Jason Collins: first openly gay athlete in US Sports history | Page 5 | Syracusefan.com

Jason Collins: first openly gay athlete in US Sports history

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Tim - come over and make me feel like a real man. Call me.

Tim Brando@TimBrando 3h
On the topic of Jason Collins I really don't care and frankly why should anyone else.The HERO worship is out of bounds.I'm glad he is happy.

" Tim Brando@TimBrando 2h
@danfmiller if he had done this coming out of Stanford then I would have been borderline"impressed"!He is past his prime, but happy for him.

Tim Brando@TimBrando 1h
Calling it a night folks. The Dictionary matters to me and "HERO"can't be used loosely. That's my only point. Twitter took over afterwards.

Also note...

From last December:
Watching my Hero Curt Gowdy on Archives Special from an old CBS Sports Spectacular recorded in the very early 80's. The American Sportsman!

and from last August:
.@dariusrucker You are my HERO for the day. @TwoGlovesGolf was my partner in the ProAm at St.Judes in Memphis. My family enjoyed ur Concert!

...so obviously the dictionary wasn't in play on those days. HOOTIE.
I would love to know how a study like that was conducted. I don't doubt the conclusions necessarily. Just curious (can I still use that word?) what criteria was used and how samples were collected.

In general I think people are more compassionate when they have adequate resources of their own. Research in social sciences is politicized crap, but the general premise makes sense because we have an abundance of resources. We'll be able to circle back on this in another 25 years or so after we've had to hyperinflate our way out of debt (see: Weimar Republic) and see if I'm right...my guess is the world will turn brutal quickly.

It's why I couldn't care less if someone came out and admitted he was sexually attracted to horses - in the big scheme of things it just doesn't matter.

I'm hearing Collins is a HERO because he made history! Ok as a Sports Commentator if I make a SEX tape is that history?The word matters ok

This one has since been deleted:

@matthewrwalter it was his choice to come out at age 34 and his future beyond basketball enhanced by an Agent that wanted this story NOW! Ok

The deleted one is foolish; I've got no gripe with any criticism of the medium or that quote.
In general I think people are more compassionate when they have adequate resources of their own. Research in social sciences is politicized crap, but the general premise makes sense because we have an abundance of resources. We'll be able to circle back on this in another 25 years or so after we've had to hyperinflate our way out of debt (see: Weimar Republic) and see if I'm right...my guess is the world will turn brutal quickly.

It's why I couldn't care less if someone came out and admitted he was sexually attracted to horses - in the big scheme of things it just doesn't matter.

For the record, and for those who do not know, the question asked to Broussard was "What do you think about Jason Collins being a Christian?" He then explained his interpretation of Christianity in that context. I'm not quite sure what else he is supposed to say, unless you want him to lie(according to his beliefs), and be someone he is not.

If you want to be upset at something, be upset at the question asked by ESPN, as some may argue that is not a proper forum for that type of discussion.
For the record, and for those who do not know, the question asked to Broussard was "What do you think about Jason Collins being a Christian?" He then explained his interpretation of Christianity in that context. I'm not quite sure what else he is supposed to say, unless you want him to lie(according to his beliefs), and be someone he is not.

If you want to be upset at something, be upset at the question asked by ESPN, as some may argue that is not a proper forum for that type of discussion.

It was an opportunity for Broussard - as a Christian - to show that he's Christlike. He failed.
I think the term homophobic is over used and misused. Phobic mean fear of. Just because certain people don't agree with a certain sexual orientation ( or any other issues) or does not approve of it does that mean they are afraid of it. The fact that those people are vilified for their beliefs is disturbing to me as an American. The best answer to those who believe such is to let the evolution of society make it a non issue.

They're vilified for their beliefs because they're bigots.

Hey Broussard, doesn't it say in the Book of Matthew not to make a show of your religion? Let's not pick and choose which sins we speak out against and which ones we let slide. It's far too easy to disguise closemindedness as religious virtue.
My memory is that Billy Jean KIng was probably the first "name athlete" to come out, but she was actually "outed" by a former girlfriend, so it is not the same thing. Martina was an interesting story. It was pretty common knowledge that she was a lesbian, but she went through some elaborate pretenses to the contrary ... until she became a US citizen. In the climate then, she was afraid of being denied US citizenship because homosexuality was considered a "moral issue" back then. As a society, we've come a long way.

Tennis great Bill Tilden was out way before Martina was born. And pro football player Dave Kopay, to my recollection, was one of the first pro athletes to come out (in '75). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Kopay

Billie Jean was married for years ... to Larry King, but not the famous Larry King.
Tennis great Bill Tilden was out way before Martina was born. And pro football player Dave Kopay, to my recollection, was one of the first pro athletes to come out (in '75). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Kopay

Billie Jean was married for years ... to Larry King, but not the famous Larry King.
Billy Jean King was born Billy Jean Moffitt. Her brother was the baseball player Randy Moffitt. I don't think Tilden ever voluntarily came out of the closet. He just kept getting arrested for soliciting sex with minors.
I would love to know how a study like that was conducted. I don't doubt the conclusions necessarily. Just curious (can I still use that word?) what criteria was used and how samples were collected.
I will try to find it for you. Obviously, it was not a scientific study with controls, etc. I believe I read it on slate.com.
Billy Jean King was born Billy Jean Moffitt. Her brother was the baseball player Randy Moffitt. I don't think Tilden ever voluntarily came out of the closet. He just kept getting arrested for soliciting sex with minors.
Funny, Joyce, the former sportswriter in me was going to throw in the Moffitt angle, but I was going for conciseness. And, yes, you're correct, Tilden never publicly proclaimed his sexuality, but it was no secret. And, of course there is University of Rochester Med School alum Dr. Richard Raskind who became tennis player Renee Richards.
I would love to know how a study like that was conducted. I don't doubt the conclusions necessarily. Just curious (can I still use that word?) what criteria was used and how samples were collected.
Okay, google failed me.

