Can someone explain to me what exactly Lauder's role on the team was last year? It seemed he served as a designated clearing attackman. He would be subbed on when the opposing team cleared the ball and then once the ball was cleared back into the SU offensive zone, he would sub back out. I've never seen a player used that way. Was he supposed to be good on the fast break? Was it stick control? It always looked odd to me and I know he had at least one turnover in the clearing game. Is this how he'll be used again?
My understanding, at least from reading this board is that DiPietro, personally wanted to red-shirt to ensure more playing time, and it wasn't a subject that the coaches broached with him. No insider information, just going by what I read. So I think it would have to be the players idea to red-shirt, and have faith in himself to earn playing time the next year. Midfield is different than defense, there are six open spots and you can rotate players a lot more freely than a close d unit of three that hardly ever changes. If a midfielder were to red-shirt after their freshmen year, you'd effectively be saying there are six guys better than me, whereas a defender can say there are only three. Kind of hard to make an argument for yourself if you are the seventh best player at your position on the team. PLUS, for Quinn or Lauder, or anyone else not in that top six (and Quinn might be), only one spot opens up on the top two lines next year, so your pretty much in the same spot as you were entering this season.