Wright has got it Right | Syracusefan.com

Wright has got it Right


All Conference
Oct 13, 2016
Villanova recruits below the 5 star group searching for unselfish talented players who WANT to play for Nova and put the team first. These players set aside their personal goals and focus on team success. Nova always has a deep bench of guards and nobody leaves early. They are typically 4 year players and as each learns Wrights' system they are able to lead underclass men and actually floor coach the younger players. Wright then builds on an already established team with new recruits that buy in on his philosophy. He is not constantly re-inventing the team each year because he doesn't recruit one and done 5-star players. He is firm but yet nurtures his players. You never see discord on the bench or floor. Unless you pick up top top 5-star player it makes no sense because they won't be good enough to carry you but just good enough to undermine your teams cohesion when they leave after first year and leave a void with nothing to build on. The zone seems to be antiquated because of all the long range sharpshooters that exist now. JMHO
Villanova recruits below the 5 star group searching for unselfish talented players who WANT to play for Nova and put the team first. These players set aside their personal goals and focus on team success. Nova always has a deep bench of guards and nobody leaves early. They are typically 4 year players and as each learns Wrights' system they are able to lead underclass men and actually floor coach the younger players. Wright then builds on an already established team with new recruits that buy in on his philosophy. He is not constantly re-inventing the team each year because he doesn't recruit one and done 5-star players. He is firm but yet nurtures his players. You never see discord on the bench or floor. Unless you pick up top top 5-star player it makes no sense because they won't be good enough to carry you but just good enough to undermine your teams cohesion when they leave after first year and leave a void with nothing to build on. The zone seems to be antiquated because of all the long range sharpshooters that exist now. JMHO
Villanova also recruits 5 star players. They just don't get them. Wright does a great job of coaching his players up. And, they have been lucky that when they have players on the fence of whether to go to the NBA or not, they stay. Ours have left. Nobody had Malachi Richardson or Tyler Ennis pegged as one and done players. Unfortunately they received enough exposure that they went in the first round. Jay Wright is doing an unbelievable job at Nova, but don't make it sound like he doesn't recruit 5 star recruits. Nova has offered Duval, Bamba and Diallo among others, all top ten players.
Villanova also recruits 5 star players. They just don't get them. Wright does a great job of coaching his players up. And, they have been lucky that when they have players on the fence of whether to go to the NBA or not, they stay. Ours have left. Nobody had Malachi Richardson or Tyler Ennis pegged as one and done players. Unfortunately they received enough exposure that they went in the first round. Jay Wright is doing an unbelievable job at Nova, but don't make it sound like he doesn't recruit 5 star recruits. Nova has offered Duval, Bamba and Diallo among others, all top ten players.
Wright is a positive coach who builds players confidence. Not JB style.
Villanova also recruits 5 star players. They just don't get them. Wright does a great job of coaching his players up. And, they have been lucky that when they have players on the fence of whether to go to the NBA or not, they stay. Ours have left. Nobody had Malachi Richardson or Tyler Ennis pegged as one and done players. Unfortunately they received enough exposure that they went in the first round. Jay Wright is doing an unbelievable job at Nova, but don't make it sound like he doesn't recruit 5 star recruits. Nova has offered Duval, Bamba and Diallo among others, all top ten players.
You are correct sir
This isn't a player issue. It's a head coach issue.
Villanova recruits below the 5 star group searching for unselfish talented players who WANT to play for Nova and put the team first. These players set aside their personal goals and focus on team success. Nova always has a deep bench of guards and nobody leaves early. They are typically 4 year players and as each learns Wrights' system they are able to lead underclass men and actually floor coach the younger players. Wright then builds on an already established team with new recruits that buy in on his philosophy. He is not constantly re-inventing the team each year because he doesn't recruit one and done 5-star players. He is firm but yet nurtures his players. You never see discord on the bench or floor. Unless you pick up top top 5-star player it makes no sense because they won't be good enough to carry you but just good enough to undermine your teams cohesion when they leave after first year and leave a void with nothing to build on. The zone seems to be antiquated because of all the long range sharpshooters that exist now. JMHO

