not really. its hard to be high IQ when you are atheltically limited.
Can't count how many times on Defense I waited for the player just off the screen to zoom in and get the steal off of the press or trap...and it was buddy there either standing or trying but not quick enough to get there...when a typical SU player would always get that steal. HAPPENS A LOT! He also gets his hand on the ball...but only just enough to not get the steal and then since he committed the other team ends up scoring UVA loss and houston losses had a few sequences that were really bad by him.
Plus on offense the other team KNOWS WHAT HE's GOING TO DO...most couldnt stop it anyway at the end of the season...but the Houstons or Baylors of the world can. He either backs you down very slow and shoots a tough 2 or hits a wide open 3.
This season is going to be interesting...teams will have him scouted and take him out of games more often, imo. he's gotta have a counter when they do that...
He's high IQ considering what he is capable of and that he can maximize what he has...but overall, no. passing wise he is super conservative and never wows...its like the game is very fast for him but he compensates by just sticking to a few actions that he knws how to do well...but that to me cant mean high IQ.
A high IQ player wouldve burned Houston for double teaming him...but he couldnt he just kept jacking up impossible shots or throwing the ball away all game.
When he is hitting shots hes a big plus for the team despite the limitations...but when hes not hes a negative, imo.