But here's a link to a book review. The author's premise is that the world is definitely becoming less violent and less cruel. The reviewer said that Pinker spent 6 chapters trying to prove his premise!


Getting back to the gay thing, I think a simple fact is that when "gay" equals "other," it can be more easily condemned. When "gay" starts becoming friends, neighbors, children, etc., people begin to question the condemnation. This loosening of condemnation allows other people to come out, allowing for even more compassion and less condemnation, and pretty soon people are moving on to more interesting subjects.
It was an opportunity for Broussard - as a Christian - to show that he's Christlike. He failed.

Him not failing would be like a 16 beating a 1.
I'm sure this will come out wrong, but based on his photo, I think maybe this issue hit a little close to home for Mr. Shapiro.


Now the question is: what are Curly and Larry's opinions on this matter?
Regarding Brando and his comments about "Jason Collins is not a HERO" for coming out, well, does he not understand that the movement for LGBT rights is this generation's civil rights movement? Would he suggest that Rosa Parks wasn't a hero? I may be overstating the impact Collins has, but there's a certain parallel there when you get right down to it.

Obviously there have been bigger LGBT heroes. Harvey Milk springs to mind. That said, Collins is breaking down a barrier. Maybe I should have gone with Jackie Robinson, since hopefully Collins will open up the floodgates of gay athletes feeling bolstered by his courage to follow suit, in which case Jason absolutely IS a hero.
Regarding Brando and his comments about "Jason Collins is not a HERO" for coming out, well, does he not understand that the movement for LGBT rights is this generation's civil rights movement? Would he suggest that Rosa Parks wasn't a hero? I may be overstating the impact Collins has, but there's a certain parallel there when you get right down to it.

Obviously there have been bigger LGBT heroes. Harvey Milk springs to mind. That said, Collins is breaking down a barrier. Maybe I should have gone with Jackie Robinson, since hopefully Collins will open up the floodgates of gay athletes feeling bolstered by his courage to follow suit, in which case Jason absolutely IS a hero.

My belief is that if one kid doesn't kill himself because of Jason Collins, then he is in fact a hero.
He's a 34 year old free agent. It almost doesn't count that he came out now. Let's see if any teams have the courage to sign him to a new contract. THAT would be progress.
And honestly, what is there to disagree with? The only major difference in lifestyle is that the gays I know go on a lot more trips. Seriously, they're always travelling and checking into airline lounges at JFK and Newark on Facebook. It's obnoxious.

Ain't that the truth! Guys and gals I know both. Why aren't they saving money for the kids they might someday have?
For the record, and for those who do not know, the question asked to Broussard was "What do you think about Jason Collins being a Christian?" He then explained his interpretation of Christianity in that context. I'm not quite sure what else he is supposed to say, unless you want him to lie(according to his beliefs), and be someone he is not.

If you want to be upset at something, be upset at the question asked by ESPN, as some may argue that is not a proper forum for that type of discussion.
A real Christian knows that only God can judge.
For the record, and for those who do not know, the question asked to Broussard was "What do you think about Jason Collins being a Christian?" He then explained his interpretation of Christianity in that context. I'm not quite sure what else he is supposed to say, unless you want him to lie(according to his beliefs), and be someone he is not.

If you want to be upset at something, be upset at the question asked by ESPN, as some may argue that is not a proper forum for that type of discussion.

I agree with your premise in the second paragraph above. Like MTV no longer actually plays music, it seems ESPN is filling less and less of it's time slots with actual sport.

As to your first paragraph, I think he would have been better served saying that he's a basketball reporter and they should ask those kinds of questions to a religious expert. Because you know someone is out there right now trying to dig up whatever dirt they can on Broussard to make him look hypocritical.
Tim Brando@TimBrando 3h
On the topic of Jason Collins I really don't care and frankly why should anyone else.The HERO worship is out of bounds.I'm glad he is happy.

" Tim Brando@TimBrando 2h
@danfmiller if he had done this coming out of Stanford then I would have been borderline"impressed"!He is past his prime, but happy for him.

Tim Brando@TimBrando 1h
Calling it a night folks. The Dictionary matters to me and "HERO"can't be used loosely. That's my only point. Twitter took over afterwards.

Also note...

From last December:
Watching my Hero Curt Gowdy on Archives Special from an old CBS Sports Spectacular recorded in the very early 80's. The American Sportsman!

and from last August:
.@dariusrucker You are my HERO for the day. @TwoGlovesGolf was my partner in the ProAm at St.Judes in Memphis. My family enjoyed ur Concert!

...so obviously the dictionary wasn't in play on those days. HOOTIE.

He also called being gay a choice. He has to be done as well. He should stay away from twitter when he is drinking.

"I knew once we allowed Major League Soccer, it would turn all the other sports gay. And now that it's possible that a pro athlete could be gay, how can I relate to them? Suddenly it's like a 7 foot tall world-class athlete and I have nothing in common." -Stephen Colbert
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