I love Jay Wright but so what. Between probation and a couple of kids blowing up and leaving and a coach at the end of the line we are where we are.
Villanova recruits below the 5 star group searching for unselfish talented players who WANT to play for Nova and put the team first. These players set aside their personal goals and focus on team success. Nova always has a deep bench of guards and nobody leaves early. They are typically 4 year players and as each learns Wrights' system they are able to lead underclass men and actually floor coach the younger players. Wright then builds on an already established team with new recruits that buy in on his philosophy. He is not constantly re-inventing the team each year because he doesn't recruit one and done 5-star players. He is firm but yet nurtures his players. You never see discord on the bench or floor. Unless you pick up top top 5-star player it makes no sense because they won't be good enough to carry you but just good enough to undermine your teams cohesion when they leave after first year and leave a void with nothing to build on. The zone seems to be antiquated because of all the long range sharpshooters that exist now. JMHO
The years that JB brought in 3 and 4 star players, many here said he was a horrible recruiter, settling for lesser talent and couldn't get the big names needed to win a NC. They would point out that all NC's have a least 1 McD's AA. They would point to Duke et al as shinning examples of winning with 1 n dones. Let a guy win 1 championship and his style is the "way to go". Previous to last year, Wright made it to the sweet 16, 3 times. Since 2001, Wrights first year, JB made it to same level 7 times. His BE record is 162 - 96 with a 48-6 record in the NEW BE. For many years, Wright often had to play a 3 and 4 guard offense, since he couldn't recruit big men.
The years that JB brought in 3 and 4 star players, many here said he was a horrible recruiter, settling for lesser talent and couldn't get the big names needed to win a NC. They would point out that all NC's have a least 1 McD's AA. They would point to Duke et al as shinning examples of winning with 1 n dones. Let a guy win 1 championship and his style is the "way to go". Previous to last year, Wright made it to the sweet 16, 3 times. Since 2001, Wrights first year, JB made it to same level 7 times. His BE record is 162 - 96 with a 48-6 record in the NEW BE. For many years, Wright often had to play a 3 and 4 guard offense, since he couldn't recruit big men.

Yup. Until last year he hadn't been past the first weekend since 2009. The same people wanting the entire staff gone here would have wanted Wright gone if he had a stretch like that here.
Yup. Until last year he hadn't been past the first weekend since 2009. The same people wanting the entire staff gone here would have wanted Wright gone if he had a stretch like that here.
And please don't misunderstand. I think Wright is a good coach but I just hate it that since he has a run of good years, don't think he is superior to JB. Many years in the old BE, he had a tough time getting in the upper half of the conference and some of the years he did finish higher, it was as much scheduling where he got double games against the lower half instead of playing UConn, GT and Pitt twice a year.
There is no perfect formula here. Villanova and Wisconsin are recent teams that have benefitted from veteran experience of solid players against more talented but less experienced players.

Most teams have up and downs. Most teams have had a more severe down then we have experienced in the past 25 years (Excluding this year anyway). This includes Duke, UNC, Kentucky, Indiana and UCLA.

We have a recruiting formula that worked very well from 2009-2014 --. It also mix of top recruits who excelled by the sophomore season and also some quality 3/4 year players that formed a very good foundation of talent. Right now we are just a little short in both areas.

Roberson, Coleman, White are not as good as the JR/SR of prior years. We don't have an impact sophomore that we had in those periods as Lydon has struggled a bit. Frank Howard, is not Dion Waiters or MCW who stepped into the backcourt as sophomore. When those players were recruited it seemed like it good possibly work again, but it just hasn't.
Jay Wright is just a very good coach on both ends of the floor. Switches 1-4 on defense his 5-man are usually big bodies that can screen and be effective rollers in his PnR system. He has 4 shooters around his 5-man and their concepts and PNR system is as good as anyone's in the entire country. They adjust to how they are being covered ball screen wise and Wright is always creating advantages for his players with his system.
This isn't a player issue. It's a head coach issue.
Not really. We were forced to take guys who just aren't good enough to play at this level. We have guys without the heart it takes to fight back against adversity.
We have a player who has the lottery talent and the green light to be a star, but is hesitant to take over.
This team is just mismatched.
Not really. We were forced to take guys who just aren't good enough to play at this level. We have guys without the heart it takes to fight back against adversity.
We have a player who has the lottery talent and the green light to be a star, but is hesitant to take over.
This team is just mismatched.

Nobody forced us to take Howard and DC.
Nobody forced us to take Howard and DC.
DC was the NYS player of the year his Sr yr and a McD's AA and considered a top center in the country in high school. SU fans considered themselves lucky to get him. He was supposed to be 1 of the McD AA's on the a NC run. Injuries have done him in.
DC was the NYS player of the year his Sr yr and a McD's AA and considered a top center in the country in high school. SU fans considered themselves lucky to get him. He was supposed to be 1 of the McD AA's on the a NC run. Injuries have done him in.

