes a long way toward shutting up any critics who don't consider him Top 10 all time.
Everyone has critics. You cannot silence them all no matter what you do. IF SU wins another NC, I will care even less what those critics will say.
Yes, that's what I'm saying too - not that JB is not a great coach, but if he gets a 2nd title (and/or a few more Final Fours), that goes a long way toward shutting up any critics who don't consider him Top 10 all time.
We can't deny that JB's record in NCAA tournaments is much worse than you would expect, given all the regular-season success he's had. If he gets a 2nd title and a few more FFs, all you're left to complain about is his style and other nit-picking.
It will squelch and delay the arguments, though. If you don't like the way he coaches, you'll be appeased by the win, but it won't change what you don't like.

I think that's what's misunderstood. You can love something and not love every single thing about it. You can appreciate something and still wish it were a little bit different. I'm not sure why 'fandom' has to be so cut and dried and black and white.

I like some of who JB is. I dislike some of who JB is. He's given us a remarkably consistent program. I wish we won more. We won a NC under him, and i think his loyalty and that consistency have earned him the right to determine his future. But, that's not an absolute right, and it doesn't earn anyone a free pass on every choice or decision they make. The games are still up for discussion and debate between reasonable people.

And, maybe, among those 'reasonable people,' we can determine what is "great." How many active coaches are "great?" And what determines it? Longevity? Total wins? Actual in-game strategy? Preparation? There are those who will only look at a win total, and that's enough. Others will dissect matters... Personally, my list of "great" college coaches doesn't extend past 5.

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