I appreciate your position on this and personally, found your personal anecdote interesting as I generally find those kinds of stories interesting. I think the second paragraph above is really what i was responding to. I have no clue what you do, your relative level of success, your income (some people link those things), the opportunities you have had, etc., but I think a lot of people equate rankings to those types of things, and it's really just superficial (which you acknowledge and I always struggle with too).
The overarching point is that you are you, and the differences between Syracuse and BC are probably negligible for someone like you (and for most people).
My personal history: I have always been a good, not great student. I went to a good public high school and took a fairly challenging course load (not the hardest). I'd like to say I underachieved a little, but I recognize my aptitude level is also not elite and I'm just not a "bookworm". I was a recruited athlete and was looked at and applied to schools that i would consider to be reaches (one of which boarders on elite), right-level, and safeties for me. I got into my reaches, i believe mostly due to athletic preference (theoretical SAT and GPA bump). I did not end up going to those schools though. I sometimes get caught up in the vanity of why i didnt go there and what life would have been like had i done so. Then i self-assess and realize I am pretty much right where I would be regardless. I assume that applies to most people, which is why i offered, "what difference does any of that make?" Perhaps i am projecting too much.