I'd believe the injury thing if he actually did something his first year and a half.

Injuries didn't do him in, being a bad basketball player did him in.
I'd believe the injury thing if he actually did something his first year and a half.

Injuries didn't do him in, being a bad basketball player did him in.
Yeah, imo, DC2 was a beast in HS against physically smaller kids, just didn't have the basketball skills to compete with comparable players at this level. Didn't get great big man coaching either, but if he can't learn to not bring the ball down, well...
Villanova recruits below the 5 star group searching for unselfish talented players who WANT to play for Nova and put the team first. These players set aside their personal goals and focus on team success. Nova always has a deep bench of guards and nobody leaves early. They are typically 4 year players and as each learns Wrights' system they are able to lead underclass men and actually floor coach the younger players. Wright then builds on an already established team with new recruits that buy in on his philosophy. He is not constantly re-inventing the team each year because he doesn't recruit one and done 5-star players. He is firm but yet nurtures his players. You never see discord on the bench or floor. Unless you pick up top top 5-star player it makes no sense because they won't be good enough to carry you but just good enough to undermine your teams cohesion when they leave after first year and leave a void with nothing to build on. The zone seems to be antiquated because of all the long range sharpshooters that exist now. JMHO
Which one of our kids is Selfish, doesn't want to play for SU, and doesn't put the team first? How do you know what any of their personal goals are? I'd submit that ANY player who signs to a major conference team has 'playing in the NBA' as a personal goal. And they all recognize that 'team success' is a great avenue to get them there. How do you reconcile that Malachi essentially went rogue against Virginia, and that's what (finally) got us over the Cavaliers? He wasn't playing in the team scheme.

I get what you're saying, but you have to make a lot of assumptions to get there, all while impugning (our) good kids who really aren't any different than theirs. It's kinda funny how we are recruiting the same players as other teams, but when the kid signs for a program we don't like, he becomes a bad kid (Kentucky...). Ironically, you're kinda turning that around.

It is true that teams that don't typically get high-4 and 5-star kids are used to having the bulk of their teams around for 4 years, and that builds cohesion and fundamentals, and all that nice stuff. But, then you're often stuck with fair-to-middling teams of 3-star talent+experience, which only occasionally leads to big time success. Emulating Nova only because they've recently won a championship is probably not the best idea. They had much the same system for a long time, and were criticized for not having impact in the tournament.
I'd believe the injury thing if he actually did something his first year and a half.

Injuries didn't do him in, being a bad basketball player did him in.
Come on, man. Play nice. He chose us, and has worked hard with an amazing attitude. What more can we ask? He was never Embiid, but he was still a player we 'had to get.'
Which one of our kids is Selfish, doesn't want to play for SU, and doesn't put the team first? How do you know what any of their personal goals are? I'd submit that ANY player who signs to a major conference team has 'playing in the NBA' as a personal goal. And they all recognize that 'team success' is a great avenue to get them there. How do you reconcile that Malachi essentially went rogue against Virginia, and that's what (finally) got us over the Cavaliers? He wasn't playing in the team scheme.

I get what you're saying, but you have to make a lot of assumptions to get there, all while impugning (our) good kids who really aren't any different than theirs. It's kinda funny how we are recruiting the same players as other teams, but when the kid signs for a program we don't like, he becomes a bad kid (Kentucky...). Ironically, you're kinda turning that around.

It is true that teams that don't typically get high-4 and 5-star kids are used to having the bulk of their teams around for 4 years, and that builds cohesion and fundamentals, and all that nice stuff. But, then you're often stuck with fair-to-middling teams of 3-star talent+experience, which only occasionally leads to big time success. Emulating Nova only because they've recently won a championship is probably not the best idea. They had much the same system for a long time, and were criticized for not having impact in the tournament.
I've been wondering if we miss on recognizing a psychological profile on recruits that are purely intent on getting to the NBA asap; back to Donte Green, we seem to have the highest percentage of kids that jump as quickly as possible. And I'm talking about non Top10 type kids, which we really never get anyway...
Come on, man. Play nice. He chose us, and has worked hard with an amazing attitude. What more can we ask? He was never Embiid, but he was still a player we 'had to get.'

You are right, we did "have" to get him. With him being in the back yard it would have been embarrassing not to get him even though I never believed he would be a great player.

There are positives about him, great attitude, hard worker, and has done what has been asked from him like you said and I would never take or try to take any of that away from him. But as a player his game is bad.

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